Someone hit slow mo, September..where have your feet been?

 YEEHAW!! I am indeed


I am indeed back...fabulous 6.6 mile run today...longest run since my injury in June....and I felt I could have kept going, except for the fact that I had a yoga class to teach :). That's more than half the distance of my total weekly mileage for the past three weeks....shouldn't have any problem getting back up to more than 20 miles in a week now!

Everything feels great! :-D
Excellent, Nate!ghaleed,

Excellent, Nate!

ghaleed, welcome back!
Welcome Ghaleed!Cube, you

Welcome Ghaleed!

Cube, you ARE back! Nice run man! Glad everything's feeling good.

TJ and Schwab, I'm thinking that's the case, plus the increase in Zumba (and barefoot Zumba) I've been doing ove this last month. That's a lot of stress to put on slightly weakened arches. Funny it's only in my non-injured foot though. :shrug:

No run for me, though did barefoot bellydance today. Best way to do it :)
But that overworked arch was

But that overworked arch was doing all the work but not the work it was used to doing.
that's a whole lotta work

that's a whole lotta work there TJ, overworked and underpaid arch. boo
Looks like I need to play

Looks like I need to play catch up here.

For this month I have put in about 12 miles BFR.

Okay, from here on out do I post miles daily? or weekly?
Cassie: We used to have a new

Cassie: We used to have a new thread for each week so omst of us post once a week plus whatever comments we like but you can do whatever you want.
We need someone to start a

We need someone to start a new thread ending month/Saturday - month/Sunday (like before), so everyone can contribute regardless of when their week ends...unless you're Zum who ends her weeks on Tuesdays. :)

Speaking of which, Zum, you and your arches need a raise. I'll double your pay starting today. ;-)
Welcome Cassie, I usually

Welcome Cassie, I usually post my week within this monthly thread and just edit my week as I go.

Sweet, thanks TJ!! :party: Next round of Pub drinks are on me, I just got a raise! I guess I'll behave and open up your Saturday-Sunday weekly, as long as it means brownie points toward and end of the year bonus ;) I'll start this Saturday, in the meantime...let the chaos continue.
I had trouble with this site

I had trouble with this site not working for awhile, but looks like it's all good now! 20 miles last week (5 4-mile runs). Definitely enjoy running low mileage every day rather than going for some PR long run that requires recovery time. My record so far is 7 days in a row, for 26.5 miles. Glad to be back! (just stopped posting, didn't stop running)
We haven't been down, except

We haven't been down, except for the night (late) Cameron made some extreme updates. When were you having trouble, Fred?
6 miles midweek with

6 miles midweek with 4X676meter. That is a new record for me for this year with after-work mileage - I used to get in a nine miler on Tuesdays and that is my goal again. Things are looking good! Half barefoot and half in Zems. I don't really need to post until the end of the week, I was just excited.
Welcome back Fred, back with

Welcome back Fred, back with a vengeance! I didn't have any troubles either, well not any that were related to this site. My internet on the other hand, that's a different story.

Schwab, you're pulling in some good mileage now! It's awesome to see (hear about) your progress. Keep it up!

I haven't run this week, think I may take a week off of running. I'm teaching a LOT of Zumba this week, all barefoot and it's making my feet ache more than I'm comfortable with. I'm actually finding myself a bigger proponant of Zumba with a minimal shoe (esp with the intensity level I bring to my classes, much easier to pivot in a shoe than in sticky barefeet. Not to say that I don't prefer actual dancing barefoot though. ) It's cooled off quite a bit here, Im' curious to see how the cooler terrain feels on my feet.

barefoot.zumba.runner said:
Welcome back Fred, back with a vengeance! I didn't have any troubles either, well not any that were related to this site. My internet on the other hand, that's a different story.

Schwab, you're pulling in some good mileage now! It's awesome to see (hear about) your progress. Keep it up!

I haven't run this week, think I may take a week off of running. I'm teaching a LOT of Zumba this week, all barefoot and it's making my feet ache more than I'm comfortable with. I'm actually finding myself a bigger proponant of Zumba with a minimal shoe (esp with the intensity level I bring to my classes, much easier to pivot in a shoe than in sticky barefeet. Not to say that I don't prefer actual dancing barefoot though. ) It's cooled off quite a bit here, Im' curious to see how the cooler terrain feels on my feet.

Zum - what about something like this to prevent the sticky dancing foot?

The first one!
2 and change recovery run

2 and change recovery run tonight felt good - I'm on a roll. My injury is at bay (I swing my foot out and it was causing post tibial tendonitis but the chiro is working on it). Running is so good right now...

Zumba, I can't imagine trying to dance barefoot and then run barefoot with the callousing. It's like you might have to choose

or do alot of maintenance.
Thursday - 3.0 miles

Thursday - 3.0 miles barefoot

Friday - 10.0 miles barefoot

Saturday - Rest Day

Sunday - 26.2 mile marathon - 16.5 barefoot / 9.7 miles VFF's (mostly gravel roads)

Monday 2.5 mile with VFF's with Hash House Harriers

Total: 41.7 miles


Friday: 2.0 miles

Saturday: 8.0 mile trail race

Sunday: 10 mile training

Preparing for 50 km ultra in October in London, Ontario
Cassie, I've looked into

Cassie, I've looked into these. Have actually ordered a pair, they came in too small and I sent them back and haven't ventured to reorder. I think the next Zumba shoe get will be the Jingas. Just have to save my pennies, they'll likely also be my running outdoors shoes in the winter.

w/e Sept 18 (all barefoot)

Sunday rest
Monday 1hr bellydance
Tuesday 2hrs Zumba
Wednesday 1hr Zumba
Thursday 1hr Zumba
Friday 1hr Zumba
Saturday planning 5-6mi run
Oh no, the third week of

Oh no, the third week of September already. (9/17/2010 for the accountants out there LOL) I have a half marathon 2nd week of Oct. Anyone in NC interested? see the NC Chapter. Posting weather will be here soon, as I taper in the summer with posting.

Barefoot running is still working. 950 barefoot miles this year, 2150 total barefoot miles with NO knee pain at all, which was the reason I started barefoot.
Just did my longest run ever

Just did my longest run ever - and it was barefoot - 29 miles at a nice, comfortable pace accompanied by friends for about half the distance. Plenty of energy left and only took I GU pack in the whole 4.5 hours.

I expect I'll sleep well tonight though!
My final miles since I'm

My final miles since I'm volunteering at the Philly PDR (half marathon) tomorrow:

Tuesday - 6 with repeats (676M x 4)

Thursday - 2.5

Saturday - 9 very easy (have a cold) with hubby Capmikee

First two runs in Zems and barefoot and the final back in water shoes with one mile bare.

17.5 total - a little less than I would have done without this little cold I developed

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