
And for those of us living on

And for those of us living on the other side of the world and can't make it to Austin next week? Can you share any news about this new running model yet? Impressions so far etc?

After buying some knock off chinese VFF's that gave me wicked blisters after only a few hundred meters of running I'm hanging out for the running model Zem. Particularly if they can keep the price down below $50-60USD
Hey Jimmy,Any talk about a

Hey Jimmy,

Any talk about a wide (or short) size option?

I'm currently awaiting a return authorization # on my Zems as they are too tight too even fully get on.

No real surprise, my feet are a bit wide but also very thick.

An extra wide 8 or a super short 10 would probably work.

Seems like among the BFR community there may become a need.
Never thought I'd say that I

Never thought I'd say that I sorta wished I lived in Texas, but I do really want to see those shoes. I've been utterly unimpressed by every other picture/description of the new minimalist shoes so I'm holding out for these. Do they have any idea when they'll actually start selling them? Or even when they'll post pictures somewhere?
I will actually get my first

I will actually get my first on hands experience with them next week when I get to Austin. The one's we will have there are the very first ones off the line and not even the president of ZEM has seen the completed product just yet. I will be able to give out finalized info and details after the event so you guys are gonna have to wait another week or so.

in terms of release date it is not set just yet. once we get these initial ones through some testing then it should kick into full swing so maybe by the end of the year or early next year but don't quote me on that :)

board-to the best of my knowledge there are not currently any plans for wide or short versions. i have spoken with them a lot during the design process about toe box width and shape and i think we have it pretty good for a barefooters foot. my foot it too wide for the ZEMs currently and when I take them off i have big red grooves over the top of my foot from the tech bands but i've gotten used to it. it's only an issue for the first wear or so before the bands stretch a little.

we've spent a lot of time working on how to size and shape these shoes and based on early info and pictures as well as wood molds i'm pretty happy with what we've got.
Looking foward to seeing

Looking foward to seeing these as I've been pretty pleased w/ my current Zems w/ a little plasti-dip. Probably be my go to shoe for winter road running as anything below 40 degrees just isn't much fun for me. I've had a little trouble on technical trail runs as they slide around on my feet a little. I noticed this mainly on highly cambered sections. Will the running models have a way to adjust tension to the foot, ie laces, straps ?
ewheeldrive wrote: I've had a

ewheeldrive said:
I've had a little trouble on technical trail runs as they slide around on my feet a little. I noticed this mainly on highly cambered sections.

I bet if you throw some socks on under them it'll make them tight enough to not slide around. Since I only run on relatively flat surfaces I haven't had to do this for running. Plus I tend to take mine on and off alot during runs so socks would be a PITA. However I always wear socks with them when I wear them to school and such since they have a tendency to smell bad otherwise. I have the injinji split toe crew socks and they are pretty thick. Enough that they certainly tighten up the areas that normally I feel are alittle too loose (mostly ankle/heel area for me).
Jimmy--I Googled the Running

Jimmy--I Googled the Running Event; looks like Expo costs $50 to get in? Is that right? Is it pretty much just for those in the running store industry?
Yes, same expo Altra

Yes, same expo Altra mentioned. Maybe I just need to make a call--honestly the website was a little unclear. I'll be in downtown Austin tomorrow and it would really be fun to stop by.
Just found more info...closed

Just found more info...closed to the public. :(

The Running Event, a closed-to-the-public trade show for manufacturers and retailers in the running business, is taking place here Nov. 15-18. Expect our downtown trails to be bustling!

...The growth of the “barefoot” and minimalist shoes should be a hot topic at Monday and Tuesday’s conference at the Hilton Austin.

From this link.

So, Jimmy, as great as it would be to see you AND the Zem running shoes, I'm going to have to potentially bruise your ego by telling you it's NOT worth $50. :p But maybe you can bring some pictures to White Rock and let me sneak a peek??
wow i thought the expo was

wow i thought the expo was open to the public. that's crap! i will probably be wearing them around at white rock beth! if i have my way i will be leaving austin with some of the fresh off the line pairs we'll have at the expo.

yes schwad altra will be there and i will be stopping in to chat with them when i get there. i'm looking forward to seeing all of the stuff that's going to be there...including my shoe!
So what's the word on the Zem

So what's the word on the Zem running shoe Jimmy? Have you got it yet? Have you run in it? Thoughts? Pictures? Release date? Price?

Details man!! I need dtails!! j/k what ever details you can give would be much appreciated though.
so here's what i can say.  i

so here's what i can say. i have seen it, i have touched it, i have run in it. i loved all of those! the one i tried was incomplete as the sole was all one kind of rubber instead of the eva and molded rubber sole we came up with. it was pretty much just for show as we had to rush something together for the running event expo. i am extremely excited about the shoe as the crappy display model they had was actually a pretty good running shoe! the actual thing should be swinging my way in the very near future at which point i will tear them up with some good running miles.

the zem running shoe is well on track and has the chance to be very near perfect..it's a shoe so how perfect can it be right? even still i think it will be one of the best out there. the people at ZEM are extremely dedicated to quality and keeping the minimal in minimal shoes. the goal for them is keep it "barefoot"
Sorry to hound you with

Sorry to hound you with questions Jimmy but another one has occurred to me.

You've mentioned where the current model Zem's may have a problem is with friction and scuffing. It is for this reason I have not bought the current model as I want to use them for my Kung Fu as well as for running. Kung Fu involves alot of pivoting which would cause alot of friction and scuffing.

Do you think they've taken care of this issue with the running model?
they have but the current

they have but the current model would be great for kung fu and they already have a lot of martial arts practitioners using them. they are great for indoor activities of all kinds. the friction i was talking about pertained to pavement. the pavement chews them up but i have zero wear from indoor and track use.
Thanks for the info and

Thanks for the info and taking the time to answer all these questions Jimmy.

I train on lots of different surfaces as I usually practice for a while at the halfway point of my runs. Also, due to limited space at the school I often practice on concrete out in the car park. Hence my question about the friction and scuffing.

Really looking forward to the new model Zem. It is sounding as if it will suit my purposes fantastically. Now hopefully they can keep the price down to something reasonable.