Working up to distance, any thoughts?

G'day all, just signed up to this blog site, looking forward to learning from you guys out there.
First question from me, what advice would anyone have to increase my distance?
I have been regularly training up to thirty minutes in either barefoot on the beach, or vibram five fingers treadmill or local trails. The reason I am hesitant to increase is due to an injury that I received when training for my local Ross Marathon. Long story cut short, I would regularly cramp in my right calf at around 8km/35 minutes. Many discussions and appointments later, a number of factors contributed, from slight scoliosis, inwardly rotating my feet and one foot having less flexion than the other = cramp sensation!
I am more than confident my fitness is still there, but welcome any advice you barefoot runners might have on how to slowly proceed (or maybe the problem was the shoes all along).
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Greetings, Highlander11. There is lots of good advice here. I would say first, go to the Forums section and introduce yourself in the New Member Introductions thread.( Next go to the Chapters section and locate your chapter and join it. Third, there are a lot of threads in the forums to help you. Mostly they are very positive and supportive, something that is often rare on forums. @Barefoot TJ is really good at keeping this positive.. I think this will be your best direction. The premium advice for us new starters has been to start slow. Don't try to do to much too fast. Most BF injuries come from not building up do it. For me that's easy, I'm new to running and BF running. For you, your profile suggests a ready to go full throttle person for whom easing into it may not be your way. That's all the advice I can give here. I will see you in the forums.

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