Weekly Mileage - 4th Week of 2012

Just finished a 9.37 mile run

Just finished a 9.37 mile run to wrap up 37.29 miles for the week.
Did 5 today with a group for

Did 5 today with a group for our meetup. 2 new people to the group. One newer to running. I got us lost in the woods. I usually do that. I'm so used to just running around until I get back to the trail head. Went from over 60 miles last week to about 20 this week.
Walked a couple of passes

Walked a couple of passes through the house in my old Crocs (no more surgical shoes or crutches for me, yeah!) I can stand or be on my feet for about three minutes, but it gets more painful after that. It's really painful to walk without the Crocs. Each step feels like I am being shocked with electricity. The harder I step, the stronger the shock. It was the same after the cryosurgery, I remember, and it just took time before I was able to get out of them. I'm sure this is a lot like then too.

I figured out that I popped a blood vessel in my right foot, and that's what all that pain was about a couple days ago. I have a problem with bursting blood vessels, but they normally happen in my fingers. It's very painful when it happens. Anyway, so glad I didn't "do" something to cause a new foot problem.

Fun, fun!
How many were in your group,

How many were in your group, NotSo? I like group reports too...and pictures.
Barefoot, there were 5 of us.

Barefoot, there were 5 of us. No pics though. I guess we should have got a pic... I'm not sure there was enough really for a repot. There was me, Jim, Richard who just ran the Houston Marathon (20 in VFF, 6.2 barefoot), and two new dudes to the group. One seems like he has run a lot but is newer to barefoot, the other has been doing barefoot for about a year but has not gone over a mile and a half... until he went on a 2.65 loop. Richard and I were the only ones to go on the next loop.

Did a mile a day today as I will the rest of the week. Tinkered some with form while my knee and ankle are still a tad stiff so see what works and does not when they are hurting... I think I will start pain free after another low mileage week... then rolled.
Another 0.4 running on

Another 0.4 running on Friday, but this time I had a walk around the town square before finishing up, so it was a total of 2.19 miles, 1.79 walking.

So that's a total of 6.19 miles this week. I've been running for 2 minutes at a time, per lap/mile, every time I was out this week. It's pretty difficult for me towards the end of the 2 minutes (heavy breathing AND legs getting tired), so I'll still probably keep it at 2 minutes running for each mile lap this week, then maybe add more next week.
More whininng: No running

More whininng: No running this week. Except the 1/4 mile I did to catch a bus yesterday. Still coughing and my throat is still sore. Also, I can't yawn without coughing afterwards. Weird. I'm kind of debating whether or not to ignore my throat and start running anyway, it's not like I'm running hard or anything. I run at heart rates well below what even Maffetone recommends. Still, it's a risk. Hopefully my throat stops hurting so I can run without having to worry.

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