Here I go Again!!!! Even more surgery for me!

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
Well, I am healing nicely from the last set of surgeries this past August 30 (to remove four stump neuromas and re-implant the nerve endings into my arch muscles and tarsal tunnel decompression/release in both feet). Shoes are directly to blame for the Morton's Neuroma; the TTS was due to a birth defect that finally caught up to me, or so I am told. I still have phantom pain, but it seems the burning and throbbing is subsiding a little at a time with water therapy. I can stay on my feet for longer periods of time, although I haven't actually ventured outside to try to walk any distance. The numbness is "mostly" gone. When I step on the slightest crumb (after the first set of surgeries in January and before and after these last set of surgeries), it still feels like I stepped on a needle or a needle went through my toe! That hasn't changed. There are some other things to note, but I won't go into everything.

BUT... There is still one problem that hasn't been resolved! I still have a neuroma (perhaps a 5th?!), that feels like it has attached itself to a tendon at the base of my pinkie toe on my left foot and involves that 3/4 interspace once again or possibly the 4/5. Apparently, Dr. Dellon thought he would have caught that with the last set of surgeries, but alas...

So, I will be off to visit Dr. Dellon once again in the middle of December to have this thing removed from my foot. If this is successful, I really think (HOPE) I can begin to get back to normal. Damn, it's been a long road! Anywho, I will probably be out of touch for a few days. If something drastic should happen with the site, Willie knows my phone number, and he can reach me by leaving a message with my family here at home.

At least only one foot will be affected, and I will be able to walk right away with crutches. He is going to cut my left leg in two places (side of the knee and lower on the leg) to decompress the nerves (common peroneal nerve and superficial peroneal nerve) and then he is going to cut my foot (not sure if it's the top or through the arch again), remove the stump and transplant it into my arch muscle or something like that; we'll know more about all this once we have gone to Maryland to visit him again.

So, wish me luck!
I thought for sure you were done this last time,
this has to finish up the job.
Check in soon!
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I am going to say it, this is the last one, I am staking my right barefoot on it. No more surgeries for TJ, please,please let this be it, I have grown kind of attached to my right foot.
You're in our prayers TJ. Sending Barefoot karma your way, from around the world. I think every one of the BRS members should run 1km in honour of TJ, on the day of her surgery.

What a great idea YOW, I might even up the ante and run for the duration of the expected surgery to send TJ into surgery with a pitter patter of good barefootin' vibes. TJ if you could let us know some timing details I will do my darnest to make it happen. :)
You're in our prayers TJ. Sending Barefoot karma your way, from around the world. I think every one of the BRS members should run 1km in honour of TJ, on the day of her surgery.

I likey!

TJ - maybe you should tell your doctor that you'd rather him install bionic feet that go "duh nuh nuh nuh nuh" when you run...
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Damn, I would say if there was anyone who deserved to be allowed to go BF anywhere and everywhere he/she wanted, it would be you. Good luck with everything.
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Flayer - definition of Flayer by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ... - Similar
To strip off the skin or outer covering of. 2. To strip of money or goods; fleece. 3. To whip or lash. 4. To assail with stinging criticism; excoriate.

Definition #4, right?

#3 is going to get a few comments on here. (Why do I do that, I'm trying to be better on here)

Serious cap - TJ I wish you luck, Dr's skill, whatever it takes. Get well. Good idea YOW, I will be sure to put in a few k's on surgery day and think of our leader.
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