Starting My Own Barefoot Cult


Feb 11, 2011
I think this may in some weird way sort of fall into the discussion Jason started about "Our Message", although I really haven't tried to spread any message. If people ask, I talk to them about running barefoot. I'm enthusiastic about it and I think that either sparks a bit of interest in those who ask or it pisses them off. I've definitely had my share of discussions with barefoot haters (some down right verbally violent about it) but most others are just enamored with the idea of running barefoot although they probably mistakenly believe they can't do it themselves for "ABC" reason.

Anyway, literally in the last two weeks some strange things have happened. I'm working up in Illinois for 6 months and I have had five (5) people approach me from the Air Force ranks and ask if I'll help them "learn to run barefoot". That's awesome! I don't know why it's happened now, since I've been running less in Illinois than I was in Texas, but it's happened nonetheless. I gladly signed myself up for that task. The really odd part is I didn't prosthelytize while in Illinois...I just went out running and people saw me and started talking amongst themselves. Score one for the example method.

I'm currently at home in Texas for a three day visit. I ran into one of my neighbors in my favorite brewpub ( last night who has been a struggling runner for the last few years. He's been plagued with back, knee and foot injuries since I met him. He saw me running barefoot about a year ago and talked to me about it at a neighborhood party. At that time he adamantly talked about how he thought it was a huge mistake to run barefoot. No problem. I like the guy and we had a civil discussion about it. Last night he told me he wants to run barefoot and asked if I would help him. Another score.

So, I'm thinking the iron is hot, I may as well strike. I'm going to go ahead and start my barefoot cult. I knew this day would come....
Can I join or does one have

Can I join or does one have to be "recruited" by you or other current members? I'm not really a fan of San Antonio and request that you established your HQs in the hill country or maybe even CO.
That's pretty cool, Talon! I

That's pretty cool, Talon! I think the running less could by why they feel comfortable approaching you. It seems less out of reach for a newbie if their example or cult leader isn't knocking down ultra-worthy mileage. People opened up to me more about it when they found out I was still a low mileage runner.

Funny thing is, even now that I'm injured I'm talking up barefoot to the people in my real life when asked about it. I admit my injury is bfr-related, but use it as a "no running is 100% injury risk free" as mine was rooted in a freak accident. I'm a freak and had an accident.

I'm daily becoming more confident about returning to barefoot running, thanks to encouragement of folks like TJ, Pilot and others on this board, so sign me up for the cult.
So I guess it just took

So I guess it just took another year of running injured in pain to come around. ;-)
Beware to all...Any cult

Beware to all...

Any cult started by Talonraid is sure to involve nipple-tassels, fishnet stockings and a small dachshund dog.

And that's just for the guys!

Don't be too critical of him, he's just a product of his environment.

pilotrunner said:
nipple-tassels, fishnet stockings and a small dachshund dog.

I'm in!!
Oh, JT, JT, JT.  Don't let

Oh, JT, JT, JT. Don't let them suck you in too. :tired:
I'm only joining if it

I'm only joining if it involves aliens taking us to another planet. Every respectable cult needs aliens. And a theme song.
My husband might even ditch

My husband might even ditch his shoes for aliens!!!
damn. i was sure this thread

damn. i was sure this thread was either started by LPJ or mgbfg.

i have a lhasa apso, will he pass?
Alright, here's the

Alright, here's the deal:

Sequenced short shorts, fishnet tank tops, thongs, ball gags, nipple clamps, genital tattoos, genital jewelry, body piercing for suspension (google. it)...all yes. There is much more, but you have to bend the knee and swear fealty to learn all.

I AM THE ALIEN, sent here to rule but I'm pretty laid back. I onlly demand your promise to "be chill"....oh, and uwaivering loyalty and obedience. I'll take you to another planet after you die. Trust me. Burial at sea is a whole other world. Also, everyone must become SCUBA certified. Don't worry it's free. We have our own in-house instructors.

There is no cool-aid unless it's laced with alcohol. Weekly prayer involves the cool aid drink while daily prayer involves beer. Crap beer like miller, budweiser, coors, etc. is banned. It's the roolz. Everyone will become a homebrewer. Don't worry I will instruct you. If you don't drink, that's fine, but you must still brew beer. It's the roolz.

Yes, Agel you can join because we need at least one ritual sacrifice. It's gonna hurt like hell but don't worry you'll be talked about for years afterwards.

No lhaso apso or other weak-assed dogs (I apologize in advance to those of you in love with inferior breeds). Dogs are allowed but they must be over 40lbs or be cool as shite (approved by committee). Hey! It's the roolz.

I'm barefoot shoes. Minimal shoes are allowed as long as they have zero heel to toe drop, flexible sole and don't say nike anywhere on them.

Oh, and we will adopt a Paleo diet. Yes, you must kill your own meat.
talonraid wrote:body piercing

talonraid said:
body piercing for suspension (google. it)

This is actually how I started the barefoot running movement. see my story below.

When I was 8 years old I travelled to Southern California with an extreme suspension troupe (the guys who hang on hooks). As I was hanging out one day a dude walked up wear the fugliest pair of alligator boots I have ever seen.

He asked, "what the hell is wrong with you? What kind of person hangs on hooks?"
To which I replied, "WTF is up with those boots? are they made from alligator ass?" After a while we came to an agreement, I would never hang on hooks again and he would never wear the boots again. As he took them off another dude ran up, took the boots and bolted! Well the first dude was livid and went after his boots (in case you haven't figured it out, he was barefoot when he went after the dude). Eventually he came back with his boots and raved about how free he felt running throught town barefoot, he vowed to never wear shoes again. As he ran off, relaxed and smiling I yelled, "who are you?!?" He turned his head, his beard hanging in the wind and yelled, "They call me Ken, Ken Bob!" And that my friends is how barefoot running was started. This is from
hey, my lhasa is bad ass.

hey, my lhasa is bad ass. he's 12lbs, runs for two hours a day no prob, eats raw meat and bones, catches squirrels, and jumps off of bridges(without even a bruise) all while biting strangers with bad energy and attracting beautiful women.

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