Mileage Reporting 33rd week of 2013

Had a great run today, 8 out of 10 on the fun factor. Mind you it was only 2 miles but it was also completely niggly free. Getting the hang of the rhythmic breathing after 6 weeks of working on it. Finally learned to match cadence to the breathing, easier for me to keep the 5 count. And it would seem that my cadence is higher now then when I started this rhythmic breathing trial. My pace seemed fast today but effort I would only rate at medium. My neighbor drove beside me the last half mile (in his car) to make golf plans for tomorrow and even though my pace was faster then normal, I was still able to converse with no trouble. I love running days like the one I had today. :D
Mornings are hard- I've been getting up at 5:30-6:00 for 10 weeks now and I thought I would be used to it but every morning getting dressed I'm like EFFFFF THISSSS.
When I get up at 4a to get ready for the gym, I use a lamp timer set to 3:40a. I, too, typically have the "eff this" feeling when it clicks on. However, when my alarm goes off at 4a, I'm almost ready to get up. I also keep the lights off in the evening, so that my circadian rhythm doesn't get screwed up.
When I get up at 4a to get ready for the gym, I use a lamp timer set to 3:40a. I, too, typically have the "eff this" feeling when it clicks on. However, when my alarm goes off at 4a, I'm almost ready to get up. I also keep the lights off in the evening, so that my circadian rhythm doesn't get screwed up.

That's a good idea! I use an App that tracks my sleep cycles and wake me up in a similar slow, gradual way. 4 am is way too early for me- I used to wake up at a similar time to open Starbucks. Very glad to not have that job anymore.
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oh, just looked at mr. lochte doing backstroke. yeah, not consistent on that level of rotation at all unless i'm slow.
I suspect that one can easily screw up the shoulders on any of the 4 competitive strokes, if not done carefully.

I think I've got that down on a day to day, since I'm able to do 6-7 days/wk about 1.5 or so mi freestyle
Oh yes, however do you manage that much pool time? I do about 5-6 hours a week. The chlorine is bleaching and causing my body hair to break off. My skin breaks out in a rash and my sinuses are crazy, even with the special shampoo and nasal irrigation afterwards and flonase. What's your secret?

he looks like such a fish, doesn't he?
Just remember at that level of sport, they're all mutants.

A swim yesterday. Worked on back streamline. I'm convinced that at best my legs will be about a foot underwater. Then did some upper body weight training after work, using the proper form for bench and shoulder press. My shoulders are feeling fair today. Maybe, I can bulk up the upper body a bit to offset lower body development from stairmaster and running, and get a better balance in the water.

Rest day today, but did some jump rope breaks to break up all the sitting that I do at work. Apparently, sitting kills.
Great 8 mile run at 4:30am, 79 deg., 84%rh... saw cool lightning storm to the south. Saw rabbits and some type of large water foul in a front lawn.
Feet Good
Legs Good
I suspect that one can easily screw up the shoulders on any of the 4 competitive strokes, if not done carefully.

Oh yes, however do you manage that much pool time? I do about 5-6 hours a week. The chlorine is bleaching and causing my body hair to break off. My skin breaks out in a rash and my sinuses are crazy, even with the special shampoo and nasal irrigation afterwards and flonase. What's your secret?

Just remember at that level of sport, they're all mutants.

A swim yesterday. Worked on back streamline. I'm convinced that at best my legs will be about a foot underwater. Then did some upper body weight training after work, using the proper form for bench and shoulder press. My shoulders are feeling fair today. Maybe, I can bulk up the upper body a bit to offset lower body development from stairmaster and running, and get a better balance in the water.

Rest day today, but did some jump rope breaks to break up all the sitting that I do at work. Apparently, sitting kills.

Shoulders are something to take seriously for swim, regardless of form. One of the collegiate athletes who has instructed my daughter, has the most beautiful of swim forms I have seen, surely better than anyone else on the college swim team, pretty as any I've seen on the youtube, graceful, perfect. She is maybe 20 yrs old and had shoulder problems last year. Overuse can happen for any stroke, and she confesses that she wasn't doing enough "dry land" exercises, just swim.

That said, I wince when I see all the people swim laps at the pool. The vast majority of the middle agers have terrible form (crossing over, slapping water, no rotation, breathing on only one side and so over reaching on the other, generally appearing to be fighting demons just below the surface, etc). Like with running, form matters. I have recommended to everyone who talks to me about swimming more to swim better first by getting instruction. It saved me a world of hurt and frustration.
I think people get the idea that because swimming includes flotation, there is no way to get hurt doing it.

I don't manage that much pool time. I do it to the detriment of other activities, or miss sleep.

As far as dealing with chlorine irritation, funny, but blowing out of my nose a bit while swimming, and flip turns, followed by letting the hot shower water run on my face for a while afterwards to get rid of goggle eye seems to clear me up better than a nasal rinse. Kind of icky when you think about the poor pool chemical guys trying to figure out why their proportional needs change on days I"m there, but hey, it works. Sorry if that's TMI :eek:
My skin is fairly dry. I put on lotion (it puts the lotion on....), but forget often. No rashes.
My skin has stayed very thin and fragile feeling, regardless. My plantar skin never "grew" or thickened this year, unlike last year, when I wasn't swimming; it's still soft and thin as if I wore shoes and socks all the time (and though I rarely run bf, I tend to walk about during some of each day bf. socks and shoes only happen for the gym, where it is required.)
Mack's ear plugs are the best for the water in the ears. As long as those are in securely before I'm in the pool, I'm fine. The other day, one fell out, and I had water in my ear the rest of the morning, even after thorough use of swim ear drops.
I'm sitting here rii g my spinning bike right now. The plan is 75 minutes and I'm almost 25 into it.

While here, I've been chattong a bit with a couple of friends about gettibg tatoos together. Just something small on a shoulder blade. Am considering something that incoperates a bare foot, which has approval from hsband and friends. Kids are acting like they were expecting it sooner or later... :)
Wednesday morning
2.5 mi / 4 km
Bourne Hill Repeats & Sprints
Medium to low effort, 3:40 am start.

Was a little bit too early for an all-out effort, but I enjoyed the idea of me running up and down my neighbors' steep street while they were still sound asleep. The top of Bourne hill has a marvelous view of downtown Minneapolis's skyscrapers, dimly lit like the Emerald City in the distance. I was going to run four miles of hill repeats, but thought it best to save something for the st workout later.

Lower-Body Strength-Training

By the time the end of the afternoon rolled around, my psych-up for a good st workout was fading. I didn't have the will to motivate my max 325 barbell deadlift (as Zapmamak says, it depends a lot on 'belief'--and I was afraid of losing concentration and hurting myself), but I managed several sets at 275, 3-5 reps. Then I focused on improving my form on the power cleans and squats by closing my eyes almost completely. Really helped--I could really feel my body balancing in space and the weight distribution and resistance shifting through its structure as the movement progressed. I shifted my trap deadlifts to the end of the workout and did a lot of higher rep sets at 205 after a set at 255 lb. I think I'll do this for the next few lower body workouts. I don't normally do heavier weights at the end of a workout, but as Abide says, the trap deadlifts are kind of a combination of squats and straight deadlifts, so it works as a good lower-body 'finishing exercise' when done at higher reps.

I'm pretty ambivalent about the lower-body workout. On the one hand, it feels like less of a mental burden because of the three st workouts I've put together--upper, mid, and lower body--it has the fewest exercises to work through on the list. On the other, at least half of the exercises are high mental effort exercises, real bears where pretty much the whole body is being worked, and I need longer breaks in between each set to recover and catch my breath. Maybe for this reason, this is definitely my weakest st workout, with the greatest room for improvement, so I'm gonna make it a point of emphasis, kinda like my weekend long run. It falls on a Wednesday, whereas the long run falls on a Saturday usually, so that's good mental spacing for my two peak efforts.

Today I'm pretty sore, especially in the lats. Seems like all three of my st workouts end up working the lats somehow. That's OK; I don't worry too much about strength training cosmetically, but I wouldn't mind having a wider back.

Anyway, I decided to put off today's morning run till later, after I've had time to stretch out good and loosen up the hammies and butt. Might be time for a river run, it's been a while.
As far as dealing with chlorine irritation . . .
Getting rashes in swim class is part of the reason I never learned how to swim much until I started traveling and starting hanging out by the sea.
And no, don't mistake 6 mi run, 2 swims, and a bike ride for ambition. It's stress. Life. Eh.
Are you sure you don't double post? You and HSB make me feel like a slacker.
followed by letting the hot shower water run on my face for a while afterwards to get rid of goggle eye
I was getting a lot of dry eye, until I read a suggestion to put on the goggles before entering the pool. If I get chlorine in my goggles, I get out and use the poolside shower to rinse off. That's helped a lot.

I think that I'm going to try some nose clips, as the sinus headaches are getting old.

Another rest day. Shoulders still okay, but DOMS in the arms. Hopefully, tomorrow.
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If you wash your skin with baking soda and then rub a heavy,duty moisturizer into your skin like vaseline or coconut oil, vitamin E oil, etc., BEFORE you get in the pool it helps A LOT! I can prevent rashes from the chlorine this way!
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I missed my run yesterday, just had to much to do with packing and getting ready to move this weekend. Today I will probably miss my run to as the appraiser is coming by (of course at my normal run time). Finally got a close date of 9/18 on our condo. Sucks for us and the buyer actually. The buyer wants in now, we want it gone now, but his big bank (B of A) is dragging their feet on all the paperwork. That's one thing I really like about small banks, they are much faster and usually hold loans in house instead of with a third party. Our bank (small credit union) has been done with our end for weeks now. Hoping the appraiser will be fast today so I can maybe get a run in. I really need to get in a run.
If you wash your skin with baking soda and then rub a heavy,duty moisturizer into your skin like vaseline or coconut oil, vitamin E oil, etc., BEFORE you get in the pool it helps A LOT!
I've tried lotion before. Baking soda is a good idea. There's really just a few sensitive areas with my skin. I'll mix some baking soda with lotion and apply to those spots beforehand. Thanks!
Lee do you do the straight leg deadlifts? Or do you do the bent knee deadlifts? I had messed up my hamstring pretty bad probably 6 months ago or so from the straight legged version. Apparently my hamstrings are too tight so I have to do the bent knee variety. I am just now finally getting over that hamstring niggle. Sometimes it comes back just slightly after a run, but it doesn't seem to last as long now.
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I've tried lotion before. Baking soda is a good idea. There's really just a few sensitive areas with my skin. I'll mix some baking soda with lotion and apply to those spots beforehand. Thanks!

Try Eucerin skin cream - it's has a couple different versions, there one for sensitive skin is good.
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