
I decided I don't run enough, nor want to run enough, to do trail running.I really don't want to run more than 10 miles a week - which I have noticed seems to be the minimum weekly mileagetrail-runners do.I love the woods, but I think I am going to leave it for hiking.Also, I would rather ensure...
What I know is... The best way to run barefoot througha mud puddle is to run straight through it, making sure to land right in the middle of it, not around it.
I just completed my first week barefoot. I did 8.5 miles! I feel awesome! My favorite part of the week was when this dude (who passed me while running) literally "glared" at me -and I know it was cuz of the shoes, but I am not sure why he felt it necessary to glare. I think it may have been the...
I have been running on all sorts of evil things this last week, barefoot, but only for about 5 minutes at a time -gravel, trails, asphalt- just getting a feel for it. The gravel knocked any urge to push off right out of me -lol. I wanted to run barefooton a trail formy first time, however, after...
I run in VFF. I have been running in them for several months. About 3 weeks ago I really got into working on my form per Ken Bob's book: Not pushing off, relaxed, head up, fast cadence, leading with my hips.And I got all of that down. Then...I started working on allowing my heel to come down...
I just recently changed a buttload of stuff with my running. I run in VFFs. I had been running 3 miles 2-3 X a week, mostly pavement. The last trail run I did, which was over a week ago, was great while it was happening, except I stubbed my toe as the very end of it. But I also did something...
I had an all night dream the other night that I was running (barefoot). I was pretty tired when I woke up. Hah!
So yesterday...I ran the 5k part of McCleay Trail (sp?) in VFFs. I concentrated really hard onBENDING MY KNEES (I can hearMike in my mind even now -lol). It made running way easier and I had a lot less soreness afterward, than I usually have. The downhill part was especially easy, which it is...
8 miles this week! About half of them trails. Today was all trails and on the way down...I thought it would be fun to land on two differentrocks the exactsame"wrong" way, with the same foot, and totally bruised the outer side of it. I thought that I had fractured it for a second, but I have had...
I ran 7 total miles this week, 1.5 of which were trails, and walked 2 miles this week. I actually think I may like trail running better, and may just primarily start doing that. :D I havehad a bit of an issue with an over-streched feeling in my arch while running this week, but if I slow...
I see some other people do weekly reports on here. I think that is a good idea, so here is mine! I ran 1.75 miles Tuesday and Thursday on concrete, 1 mile Friday (part walking) on dirt trails, 2 miles on Sunday on asphalt. No major aches or painswith the exception of yesterday. My arch started...
So I have a couple of personality-twin friends who went from couch potato to marathoning in a couple of years. They started doing strange things like, joining running sites, getting running partners, going to running events, competing in marathons. I viewed this " reliance on others for...
So about 6 months ago a guy ran buy me wearing...Vibram 5 Fingers running shoes. I thought "how cool." I am a big believer in "returning to nature" -so to speak. I spent probably no more than 5 minutes reading about barefoot running on the Internetand then ordered a pair of VFF in hot pink and...

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