Greetings Fellow Barefooters!


May 30, 2013
Cleveland, OH
Hello from Northeast Ohio :happy:!!
I have been freaking people out with my unshod ways for 3 years now...and I'm so happy to have found more of my kind :barefoot:!!
I first heard about barefoot running about a year after I began running. I absolutely loved to run, but hated the shin splints, knee pain, and hip pain. Like many, I just figured with my "over-pronation" and chunky body-type, I just wasn't ever going to be a good runner. Actually, I never really planned to be a "great runner"....I just wanted to run without pain!
Then, I saw a newscast about a "new way of running"...which was barefoot. At first, my reaction was "What a bunch of freaks!!!" (sound familiar??)
But then....I tried it.
I have been hooked ever since that very first barefoot mile around that track.
I am not, nor have I ever been, fact...I don't even consider what I do "running"'s more like a "shuffle"...ever see Ozzy Osbourne in concert? The way he shuffles around the stage? Well, that's more like what I do. But being barefoot has completely stopped the running injuries and has made running much more enjoyable...and easier!
I have enjoyed reading (and relating to) your stories and adventures :). I can't believe how far some of you have run and how fast you are!! I look forward to reading more!!
Welcome! :barefoot:
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Welcome! welcome. welcome...where did you go?:happy:
Don't forget to post your shuffling miles on the weekly mileage post:barefoot:
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