Road trip + 50k + freezing temps + a bunch of minimalist runners = ???

I'm surprised you remembered

I'm surprised you remembered how to tie your shoes, Jason. Hee.

Looks like a nice time, good memories, good fun. How is it to run on snow that hard and dry?

Shelly has good form.
Barefoot TJ wrote:I'm

Barefoot TJ said:
I'm surprised you remembered how to tie your shoes, Jason. Hee.

Looks like a nice time, good memories, good fun. How is it to run on snow that hard and dry?

Shelly has good form.

Her form really does look amazing, she lands so light it looks fake. Now I'm wondering if all barefooters look that way, or if I'm going to be bitterly disappointed the first time I see myself run. :p
It's interesting to look at

It's interesting to look at each of us in regards to form. We're all self-taught. I'd like to say I had a hand in Shelly's form, but that's all her. Same deal with Mark and Jesse. We're all fairly different, but each of us have had some degree of success. Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that there are many ways to skin the proverbial cat... each of us needs to experiment to find what works for us.

TJ- That was a foot double tying the shoe. :)

Dry, hard snow isn't bad... it's a lot like hard-packed dirt. Only colder.

pbarker- good luck with that race!
= Bad A** Way to go you

= Bad A** :p

Way to go you guys, I'm super impressed at Shelly's progress of this last year!!
Oooo!  I like the look of

Oooo! I like the look of that snow. I expect that for the next while we'll just have the stuff that goes "pluff" before it turn into the stuff that goes "splat." 50K, though...damn, that's impressive at sub 10 degrees.

Were you able to keep all your bits up to comfortable temp once you got running? How many layers were on your legs?

What kinds of times do people run that in under those conditions?

Thanks for the presentation.
JT- I wore a pair of

JT- I wore a pair of compression shorts under running pants with a strategically-placed sock. ;-)

The winner won with a time of around 3:33 (pretty damn fast, especially considering the temps and trail conditions). Jesse finished in 4:28, third in his age group and 15th overall. Rick finished in 5:11, I finished in 5:18, Mark finished in 5:41. Shelly dropped after two laps (of three).
Ha!  Ha!  Ha!  Ha!  I'm

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I'm crying! Socks! Ha!
Hi Jason,Great video, I wish

Hi Jason,

Great video, I wish I could find a group of like minded runners out there. I have seen one other barefoot runner and I did see someone practicing Pose drills a few months back.

The running form looked really good, I need to get someone to video my own form to see how it compares, it can't be too bad as I can cover good distances these days and the feet are fine.

The Pose Running Method book was the best thing I bought, very well written and explained in a slow methodical manner.



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