Barefoot Badger

I recently discovered that the entire time I have been running I've had asthma and that really limited what I could do. I had no idea until just recently. Now I can use this little inhaler and wow - I can run way better and without being completely miserable. It also seems to help my feet not...
Sunday I ran my first full marathon barefoot. After finishing six barefoot half marathons last year I was finally able to train up enough to make it through a full. This race was in Alabama and was half on paved golf cart paths and the last half on roads. My feet held up pretty well but I did...
Barefoot Badger
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Recently I completed two more unshod half marathons at the Texas Threesome race series in Texas. It would have been three but there was tornado activity so the middle race got canceled. I would have got to five moons on the half fanatics club too. Oh well. The course was very nice and...
This was my first half marathon that I've completed all the mileage barefoot. I really enjoyed this one. No problems with the feet. I went a little faster than usual on the hills. This is a pretty hilly race. I was thinking of doing the Big D full marathon in a couple weeks, and I did register...
I finished my first barefoot half marathon yesterday. It was 35F degrees and 21F degrees windchill. I started off wearing my Sockwa shoes (2mm stack height) with some warm socks for the first two miles to get my blood flowing good. After that I ran barefoot(unshod/skin to ground). I use this...

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