Now Resolution!

Alejandro 10

Jul 13, 2011
After over a month with only two runs I made a Now Resolution to run a minimum of twenty minutes per day this month. I couldn't wait until the New Year, and those rarely work for more than two weeks.

Are you up for a New Resolution? If so, what is your's?

P.S. Yesterday I ran for 50 minutes, and I am about to head out the door.
Always looking to challenge myself, I am looking at (have not committed yet) to running at least 2 miles a day for the year in 2013. Not sure how that will work out but figured I would roll the dice. I have made New Year's Resolutions before, and very few were ever stuck too, this one I think I might be able to seriously do.
I plan to not have any more surgeries in 2013, dammit! 2013 is going to be MY YEAR! sigh.
I plan to patiently build up distance and pace. My goal is to run three times a week, add one mile per month to my long run, finish 2013 with a 20-mile run, be able to sustain an 8 mm pace for an hour, lose another 15-20 pounds, and not get any stupid runner's injuries. I've got it all set up on an Excel doc ...

December's Now Resolution is to finish this fall's rehab, and get up to around 20 mpw in prep for 2013's New Year's Resolutions.
I'll get my goals nailed down more soon.
For the time being, I'd like to keep up decent mileage, keep up with my strength training, and for running, I'd like to see my times start to come down, maybe to 9-930 pace for medium to long runs, and quicker (I dunnor---8:15-8:30 for a 5k?)for shorter runs. I can do that now/did it sometimes this summer, but it is challenging and I get tight legs the next day.
Speeding up is not an easy goal for a slow runner like me, but any time improvement on a regular basis would feel like something.

Also, I'd like to keep up with my consistency from the last year. I've always let myself slack off during the year and had to get back into shape. This past year, I felt like I kept up with regular exercise a lot more than I had in the past, even when life got busy, and even when there wasn't time for a full workout.
I'll get my goals nailed down more soon.
For the time being, I'd like to keep up decent mileage, keep up with my strength training, and for running, I'd like to see my times start to come down, maybe to 9-930 pace for medium to long runs, and quicker (I dunnor---8:15-8:30 for a 5k?)for shorter runs. I can do that now/did it sometimes this summer, but it is challenging and I get tight legs the next day.
Speeding up is not an easy goal for a slow runner like me, but any time improvement on a regular basis would feel like something.

Also, I'd like to keep up with my consistency from the last year. I've always let myself slack off during the year and had to get back into shape. This past year, I felt like I kept up with regular exercise a lot more than I had in the past, even when life got busy, and even when there wasn't time for a full workout.

You know you mention being a slow runner and I've been running Maffetone style again... Wow, did my pace drop back down. I am looking at between 12 and 13 minutes a mile. Keep up the good work!
i have two resolutions, one is to run my first full marathon in june barefoot the other is to run the tripple crown barefoot. i hope i am ready by then i think i will be i plan on taking it slow and working on form. so far i can go about 6 miles on trails and some street but i have never ran completley on the street. out here the streets are all paved with chip seal its nothing like regular asphalt. so it burns your feet up pretty good but i just keep working on it.
1. Welcome Christie!
I don't know what else you've been up to, but if you're now at 6 miles on trails, etc, 26 miles racing might be a very steep grade to climb safely by June. Just sayin'...
Oh, and you can get a fresh avatar pic showing yourself with BARE FEET one of these days. For me there is still a positive joy in seeing pics of myself running BF or in Min shoes. I don't know if it's the distinctive posture, the concentrated bliss on my face, or if it's just that I see BF runners so rarely.

2. Chris, your ho-hum, regular daily running grind is a distant aspiration to most of us.

3. My goal for now is to get back to being able to run as often and as fast and as unshod as I care to - like before I fell out of that friggin' tree and f'd up my spine. I think that running my spring race schedule and simply matching my 2012 times would be a real triumph. We'll see. I ran almost 5 miles on pavement yesterday, 3.5 BF, and only felt a little wobbly-sore in the back this morning. Things do improve, but it will be a while before I can just go run without worry again, I believe.
My running goal right now is to gradually increase mileage (longest run at 9 miles so far last week) and pace, working towards a 13.1 mile race next summer. gasp. I mean, I DO gasp, every time I think or talk about it! Partly because I've never raced more than a 10K before, and partly because I am (just) beginning to think it might actually be both possible AND enjoyable. If it ends up being a race more in town, I might even be able to pull it off barefooted.
I agree, start with and finish with a smile on your face, and all is good.
Resolutions? what's that?
I only do what the little voices in my head tell me to.
Seriously, I live for the moment and spontaneously, if I feel like running I run if I want to do something else instead of running I'll go for it. Life is too short(no offense white short guy) and I just like to enjoy every minute of it!
Sra. Dama, You're a Zen princess and I'm going to work really hard to be just like you.

Laurabird, if you can run 9 miles BF now, 13.1 in the spring and with a good dose of adrenalin will be cake. You will do just fine. You could most likely pull it off now, I think.

Like they said, do it with a smile and the miles will just fly by. My best runs / races are the ones wherein I get the chattiest.
3. My goal for now is to get back to being able to run as often and as fast and as unshod as I care to - like before I fell out of that friggin' tree and f'd up my spine. I think that running my spring race schedule and simply matching my 2012 times would be a real triumph. We'll see. I ran almost 5 miles on pavement yesterday, 3.5 BF, and only felt a little wobbly-sore in the back this morning. Things do improve, but it will be a while before I can just go run without worry again, I believe.

Joseph, I really hope you didn't do any long term damage to your back. Having chronic back problems REALLY,REALLY,SUCKS!
Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you.
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