Fail: Vibram Five Fingers

When I lived in Dallas I ran barefoot in a nearby park, in an upscale neighboorhood where there was little chance of encountering sharp objects on the ground. When we moved to California, I was not so confident of the substrate, and got a bee-sting, to I purchased a pair of Vibram Five Fingers. I was disappointed to find that they had several disadvantages:

1. They look weird; not a huge issue but I just didn't think the separate toes added any functionality. See below.

2. They take time to put least five minutes ( I wore the five-toed socks under them).

3. The soles are not really very well padded and small stones are painful. Might as well be barefoot.

4. They retain heat.

5. The toes seem to catch on grass and cause stumbles. This was a real problem.

6. They cost a lot more than nothing would cost

7. They are lightweight compared to shoes but they do weigh more than nothing

So while I don't begrudge the money I spent on them, they just didn't seem to me to have much in the way of advantages. Couldn't run on grass, or on gravel. Perhaps they would be more useful in the fall or winter.

I have also tried altering my conventional running shoes by "sandalizing" them, but they remain big, heavy and not conducive to a good running stance and gait.

So now I am back to barefooting. I run mostly in a very grassy park near my home in Mt. View, but I run a little bit on the street and on boulevards. I'd really like to try trail runs but I am afraid I will smash up my feet, not to mention the rest of my body. So I hope to toughen up my feet for a couple of months and then try an easy trail run.


We're too far away from each other to wrassle over this issue. I think my Bikilas are great as far as they go. I much prefer BF to shod in any manner, but for my 15K trail run a couple days ago, I'd never have made it through without something on my feet. There were too many rocks and they were very sharp. My Biks did their job well. I was back to BF for todays run though.

As far as the heat build up, yeah, but I get used to it. Same for the grass between the toes. It doesn't register after a few runs. And no, they're not perfect for protection. I've had multiflora rose thorns punch through the thinner white instep covering on more than one occasion. I just don't run that course any more. The socks would drive me nuts too, but I wouldn't blame the VFFs for that unless my name was OJ. Bottom line for me is that I like them for unfamiliar trails and they enabled me to get through the winter maintaining a reasonable running schedule. They're heavier and smellier than nothing, but have their place.

Good luck to you and enjoy!
My dad used to work in Mountain View, California. It was a long 80 mile (or minute, can't remember) commute, one way, for him.

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