Knee problems and barefoot running

Pain in the medial compartment of the knee is a common result of a lifetime of impacts, particularly when the individual has had knee injuries or over-pronates. This pain is characteristically elicited by full extension of the knee at the moment of heel strike.

Proper barefoot gait, particularly on grass, can reduce or eliminate medial compartment pain by three mechanisms:
-flexed knee and midfoot/forefoot strike re- distributes each impact over a longer period and to other structures outside the knee.
-flexed knee shifts the impact within the knee, away from tender surfaces, to healthier non-painful surfaces.
-proper lateral midfoot/forefoot strike and strengthening of foot and leg muscles eliminate over-pronation, thus re-distributing impact away from the over-used medial compartment.

Further, barefoot runners have an extra incentive for weight reduction i.e. less trauma to soles, and weight reduction will also result in less knee pain.

In sum, barefoot running on grass with proper gait can allow runners with medial knee pain to continue or resume running with less discomfort.


I don't mean to challenge your theory, but it's my understanding that that sort of thinking(running on grass is softer, therefore easier on the joints)is exactly what brought us to soft cushy shoes and caused all the problems to begin with. I believe the research shows, the hard surfaces providemore feed back, allowing the body to adjust naturally. There is even a thread in the barefoot section about all the reasons we DON'T like running on grass.

Also, I was 60lbs overweight with an ACL replacement and shaving/drilling to my articular cartilage. I takeglucosamine and chondroiten and run barefooton concrete with zero knee discomfort.

My 2c.

Thanks for your comment. I suppose everyone is different; you seem to have had some rather invasive surgery. My experience is just the normal wear and tear, like most folks, from my experience. A number of my acquaintances have the medial compartment issues.

I would hardly compare proper barefoot running on grass, to running in full extension with heel strike in a pair of heavy, hot, heel-bloated Nikes. I could be wrong but I think humans evolved on grass, not asphalt. I do a little pavement running, myself, but it is not as cool and enjoyable as grass. Not saying we can't or shouldn't run on pavement, just saying that we didn't evolve on it and I don't much enjoy it.

Further, the predominant medical thinking is that you are wasting your money on oral supplements, particularly chondroitin. I'm glad you are doing well. As a medical doctor, I have never enjoyed surgeons and hope to avoid them.

Hope to see you at some Bay Area event.

best wishes,


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