
I just recently changed a buttload of stuff with my running.

I run in VFFs. I had been running 3 miles 2-3 X a week, mostly pavement. The last trail run I did, which was over a week ago, was great while it was happening, except I stubbed my toe as the very end of it. But I also did something totally stupid. I have a left hip joint that gets stuck periodically. The lack of motion causes problems in all the joints on the left side, from my shoulders to my ankles. Well, on the day of the trail run, when I woke up I could tell that it was stuck. And instead of working it out with my strength exercises and stretches, I ignored it like an idiot. So after 3 miles of running, and after the endorphins wore off, the entire left side of my body was a clenched fist and started dragging the right side with it.I had to spend about 4 days not exercising at all, not even my strength exercises."Luckily" I had demolished my toe pretty bad so I would not have been able to run during that time anyway. I amNEVER going to do thatagain. Never ignore your body's signs!!!

Once I was able to start running again, I decided to start running every day instead of a couple times a day, taking a day off whenever the body dictated it. So now I have been running approximately1.5 miles a day.I like it better because it is making me distinctly stronger, faster.

So I started reading Ken Bob's book.It is amazing how much there is to the technique of barefoot running. This past week I have really, really, really started applying and practicing the techniques. Somewere already happening naturally, some I already had down, andothers I had not even began to do.

Yesterday I had a super-duper break-through moment. I actually managedto figure out how to "fall forward"without leaning my torso.I think that concept is the hardest of all to explain and understand. Yesterday and today I really focused on letting my knees bend and I finally felt the natural springing action.Surprisingly, the deeper I bend my knees, thebetter my left hip feels. Also, my left hip and knee and ankle (which are usually a lot weaker than my right side due to the hip getting stuck) have suddenly gotten sore sincebending my knees more. That is indicative that thetechnique of barefoot running is"forcing" the hip to move correctly, and not get stuck,allowing thestrained muscles, to stop straining, and instead, engage, anddo what they are supposed to be doing. Awesome! My hips and low back have felt extra, extra good since the increased knee bending also. They are very loose, and flexible.

The only one weird thing is the outside of my left ankle gets a bit swollen. But that isbecause my foot on that side tends to wobblehorizontally back and forth, instead of facing directly forward,because of my hip problem. I anticipate, that in time, that will also diminish.

Oh yeah, I ran 100 feet, barefoot. Can I call myself a barefoot runner now? Lol.


you went BF? damn! i thought i would be the first to get you to do it. then you go and do it by yourself. hmm.

good job. i too ran today working on bending my knees more. my quads hurt.

@Mike: :p

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