Mileage Reporting 29th Week of 2013

Last couple of days ran 2 miles each day and also walked a mile or so each day with dog. Left foot is pretty much healed still doing phisio to loosen and level off the hips. Had another bout of needling yesterday, last weeks needling seemed to help some what. Golfing for the next couple days, so that should be good for 4-5 miles walks, or more if the driver is not working again. :D
Lee, it does sound like you might be pushing it too much. But then again, maybe you've just added too much mileage and maybe you just need to tone down your microruns to a true microrun size.
That's what running four days in a row do to your calves...just sayin'.
Yah, could be. But also yesterday, the whole day, my hammies were crying out for a good stretch on the floor, and I ignored them, so it could be that too. I may need to be more vigilante about stretching and massaging with this everyday business. We'll see. If stretching and massaging don't do it, there's always another solution: reduce and/or rest!

In any case, I'm not too worried about it. I'll take a muscle issue over a joint or ligament issue any day.
Yah, could be. But also yesterday, the whole day, my hammies were crying out for a good stretch on the floor, and I ignored them, so it could be that too. I may need to be more vigilante about stretching and massaging with this everyday business. We'll see. If stretching and massaging don't do it, there's always another solution: reduce and/or rest!
Yep, I needed more stretching when I was doing the everyday running, but I've found since doing 3 bigger runs a week it is now more important for me to stretch and massage after exercise, but only on the day of exercise. Kind of getting burnt out already on the longer runs and may go back to doing the 4-5 days a week with only 1 longer run a week. I don't know though. I should give it more than two weeks though. See if it grows on me. Part of it is I get tired of being cooped inside on the bike on my non running days...
Yep, I needed more stretching when I was doing the everyday running, but I've found since doing 3 bigger runs a week it is now more important for me to stretch and massage after exercise, but only on the day of exercise. Kind of getting burnt out already on the longer runs and may go back to doing the 4-5 days a week with only 1 longer run a week. I don't know though. I should give it more than two weeks though. See if it grows on me. Part of it is I get tired of being cooped inside on the bike on my non running days...
Yah, the everyday running thang is kind of addicting. I would consider giving up the long run if it interfered with my ability to run more regularly. I'm not sure seven days a week will work out for me, but I'm thinking 4-5 days a week instead of just three might end up becoming a permanent change in my approach. For the time being, I'm keeping all runs to an hour or less. Like you suggested, I have a feeling my pace is going to start to come down more quickly now, so I'll just focus on that, and let the long runs return when I'm feeling it, which may be tomorrow!
Yah, could be. But also yesterday, the whole day, my hammies were crying out for a good stretch on the floor, and I ignored them, so it could be that too. I may need to be more vigilante about stretching and massaging with this everyday business. We'll see. If stretching and massaging don't do it, there's always another solution: reduce and/or rest!

In any case, I'm not too worried about it. I'll take a muscle issue over a joint or ligament issue any day.

You could say that again but then again, if one ignores the muscle signs it could lead to the tissue/ligament nightmares.
And since we learned from past mistakes all is good.
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You could say that again but then again, if one ignores the muscle signs it could lead to the tissue/ligament nightmares.
Tru Dat! I know this all too well from my Top-of-the-foot-pain fiasco. That's why now I never hesitate to recommend massage and stretching to anyone with running issues. It's the first line of prevention and oftentimes the first step to cure as well.
And since we learned from past mistakes all is good.
Tru Dat 2! And you, Nick, Dutchie and others were critical teachers along the way.

BTW, all I'm talking about here is some tightness. It's not a cramp or anything. I just walked a coupla miles and didn't feel a thing. And I've been massaging it a lot today, and the knots are slowly coming undone, but there were surprisingly many, almost AngelMike-worthy, so I've been warned.

As you may recall, running five or six or more miles without stopping for a stretch at some point is fairly novel for me, so perhaps I need to reincorporate my mid-run stretch for at least a while, while my body continues to adapt to the early morning starts and more frequent runs. Or perhaps I need to do a better job of massaging/stretching immediately after the run, instead of hitting the shower right away and hustling off to my office.

In any case, I'm pretty sure it's a very minor, ephemeral tissue issue, but I'm loving the way my homies got my back.
Well, I went to the gym with the plan of st and then 30 min on the bike. What I did was ST of chest, biceps, triceps, and abs for about an hour. Then I decided bike wasn't going to cut it so I went for a short two mile run. no problem normally, but today wasn't normal. Today, as it was my gym and BIKE day I wore my vffs. Instead of trying to go back to the house and lug the toddler and the stroller up the 18 stairs to the condo and swap out footwear, I thought eh, it's only 2 miles, what could go wrong. Legs are really paying the price now.

My first sign of problems was about half mile in when the toes started cramping up. About a mile in I started having shin pain. Mile and a half my toes were just on fire and I was starting to have a slight knee pain on the inside of the left knee. Stopped at that point and took a break for a couple minutes to see if the pain would let up enough to get me the half mile home. After a couple minutes the toe pain was gone and I took back off and finished the run.

I would have taken off the vffs but lately there has been a ton of debris on the sidewalk in this stretch and I would have been just as miserable only the pain would be on the soles of the feet instead of the toes. Was barely able to average about 12 minute miles today. Wow. I think I need to start bringing my sandals with me to the gym even on days I plan on biking, just in case I decide I would rather run. My legs are now screaming at me for some good ole stretching and massage/rolling/sitting on a softball. You would think I would learn someday not to wear these and run, this happens every time I wear them....
Tru Dat 2! And you, Nick, Dutchie and others were critical teachers along the way.

In any case, I'm pretty sure it's a very minor, ephemeral tissue issue, but I'm loving the way my homies got my back.

You're welcome :)
That's what friends are for, right?
You would think I would learn someday not to wear these and run, this happens every time I wear them....

And there are people that just never learn:smuggrin:
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3 miles in a circle on Tuesday....... Local track. There were some high school age kids practicing pole vaulting skills, I heard a couple of comments. "He's making me dizzy." (For the record I switched it up at the 1.5 mark going the other direction. The I got, "He must be suicidal." I think that was relating my non-stop circling on a nice 90 degree evening.

Goose Egg for yesterday and today and probably tomorrow.
40 minites of swimming at various speeds for various time intervals (ranging from 2 minutes to 13 minutes)
Then, 45 minutes on the spinning bike. The knee feels better after I use it some than it does if I am doing desk work for very long. It did not bother me for any of my activites today and again it feels better right after exercise than prior (I was sitting for a while before hand)
No run today. Rode bicycle this evening only 6 miles though. While riding around the lake I saw the lady walking BF that I saw last week. She apparently really does walk barefoot as her soles of here feet were quite black. She must walk at least one lap around the lake which is 1.2 miles.

Planning on an early morning run hoping for a 6+mile run. Temps are to be in the upper 60's in the early morning hours.
beach! there a couple of hours. most of the time in the water, but not swimming the whole time. tried my hands out at open water by swimming back and forth along the shore. Mostly forth; I found it way easier to swim with the current than against (against the current felt almost sea-sickness inducing?). when i gave up on freestyle, i did a lot of kicking until my toes cramped up when I decided to put on fins and get a foot stretch out of it as well. the lake today was full of this weird soap bubble looking froth. made my hair sticky. ew.
so i'm going against the rebels here and starting my week from monday. it was an optional day so i walked the dogs to the park and did some body weight training.

tuesday was intervals. thursday was easy run. today was intervals again. today i was supposed to stay between 7:40-7:00 m/m pace. that was hard. kept going under. finished with some sprints at that sub 7 pace then came home and did some pistols and one armed pushups.

tomorrow is long run but i'm leaving the dogs home this time. too hot for them. going to do some rope climbing with jen. should be a good laugh for me.

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