2013 Mileage Club

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
It's that time again, you all! Get your mileage tallies and post them here. Let us know how many miles (or kms) you have run either barefoot and/or minimal for 2013.

You will get a shiny new certificate of accomplishment if you do!

Check out the previous three years' Mileage Club Recipients List here: http://thebarefootrunners.org/library-articles/mileage-club.23/
Looks like I will be close to 3700 miles this year. I have already started my taper for my Jan 4th marathon, so I won’t be getting in too many more miles.
Looks like I will be close to 3700 miles this year. I have already started my taper for my Jan 4th marathon, so I won’t be getting in too many more miles.

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Once again I didn't keep good records. Maybe next year. Guessing 2000 total miles with 700 of those barefoot and 300 minshod (sandals). What I am most happy about is my comeback from injury in the first part of the year to completing 11 Ultra distances. (10 shod, 1 in sandals). Also being a part of the BRS Hood to Coast team. Looking forward to injury free running in 2014!
642 kilometers today, so possibly 650 by january 1st. (I should have logged it all this year, unlike all other years.) 90% of my running May-September (leading up to the marathon). Not quite 500 miles this year, I'll make up for it next year.
642 kilometers today, so possibly 650 by january 1st. (I should have logged it all this year, unlike all other years.) 90% of my running May-September (leading up to the marathon). Not quite 500 miles this year, I'll make up for it next year.
ps - every meter skin to ground.
Total: 948 miles/1526 km.
Shod: 105 mi/169 km.
Bare: 843 mi/1357 km.

More than double last year's mileage. Would've made 1000 total miles except I had a really crappy December and only ran 49 miles. Once it turned really cold and started snowing a lot, I had to start running shod again and allowed that to demotivate me.

Overall, a pretty good year. I cleared myself of ITBS and from there steadily built up the mileage to the point where I could routinely run 30-40 miles miles per week and averaged one half-marathonish long run each weekend. I hadn't known if this would be possible for me. I also found out that I'm (physically) able to run every day and (mentally) able to do it first thing in the morning. The nicest thing about being able to run farther was all the route possibilities this opened up down on the Mississippi River paths.

Goals for 2014: Regularly run 30 miles per week, for a total of 1600 miles / 2575 km on the year, with at least 1000 miles bare. To accomplish this, or at least come close to it, I'm thinking of trying to do most of my running first thing in the morning, so that I can become more consistent and not have afternoon stuff come up and throw me off my routine. In terms of running fitness/performance, I don't plan on improving on the 10-15 miles I already do on my weekly long runs, but I would like to run about a minute per mile faster, if possible. I think getting in 3-to-5-mile runs most mornings will also be key to achieving this goal.
Got started near the beginning of August. 372.3 miles total, 132 barefoot, 233 in the Xeros, and 7.5 miles in a pair of standard running shoes. I hope to run at least 1000 miles in 2014 and hopefully 50% or better barefoot.

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