Weekly mileage 39th week of 2012

My speedwork is usually my lunch runs around Transcona in Winnipeg. You have to run fast because you just want to get through this area as quickly as possible ;), many, many strange people make the runs very interesting. But its great because nobody notices the barefoot guy happily speeding along.
Loose dogs help some with my speed work....
I'm not quite sure where to post this one!
I went for a couple of loops in Central Park on this dull, wet day and was entertained by a rehearsal/sound check for a Neil Young and Foo Fighters concert happening tomorrow. I never carry music with me but thoroughly enjoyed the tunes.
I was intrigued to read Jason's post about 'Finding the Spring' as I've been playing with the feeling over the summer and noticing that the days I 'got it' I was definitely running lighter/better. Today was one of those days.
Neil Young's music always puts a spring in my step, but I might be partial because he is a Winnipeger too.
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You're ahead of me. I usually have to be out by no later than 5am.
It's a nice quiet time, though, right?

I have to start getting ready for work around 4AM on a dayshift... and I usually dont get to bed until 10-11pm. Needless to say I am pretty stressed out from lack of sleep as it is. I have yet to do an early run on a dayshift, period. And then on my off days I sleep in a little in a desperate attempt to regain my humanity. For those that do the early runs, more power to ya! ;)

I think that is one reason it is so fun! My husband really helped me with speed work beginning last spring and I saw great benefits from it. I ran in a mile race and was able to do it in just over 7 minutes. I was pretty stoked! Now, I just need to be patient with it again after injury...
Good job! I did some speedwork prior to my last 5k but only like 4-5 runs total. I had been mainly focusing on longer mileage this year. I dont know if the 4-5 runs did much or just my training in general all year but that last 5k was the faster one since crosscountry of my senior year in '95 so something is working!

I did 10 miles today (well I guess its technically yesterday now) which felt great since the last two weeks have like been my least amount of running yet this year. That makes 12 miles for the week so far. :confused: Hopefully I'll get a run in on Sunday to bring that up a little.
last night: 1.5 bf, with my daughter at sunset, easy fun. Saw my first other bf runner! So it was a toddler running down the road with his dad, but he was bf on pavement (dad wasn't).

this morning: 6mi in huaraches, about 40 degrees, which used to freeze my feet and everything else, but they were fine. Watched the moon set while heading west (full!), and then the sun rise behind wispy clouds in the east on the way back.
1.76 barefoot and 1.86 in my huaraches for a total of 3.62 miles. It was a spur of the moment run and was quite nice to get out without the stroller. I tried to keep it nice and easy and hopefully I will still feel good later. I had missed my run yesterday due to VA obligations so I was really feeling crummy from not having run. I was feeling a little weak (diet I think) on this run today so I called it short and shortened my normal loop about half a mile.
Watched the moon set while heading west (full!), and then the sun rise behind wispy clouds in the east on the way back.
If there was one reason I'd run early in the AM it would be that. I love the sunset but moonset is also neat and rarely seen. And when its times just prior to sunset is the perfect combo. I sometimes get to see it driving to work, or now that its archery season I'll be watching many sunrises from up in a tree.
If there was one reason I'd run early in the AM it would be that. I love the sunset but moonset is also neat and rarely seen. And when its times just prior to sunset is the perfect combo. I sometimes get to see it driving to work, or now that its archery season I'll be watching many sunrises from up in a tree.

Archery! Just got a thought in my head that I want to take myself n my kids to archery lessons(i've never been---can't imagine myself hunting, but the bow n arrow usage is COOL). Must be the time of year giving me the thought.....
A little over half a mile running/ another half or more walking around the gravel bed bike trail a few miles away with the fam at sunset.
Got to see some old farm stuff and other junk at the small town's oktoberfest, which, yes, takes place every year in september.
If we count little runs like that, hmmm, that puts me 1 or 2 miles over 40 mi this week. First time getting that since mid august, when I wasn't taking 2 classes, teaching 2 classes, grading for another teacher in addition, starting phd research, taking the kids to swim lessons.......yeah, something's going to give. Hope it ain't the running. Maybe hygiene. Already gave up cooking. We don't need no education.............
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Just survived about 8.5 miles running in the Owyhee desert with 3 daughters and husband. Lest you worry about the kids, they are ages 16 (who was on a bike due to already having XC practice in the AM, and she carried her bike over her head when she couldn't ride it...), 18 (who took first for women in a half-marathon this summer), and 22 (she WANTED to go on a long run for her birthday today). You see what I'm up against? The guide (husband) was lost part of the time, but I was adventurous. Week total is the best in a while: 17.5 miles. Maybe there is a half-marathon in my future.

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