Quite pleased

Suffering from some stiff calf muscles today, so no running while my body recovers. Going back to work has left me a bit tired so I took a quick nap. Woke up to a strange feeling though. At first it seemed I must have slept wrong cause I couldn't feel part of my heel. After getting up and hopping around, nothing seemed to help this odd sensation and a distinct pressure on the inside of my heel when I put weight on it. I felt the bottom of my foot and found the cause. CALLUSES! The limited amount of true barefooting on that rough asphalt is paying off dividends today! I know I must seem like a bit of a weirdo for geeking out about calluses, but to me it's real progress in my goal to not just be a runner, but a barefoot runner. Can't wait until my body feels good enough for another run. Can't believe I just said that either. Awesome!


Your excitemnt is one of the BF bennies. Go with it!
Maybe it's my thoughts rambling, but.... I read a lot of posts about how eager folks can be to run (myself included as of late), mostly when they have to rest up for recovery, from stress issues, or injury. I wish that yearning could be bottled up for days when you finally can run, but are no longer as eager as back when, if you know what I mean. I guess the little aches and pains and other issues (e.g. time, energy, etc.) don't have much sway when the run is sometime in the future, but boy do they make up for it when you are assessing your fitness to run the day of. Seems a mob of complaints and thoughts come on like a tide. I guess it's like what I wrote elsewhere... You know you want to do it, but will you let yourself?

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