How many miles have you run this year so far? Reports please.

Congrats, you guys!

Congrats, you guys!
Whoo-hoo, Twink!

Whoo-hoo, Twink!
Total CY10 Miles (thus far) 

Total CY10 Miles (thus far) 3317

Barefoot (minimalist) - 2714 (VFF's)

I haven't logged this weeks miles yet, but I do not expect to many barefoot miles at all. Sitting in the Canadian rockies with family.. Hard to see out the window today due to the snow.. :)

Plan to get in a least 10 before the sunset.. trail miles in a new pair of Hoka's. don't beat me up for my Hoka's though. I'm testing them for my Ultra schedule for CY11.

Canadian Rockies, snow,

Canadian Rockies, snow, family, sounds beautiful, Larry.
I stopped logging mid-year,

I stopped logging mid-year, but I was probably ~750 miles on the year, guessing 75-100 of them barefoot, the rest in VFFs and huaraches.
As of today 12-31-10 2080

As of today 12-31-10 2080 Barefoot miles and 125 in huaraches. This is my 3rd yr barefoot running. Was preparing for a Barefoot Trans-Con but funding fell apart. So back to the drawing board on that part and onwards to many more big miles
no mileage to report here,

no mileage to report here, just a steady year of running minimalist and bf. before i found vff i struggled to run and was just barely doing one run a week. when i got some sprints i quickly went to two, three, four, five and peeked at six. i went bf in either april or may.

i don't log miles because then i would have to stay on the street and run the same course over and over and over. i also don't want to spend money on gps or other device. i don't have a watch cuz i've never had any luck with them. they either break, get lost, or stolen.

i grab my dog, hold my cell phone, and just go. i only estimate the time i run since i have to stop for the dog. i also estimate the distance i do but found i was off when i ran once with someone who had a gps. we did like 11min/mile for 4.5 miles. a bit slow becuase i didn't want to ditch the guy.

i just run now until it hurts or i run out of time.

Erskien, I'll be sending you

Erskien, I'll be sending you a shiny certificate too in just one momento.

Mike, have you thought about using on of the free online programs for measuring the distance of various routes?
260 miles barefoot, since

260 miles barefoot, since June. I don't count the minimalist miles.

With Winter settling in for 3-4 months I guess it will be a slow start to 2011. My goal is to get 1000 miles (1600 km) for 2011.


Well done everyone! This is no race or competition. Run for yourself, and be proud that you are doing something that few do. Each step takes you down the path to a healthier lifestyle.
Haven't really been keeping

Haven't really been keeping track, but I would expect that I logged about 800 to 900 miles this year, with 80% barefoot. I am expecting to eclipse 1000 miles in 2011, with a 80 to 85% BF rate.

Happy New Year to all my Barefooting buddies out there.
i've tried to measure with

i've tried to measure with maps provided by the parks i run at and it's a bit difficult to be accurate. i just run and see if i'm getting faster. my morning runs before school are 30 mins and that's down from the near 40 when i started. i actually was about 3 mins faster the last few weeks of school so knowing this is good enough for me.

 I wear my Garmin 305 on all

I wear my Garmin 305 on all runs. (I've had a couple where the battery failed so those came up short) That way at the end of every run I just sync my 305 with my laptop and always have a GPS accurate "Running Total" right on my pc

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