Maffetone Method...what's your experience with it?

Chaserwilliams wrote:

Chaserwilliams said:
Unfortunatley Im in a love affair with Oreos and dutch chochlate Blue Bell ice cream.... The best combination EVER!!!

Interesting! But its not the deserts that get me. I do have them time to time but its not part of my daily routine. What gets me is how much I am tempting by fast food, hot dogs, bologna, pizza, sausage & gravy, flaky layers biscuits etc. But even though I crave all of those I have enough will power to resist and eat mostly health IF the kitchen is CLEAN and I have room to prepare a meal. Unfortunately my other half doesnt like to clean AT ALL and although I can keep up with my own mess I have a hard time doing cleaning for 3. Once the sink is heaped over and the stovetop covered in dishes then I say eff that and lets go out to eat. On my long break (I work rotating shift) I usually have to spend two days cleaning the kitchen, and then my first week of nightshift each morning I'll come home to a table full of dishes with food still on em. Its an endless cycle that is detrimental to my health (in more ways than one). On my long break I'll cook up good meals every day, fish or venison on the grill, veggies from the garden. Most of our meals we can prepare with almost everything from our land, and I plan on adding a lot more to the garden too. But either I need some help in the kitchen or I am going to have a kitchen put in the garage for me! Man I hope my wife never sees this post!
Thats so funny Tristan! My

Thats so funny Tristan! My wife is the same way. I myself have a huge weakness for pizza. My biggest weakness and I succomb to it once every couple weeks or so.
Pizza?  Did anyone say

Pizza? Did anyone say pizza? Now I'm drooling. :love:
If I didnt like pizza

If I didnt like pizza enough already, my problem now is that I'm getting pretty good at making it from scratch (I dont like to toot my own horn but when it comes to cooking and pizza I get pretty excited)! I like rolling dough, I've got about two dozen 16oz bags left of sauce frozen made from the garden this fall, itallian sausage made from my own venison, pickled banana peps, and not now but back in summer we had fresh onions and bell peps too. And I've got pretty good at grilling my own pizza on the grill. Dang now I am going to have to make some pizzas tomorrow! Oh wait I think we are derailing this thread/sites/all/modules/smileys/packs/Roving/aw.png. Maffetone.. yeah still working on that.
i'll have the toppings

i'll have the toppings please, minus the cheese and crust.
I think cheese is alright,

I think cheese is alright, its the crust thats the problem... But thin crust wouldnt be all that bad... Right...? lol.

I wasnt ever a huge fan of pizza, then they opened a local chain of family owned Italian resturants about a mile from my house and I discovered their pizza.... OMG! Its soooooo good! And they do special order 24" pizzas!!!!! Spinach amd Mushroom... mmmmmmmm.......
We'll have to start up a new

We'll have to start up a new thread on best pizza recipes and healthy recipes too. I plan on building an outdoor wood fired oven, but probably wont be for a couple years. Have to build the patio first! But when I get it done your all invited!
Build the oven first, you can

Build the oven first, you can always throw a patio around it later. ;)

Anyone have experience with

Anyone have experience with pizza at high elevations? For all that New Mexico has to offer, pizza isn't on that list.
bringing this back to the

bringing this back to the front. i just read that Mark Allen differed with maffetone in his training as he continually lifted weights during his aerobic training. this is good for everyone to know as i've read a few opposing views to his training because he's against weight lifting during aerobic training. i myself find i have less leg pain if i can lift or just do some squats and box jumps. just running tends to exaggerate the pain in my left leg.

since Allen is maffetone's best student/subject, i will continue with my modified movnat while i do my aerobic training.
But Maffetone ISNT against

But Maffetone ISNT against lifting weights. He encourages it actually, just not while your building your aerobic base as it creates too much cortisol. Hes also not anti-speed work. He just believes theres a time and place for everything, and the anaerobic activities should come after you have a solid base of aerobic miles set up.

And if you can run an aerobic 5:00 mile, why would you need to do speed work? lol. Mark Allen was at around a 5:15ish aerobic mile, but there was another guy (whose name escapes me currently) that was running a 5:00 mile AEROBICALLY for his MAF tests. This same individual set an Amerian 5k record while training under Maffetone.
that's the thing. don't lift

that's the thing. don't lift weights while you're doing aerobic training. doint it takes the pain away from my leg while running, a lot, increases the pain. the only weight i'm using now is body weight as my "gym" is across the street. the park. i also will do pilates while i continue my long slow runs. i just wish my watch would work when i want to do a maf test. always seems to break when i want to do one.

have you done your's at the track? i'm having a little difficulty understanding the maf test. am i supposed to run it at the maz of my maf zone or in my maf zone as much as possible? is the track the best place or can i just run down the street like usual?
chaser, that last question


that last question was for you, or anyone that can help me out and answer it. please and thank you.
Mig,I think the point of the


I think the point of the maf test is to be able to see how much your improving (hopefully), so you definitely want to run it either on a track or the same stretch of road every time. Track makes it simple since you know exactly when you're hitting each mile and its flat. As far as hr, you want to warm up 15 min, then stay as close to your max aerobic hr as possible, which i find hard to do without going over, so i just use my avg hr over each mile. my maf max is 150 so i try to keep my hr around 148 or so. So yeah, track is probably best.
I do a slightly altered

I do a slightly altered version of the MAF test... But yea, Ive always mine (all 3, lol) around a highschool track as theres less deviances there than there are on roads and such.

Although the link above will tell you what the MAF test is all about, heres my thoughts on it. The goal is to run 5 miles at the same HR, and hopefully at the same pace. You want to be at your maximum aerobic capacity (MAF stands for Maximum Aerobic Function) for every mile. So for example my HR is capped at 150 as well, and before my injury, and subsequent setback, I was at the point to where I could keep my HR right at 149, with it occassionally hovering to 150 and dipping to 148, when I wanted to. The goal of the test is to get your mile times down lower AND (more importantly?) get your times and HRs even. So when you first start you might run a 10:00, 10:05, 10:18, 10:22, and a 10:31 for your miles. The drop in speed indicated a poorly functioning aerobic system. Ideally you would want them to all be even, or within a few seconds of the first one.

What I do for my MAF test is more along the lines of whats suggested in the Hadd post where I run 2 miles @ a HR of 140, the 2 @ 150, 2 @ 160, 2 @ 170, then 2 @ 180. My reasoning behind this is to see wether or not my speed has increased across the entire spectrum of effort levels, or if Im only getting faster at being slow. Amazingly enough I have seen tremendous improvements at all effort levels, even though I only train with my HR between 140~150. So the whole "running slow cant make you faster" is bunk based off my results! I hope to prove it even futher come March when I run my next half marathon on a history of long slow runs only.
ok, starting to make a bit

ok, starting to make a bit more sense. i do want to run as close to my maf threshold as possible. the track is probably 15 mins or so of a run from my house so if i get my watch before school starts i'll be out there. i couldn't figure out if i wanted to run in the zone or at the max of my maf zone.

now i just hope i get in enough of a warm up because i always run in my zone and speed up as the run goes along. i'll just have to leave the dog home the time i do it.

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