Treadmill vs. Elliptical?


Feb 7, 2012
Erie, PA
I'm thinking of acquiring either an elliptical trainer or a treadmill to use when it's not conducive to running outside (Polar Vortex, anyone?).

Any thoughts on which is the better choice?
I've used both occasionally, usually at hotel fitness centers when I'm travelling, but not enough to know which I would prefer. I'm kind of leaning towards the elliptical, but I'd appreciate any other opinions.
If you happen to be a road bike rider you could consider a bike trainer to ride your road bike on indoors...they work nicely and you can watch TV etc while you ride...another alterative for cold times of the year. Treadmills are out for me I'd rather run minshod than run on those...elliptical trainer doesn't look good either.
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I prefer treadmills to the elliptical. We had an elliptical and over several months I maybe used it 5 times. Ellipticals are funny in that you have to be very careful to get one with a good stride length for you. As a barefoot runner your stride length is going to be much shorter than shod people your same size. If you get an elliptical make sure it has an adjustable stride length or that it fits you specifically. Nothing worse than buying a machine that doesn't fit. In that sense treadmills are much easier.
Thanks for all the feedback so far!
I never really considered the stride length on an elliptical before - I've only used one a handful of times.
Sounds like maybe the treadmill is a better bet, especially since my wife will probably be using it too, and her stride length is definitely different from mine.
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I'll expand my post in a more serious manner this time. I am certainly not anti-machine, they do serve a need and any activity is better than nothing. I forget how fortunate I am to be able to run right outside my front door and with a flexible work schedule can generally find good running conditions. If considering a machine I would ask - am I trying to add to my running routine with running? Then the treadmill makes more sense, of course. If I am looking for cross training then I would consider an elliptical, cycle, or stair climber machine. Yes, an elliptical is nothing like running, more closely related to classic cross country skiing, which is why I would prefer it. Also, you get a slight upper body workout. Good point Nick about the adjustable stride length. Very important. Also, the more expensive machines have programs and more resistance settings. I can crank up the resistance on an elliptical and get a better workout than a treadmill.
Any views on an Arc trainer Vs. Elliptical?

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