What beer are you drinking tonight? For the new forum...

I had a couple of Alimony Ales last night. I kind of like it. Will probably have one or two tonight as well, and maybe something from the restaurant with dinner tonight. Love birthdays, it's ok to tie one on. :D
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I haven't jumped in on this thread, but I've been enjoying all of the suggestions and compiling a list of new beers to try.

My wife and I just got back from a long weekend in Woodstock Vermont and visited 2 great breweries near there. Went to Harpoon on Saturday and sampled several. Brought home a case of Unfiltered Pumpkin Ale. Outstanding.
On Monday we went for a four-mile hike (barefoot, of course; well - I was, my wife wore her Teva's) and afterwards hit the Long Trail Brewery for lunch. What a great day! Brought home a case of their Imperial Pumpkin Ale from their "Brewmaster Series" - 9% alcohol. Kicks yer ass pretty good but tastes fantastic!
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This was a couple of days ago. View off of the timeshare porch in Flagstaff, Arizona.


and here is the growler of Lumberyard IPA.
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Beautiful photos!
Makes me want to fill the growler...it is Tuesday Growler Day at my local Brew Pub after all!
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Thanks Longboard. It's a cheap camera and I haven't read the owner's manual yet. As soon as I do, I'll lose the camera. It's hard to screw up scenery like that.

I love growlers, but they don't have too many filling stations in Utah. The problem was I polished that one off in one evening. I didn't want to risk the beer going flat.;)

Tonight I'm trying a Red Hoptober from New Belgium.
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Ran yesterday, so cycled to the local brew pub today. They had their usual golden ale, red, IPA, stout, and wheat.
Instead of one or two seasonals or specials they additionaly had a pumpkin ale, a rye, a porter, a special bitter, and the last of the 7.5% summer wheat.
Had to get the sampler instead of my mug club 28 ouncer at happy hour price just to try them all.
Making up for it by drinking Bud Light while watching the scoreless game even though it's half over.
Guess I'm a sucker.......the opening inning was officialy called "The Budweiser Opening Inning"!
That announced shortly after "The Taco Bell Starting Lineup " was introduced.
Huppendorfer (HOO-pen-dor-fur) - first beer of the night. It's common here for breweries to name their Bier after the town/village they're located in. This one is a classic in this area, really good stuff, and I'll post a pic of the second Bier of the night, too :)

617251_515821388429510_1298054147_o.jpg :
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Second Bier of the night is "Zwergla" (say: Tsv-AIR-glah, or something like that), it's from a brewery in Bamberg called "Fässla", lol. The "-la" ending on the words is local dialect. This beer is pretty strong, almost a Bock. On the label, you might see where it says "Seit 1649" - that means, "Since 1649", and it refers to the brewery. And it's my last one of the night ... I think.

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ok... third and last for the night (these beers are all 1/2 a liter, we don't do little beers here). This is also from the Brauerei Fässla, but it's their Lager. I don't think I've ever had this before. It's ok, but not really my style. I've gotten away from bitter beers, but I suspect this'd be a favorite of visitors from the US ;)

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