Hello from Michigan


Jul 27, 2013
Hey Everyone! Nice to be part of a larger group of Barefooters. I'm a newbie. I'm retired (62) and living in an RV full-time. That comes to an end next Apr when we move into our retirment condo in Grand Haven, MI. Then I go to RVing part-time. My BF journey has been a stop and go effort. Now that I'm retired, I find myself able to focus and be more consistent. Up until yesterday, I was up to gently "running" 3 miles. Ended up with a setback yesterday with a nice blister on my left big toe. Clearly doing something wrong. So, in the next few days, I go back to the beginning and slowly, and gently walk trying to figure out what I was doing incorrectly. You see, my right foot was fine, except for ball tenderness. No blisters, so I must have been doing something differently on my left foot landing. Maybe not lifting toes, maybe pushing off, maybe not landing on the same line. That's okay, back to the drawing board. Hopefully, once healed I can get back to the running. I was enjoying it immensely! I've applied to the Michigan chapter, awaiting approval.
I'm RVing across the lake in Wisconsin right now and will approve you as soon as I get back to MI in a few days.
I believe you are the first MI member yet to be older then then me (by at least a year or two!
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Welcome, Gary! Sounds like the future is bright for you. :headphone:
Welcome Gary you'll have fun here.
And just for reassurance, barefoot running is a stop and go journey at the beginning. So hang in there!
Just a short update. I'm now in Maine visiting family. The blister has healed and I'm focusing more on walking correctly on tougher terrain in order to toughening up my feet. Think I'm making progress as I'm now looking for gravel to walk on vice avoiding it! :) Last night I walked nearly 0.5 miles all on gravel roads in our RV park. Around the bathhouse it is surrounded by a deep layer of very rough rock. Spent a few minutes walking gently. I can feel my soles toughening day-by-day. At some point, I'll break into a light run. Day by day, right?
It's not unusual to have asymmetric wear issues. I don't wear my Vibram 5Fingers often but have put enough miles on them, just under 2,000, to wear out the pads under right 2nd and 3rd toes. Blisters are a great way to find out you're pushing off and correct.

Still in Maine, specifically the Bar Harbor region. Fall is here and the colors are beginning to show themselves. Will be here until early Oct and then make our way to Fort Levenworth, KS. Still BF walking every 3-4 days. Spouse and I have been hiking and kayaking. Hiking is shod, but kayaking is BF (duh!!! :) ) Weather is beginning to cool down, so kayaking will be coming to a close. Am really enjoying the short hikes. Love being in the "back country"!
You really should give barefoot hiking a try, I think you'll like it!
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It's fall here in Georgia too. The big leaves are falling off the trees, and the wind is blowing them all around.
You really should give barefoot hiking a try, I think you'll like it!
Barefoot TJ: Have read articles where folks have actually hiked the Appalachian Trail BF. One of these days I'll try a short back-country hike BF, and bring my xero shoes as a cautious backup. You say the leaves are falling in Georgia. I retired from Augusta in Feb 13 and have been on the RV road since. Where in GA are you now?
I am about 30 minutes south of Atlanta.

How are you liking the RVing lifestyle?

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