Weekly mileage 40th week of 2012

5 mi in the mist. 50 degrees F felt downright stuffy compared to upper 30s high 40s, doesn't seem like it should've been so different.
this morning's run was forced. whole body just wasn't into it---was it the out of town dinner guest last night and too much wine?
oh well, got it done though.
oooh almost forgot:
1.5 bf with the kids last night right before our guest arrived. wore my work skirt, a sports bra, and had my hair up in a bun. gotta love that i learned how to run so that my hair doesn't come apart or flop around.
btw, no, i'm not the weirdest person in my neighborhood, and yes, that is saying something.
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2.01 dangerous barefoot miles. Today was supposed to be a rest day for me, but with the stress of today's looming VA hearing I needed to burn off some tension. It was windy as heck and the first mile down I had a lot of debris and little branches I had to dodge and just step on. On the way back up though the wind had picked up and I actually had big branches falling all around us on one actually landed on the stroller (my son giggled and though this was great fun) and I had another nearly land on my head moments later. Today is the third day in a row I've run barefoot with no sole problems. Or you could say I've run 4 out of the last 5 days barefoot or 5 of the last 7. Doing pretty dang well I'd say! ;)
2.01 dangerous barefoot miles. Today was supposed to be a rest day for me, but with the stress of today's looming VA hearing I needed to burn off some tension. It was windy as heck and the first mile down I had a lot of debris and little branches I had to dodge and just step on. On the way back up though the wind had picked up and I actually had big branches falling all around us on one actually landed on the stroller (my son giggled and though this was great fun) and I had another nearly land on my head moments later. Today is the third day in a row I've run barefoot with no sole problems. Or you could say I've run 4 out of the last 5 days barefoot or 5 of the last 7. Doing pretty dang well I'd say! ;)

Cheese and crackers Nick! I am glad you lived to tell. Happy that your runs are going well.

As for me I did 20 minutes of stairs and 25 mins of hip/back strength exercises at lunch time.
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5 mile tempo run on Tuesday with about an average 8:30 pace, but accidentally did 2 of the miles in 8:20.
Today I ran with 2 of the high school cross country girls (one of whom was my daughter because she asked me along. :)) Sure, it was a slow easy run for them, but it was comfortable for me. 6.57 miles at 10mm pace. I feel like I could go out and run more today! Something must be wrong with me!
2.5 miles in my huaraches. I don't know why I have such a hard time taking off days from running. I tested out my two pairs of huaraches on this run to see which I like better. They both have their benefits and upside, but then they both have distinct negatives. I actually think I like my newest (Lunas neoprene with bedrock straps) ones better, but only because they are easier to put on and if I accidentally let my heel down to fast and hard there's a little more protection (goes for stepping on rocks or gumballs too, ouch). The ground feel is definitely worse in them though and I've got to figure out why I have a couple toes on my left foot go numb in them...
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No running for me today.
Did upper body weights, some deep squats and some yoga moves.
My legs are super sore from yesterday's workout.
First minus run of winter challenge, 15 minutes of dry -2C this morning at 5 am, right after 20 minutes on dreadmill to warmup

I don't know how you crazy Canadians do it.
Congrats? Good job? BRRRRRRRRRRR
What is -2 Celsius in Fahrenheit? I can never figure out how that works. Do you all count in decimals for your degrees? I mean like -2.5 degrees Celsius? I know that for every 10 degrees celsius there is 18 degrees Fahrenheit, which means that a degree Fahrenheit is actually more accurate, right? Or am I just a silly American who doesn't get it....?
First minus run of winter challenge, 15 minutes of dry -2C this morning at 5 am, right after 20 minutes on dreadmill to warmup
What is -2 Celsius in Fahrenheit? I can never figure out how that works. Do you all count in decimals for your degrees? I mean like -2.5 degrees Celsius? I know that for every 10 degrees celsius there is 18 degrees Fahrenheit, which means that a degree Fahrenheit is actually more accurate, right? Or am I just a silly American who doesn't get it....?

-2C = 28.2 American degrees or Fahrenheit
Thanks Dama! I tried to find a converter online but I kept finding all sorts of other info instead.

I have a TI-86 that does wonderful things!
Still there is no way in earth that anyone is going to caught me outside running in that temp.
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Last winter was my first bf winter and I ran down to 30-31 F when wet, but we just didn't get any colder than that so I don't know how cold I can run. I did try walking bf in snow last Christmas when I went home to visit family in MT and you all are crazy as s**t for running in that stuff. It hurt so bad!
So, I think I get how this thread works, so here's my week so far:
Mon 3.46 MAF miles bf plus 1.75 warmup, cooldown (also bf), plus a yoga class
Tue 34.5 miles on the spinning bike at the gym
Wed 2.5 sweet nighttime bf miles plus a yoga class (first nighttime barefoot run and it could NOT have been more fun! I'm still :) from ear to ear).
Thurs 32 miles on spinning bike at the gym
Friday is my scheduled recovery day
First, welcome aboard TD. Glad to see you took me up on my suggestion.

1.9 miles yesterday.

I was out running errands all afternoon, so took advantage of being nearby Lake Phalen, which is almost exactly three miles in circumference, for an intended two-lap run there. It was pretty windy and our first really chilly day this fall. I always get a little existential dread on the first chilly day of the season, looking ahead to 5-6 more months of it, and wondering why on earth I came back to live on this particular patch of earth.

Anyway, the idea was to take it slow and do a 10mm pace or something for the first lap and then see how I felt on the second lap. Maybe push it, maybe maintain a nice comfortable pace. For the last two weeks I had been running fairly fast (for me) and thought it might do me some good to back off a bit for this run and then do the same Como Lake out-and-back run on Saturday as I did on Tuesday and see how the pace felt. On Wednesday I had this urge to do the exact same Como Lake run too, just a day later, but I'm not sure I'm ready for consecutive-day running at that distance (close to 7 miles) and pace (between 9 and 9:30 mm). Probably should've listened to my body's urging. Anyway-anyway, when I looked down at my Garmin I saw I was close to 9mm pace despite my best efforts to back off. I guess 9-9:30 mm pace is my new normal on a flat, easy surface, so I should just accept it; I've become a slightly more speedy runner.

However, I didn't do any sort of warm-up after getting out of the car, and I had been kind of lazy about maintaining my aggressive massaging/stretching routine since my last run on Tuesday (despite blabbing about it incessantly on BRS's forums), because I was pretty busy with work and had a tight schedule for the afternoon's errands.

Then after a little less than a mile, while planting my left foot, I felt a sharp pain on the interior side of my left knee. Ouch! I never felt anything like that before while running. The acuteness made it feel like a football injury or something, but I wasn't making any cuts and no one had tackled me. I wonder if my form was off since I wasn't taking this run very seriously--just putting in the mileage. Maybe I had over-strode? Since I wasn't yet halfway around the lake, I turned around and began walking back to the car. But after less than two hundred yards the knee started to feel ok so I ran the rest of the way back at a slow pace.

On the remaining errands my knee would feel really stiff getting out of the car, but then get better after it warmed up a bit while walking around. Now this morning it's really stiff. I can barely walk. I don't know what could've happened. Besides the possibility that my form was off, I guess my leg might not have been properly warmed up before I ran and something in my knee's alignment could've been a bit off when I landed. But I've never needed to take warming up very serious before. I doubt it's anything serious, since I was able to jog back to the car, but it's a drag now I'll probably have to give up tomorrow's run at least, and maybe have to rest a good deal longer. I can't believe this is happening again. Does anybody have any idea what this could be?

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