Mileage reporting 37th week of 2014

0.75 km tuesday, 0.75 km wednesday, nothing today as I was supposed to go this morning but the cold and wet weather really put me off. I guess I'm going to have to start looking into those Sockwas earlier than I thought.

At any rate, I think I might have found the cause for the the post-tibial issues. Incoming wall of text...

I used to have my right foot pointing outwards by a lot. This spring, after the very shin splints issues, I decided to try to straighten it out and walk with my feet pointing forward as much as possible. Nowadays, it's not perfect and I am still working on it but it is much better than before.

The problem though, is that forcing my right foot to point forward can cause my left foot to want to point outwards to compensate. When I walk or stand still, it is easy to correct but I think that when running it causes the issue. I will have to focus on making sure both feet point forward running. I'll give this a shot for the next few runs.
Wednesday evening: about 5 or so, maybe 6, who knows, in sandals, all around and about the neighborhood. I am LOVING this weather. It was about 45-50F with a brisk wind and lots of clouds and autumn in the air. wore just about what i would in warm temps and rejoiced in the coolness. Felt like a puppy. Would not have returned but I had to check on the children, who were indeed not doing their homework. Was gonna go to racquetball with them if they had, oh well.

Thurs morning: neighborhood run again, low-mid 40s, legs a little tight from last night, so still happy, just not as frisky. maybe 3.5 mi
8 mile run at 5:00 am., 82 deg. f., 66 % rh...
Heard 2 roosters crow.
I had a really great outing!!
After last Tuesday afternoon's run, my left knee's MCL(?) felt sore the next morning, so much so that I had to walk last Wednesday morning's 5k, and even then, it got progressively sorer as I walked. Then Abide suggested massaging, and this seems to be helping. I had thought that tight lower leg muscles would only affect the tendons in the feet, but apparently they can tug on the knee as well. We'll see, but I'm hopeful continued massaging with 'the stick' will get me back in the game.

Don't forget to massage the upper leg muscles above the knee soreness too...another source of the pulling on your knee...its all connected above and below.
Don't forget to massage the upper leg muscles above the knee soreness too...another source of the pulling on your knee...its all connected above and below.
Thanks, I think that was Abide's original advice too. I'll get out the foam roller after breakfast. Lately I've also gotten better about massaging and stretching my gimpy left shoulder, and that's helped keep the gimpiness in check too. It's like I need a weekly or monthly reminder of the importance of stretching and massaging, be more preventative than curative in my use of it.
Thursday - Lots of time on my feet shopping and gardening, which didn't seem to aggravate the tight leg, and probably kept me from going crazy. It's pretty amazing how being used to so much running makes a body need to keep being active! Then, 20 minutes of swimming in the evening.

Friday - no running again. I could probably test it, but dear hubby says to baby it and I am inclined to agree. Again, I can walk fine, but massaging it I can still feel it is a bit sore and tight. Still have hopes for the marathon and am just looking at this as a rest week.
Already 3 runs this week, Tuesday/Thursday and Friday, all runs about 12km/7.5mi.

I think we finally have Spring on our door.

A little concern on my left ankle (a bit of soreness), but nothing too worrisome for the moment.

I am moving place next week, so my running might suffer a bit, but will still try to put some running early morning, the good thing is that now the sun is out at about 6am, which helps a lot.
First run of the season on the minus side. 5km at 2C with a windchill of -1C. Toes stayed pleasantly numb, but not sore. Had to break out the lightweight merino layer this morning and was comfortable with my layering, not to warm and not to cold. No snow yet like our neighbors out west, Alberta already got hit with 2 snow storms already this week so it will not be too much longer before it gets here. YOW, bring on the winter challenge before we have to resort to min shoes due to snow out this way, looks like winter will be early this year. Where is that global warming? I was looking forward to that.
First run of the season on the minus side. 5km at 2C with a windchill of -1C. Toes stayed pleasantly numb, but not sore. Had to break out the lightweight merino layer this morning and was comfortable with my layering, not to warm and not to cold. No snow yet like our neighbors out west, Alberta already got hit with 2 snow storms already this week so it will not be too much longer before it gets here. YOW, bring on the winter challenge before we have to resort to min shoes due to snow out this way, looks like winter will be early this year. Where is that global warming? I was looking forward to that.
I was just thinking that this morning, that the Winter Challenge should begin one month earlier and end one month later, otherwise there's a bias against people living above 40-45 latitude.

I also broke out the Merino wool this morning. Thanks again for the rec, I love that stuff!
thursday afternoon: after the morning run, some weights before i had to pick up kids.
friday: 1 mile on a DREADMILL to warm up (yuck), which was all i could take, then some weights.I'm on a squat kick. won't stop till i've got them steel buns.
saturday: nothing yet. doing saturdy morning stuff. gonna be nice out today, so i'll try to run. legs tired from weights last night, in a good way.
thursday afternoon: after the morning run, some weights before i had to pick up kids.
friday: 1 mile on a DREADMILL to warm up (yuck), which was all i could take, then some weights.I'm on a squat kick. won't stop till i've got them steel buns.
saturday: nothing yet. doing saturdy morning stuff. gonna be nice out today, so i'll try to run. legs tired from weights last night, in a good way.
You might want to look into this guy: He claims to have been successfully helping women with their bottoms for quite some time. He's particularly keen on hip thrusts. Or at least on selling his hip thrust apparatus:

Personally, I've come to the conclusion that most exercises are nonsense, just stick with the basics at high intensities--squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, rows, and pullups/pulldowns. My wife has visually confirmed the effectiveness of this approach.

For squats, make sure you do them full/deep, ass-to-grass style:

Your glutes will thank you later.

Deadlifts are also good for glutes, but no doubt, squats are king, er, I mean queen!

How's St. Cloud treating you by the way?
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Did my first long run in Sept. this morning at Stone Mountain park pavement 3 laps plus...about 15.5 miles in just over 2 hours.

A couple other Georgia chapter runners were there and we all ran together for the half lap then I finished the first with one of them. 2nd lap did some random tempo intervals here and there...third lap took it easy and despite the high humidity was able to hold a pretty good pace. Only 3 runs this week but still managed 29 miles.
Thanks :)
I don't do your amount of strength training ;)
Cuz you're smart!

Seriously, I really miss the running, gotta get some kind of consistency going before winter hits or I'm screwed. Hopefully I can get back in the 25-30 mpw zone before then.

Running is so much better (for me) than strength training for mood, energy, appetite, sleep, illness-prevention, etc.

Still, it's a nice surprise to be able to become stronger than I was in my prime. Serves the delusion of immortality! Our generation will rewrite the book on geriatrics it seems.

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