Concurrent Strength & Endurance Training 2020: Cycle I

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
Assessment of Last Cycle:
Was making OK progress when a spike in my blood pressure threw a wrench into the program.

Goals for this Cycle:
The main goal is to get my blood pressure under control through increased aerobic and conditioning work. For lifting, I will start with a Squat 3RM of 225 and probably microload from there to make sure I'm not taking away any time, energy, or motivation for aerobic and conditioning. I will first try an everyday morning aerobic / afternoon Push/Pull split with conditioning afterwards. I may fall back to, or alternate with, my more established approach of EOD lifting and aerobic.

---------------Week 1: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.12.29

20 minutes, Airdyne

Monday, 19.12.30

20 minutes, Rowing

Tuesday, 20.01.31
Doc encouraged me to exercise even if lightheaded, but I don't feel safe lifting while like that.

Indoor aerobic continues to be a challenge motivation-wise.

Wednesday, 20.01.01

Thursday, 20.01.02

Friday, 20.01.03

Saturday, 20.01.04

---------------Week 2: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 20.01.05

Monday, 20.01.06

Tuesday, 20.01.07

4.7 miles, Cycling

For a few days after New Year's, my lightheadedness had seemed to be passing, but then it came back.

It usually comes on an hour or two after I wake up, suggesting it has a link to my metabolism. Once it happens, I really do not feel like working out, but today I cycled a bit anyway, and that went fine. I've always been a bit hypoglycemic, and it seems worst when I'm out of shape, so perhaps just getting back on a regular exercise routine will clear things up, although this started when I was already starting to get back into shape early December.

So, anyway, now I'm thinking that perhaps I should lift first thing, and then do aerobic later in the day, if I'm going to continue with a Push-Pull split. This would have the advantage of getting me out cycling during the warmest part of the day during the winter, and lifting during the coolest time of the day during summer. In the past, I've always felt like lifting was best late afternoon, but I guess if my priority is heart-health and not strength gains, it really doesn't matter when I lift. The main thing is to optimize the aerobic component. We'll see . . .

Wednesday, 20.01.08
Lifting: Push

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 185
OP: 3 x 5 @ 95
BP: 3 x 5 @ 135


20 minutes, Rowing

Thursday, 20.01.09
Lifting: Pull

DL: 3 x 3 @ 185
RW: 3 x 5 @ 135
PD: 3 x 5 @ 120
1LM RW: 5 @ 25

Tried a One-hand Landmine Row for the first time, after seeing it in T-Nation. I dunno, I think I like Dumbbell Rows better, but I'll experiment with them for a while. I would like to add a couple of quick sets of finishers to my lifting sessions for a little extra metabolic boost.


1 minute, Airdyne
20 minutes, Rowing

Changed seats on my Airdyne to a normal-sized gel seat, hmmn, felt much better. Will give it a real test run tomorrow.

Friday, 20.01.10

Saturday, 20.01.11

---------------Week 3: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 20.01.12

Monday, 20.01.13
Lifting: Push

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 185
OP: 3 x 5 @ 95
BP: 3 x 5 @ 135


10 minutes, Airdyne, some moderate intensity. New seat's definitely much more comfortable than the original.

Took a few too many days off with busy-ness, so just primed.

Tuesday, 20.01.14
Lifting: Pull

DL: 3 x 3 @ 225
RW: 3 x 5 @ 135
PD: 3 x 5 @ 120

20 minutes, Rowing

More priming until the Squat gets up. Spent about five minutes of my rowing at moderate intensity.

Wednesday, 20.01.15
Lifting: Push

SQ: 3 @ 185/195/205/215/225
BP: 3 x 5 @ 155

Ramped up to 225 on the Squat, my base.


10 minutes, Airdyne, more moderate to high intensity, but mostly aerobic. Still getting used to the new seat. It's still a big improvement, but I wonder if there's something a little bit better still. The one I replaced the original one with is off a cheap mountain bike.

Thursday, 20.01.16
Lifting: Pull

DL: 3 x 3 @ 260
RW: 3 x 5 @ 145
PD: 5 @ 120/140/160

25 minutes, Rowing, low intensity.

Friday, 20.01.17
Lifting: Push

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 225
OP: 3 x 5 @ 95
BP: 3 x 5 @ 160

Saturday, 20.01.18
Right shoulder felt a little cranky, so I blew off my Push workout.

---------------Week 4: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 20.01.19
Family stuff then NFL football blocked a good workout.

Monday, 20.01.20
Lifting: Push

BP: 3 x 5 @ 161
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 226
OP: 5 @ 95/95/100

Overhead Press is the last lift to bring up in alignment with the Iron Ratio. Should be 107. Anyway, back on the microloading bandwagon.

Airdyne, 15 minutes low intensity.

Tuesday, 20.01.21
Lifting: Pull

DL: 3 x 3 @ 262

Wednesday, 20.01.22
My mother passed away peacefully after suffering a stroke Tuesday.

Thursday, 20.01.23

Friday, 20.01.24
Lifting: Push

BP: 3 x 5 @ 162
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 228
OP: 5 @ 95/100/105

Saturday, 20.01.25
Lifting: Pull

DL: 3 x 3 @ 264
RW: 3 x 5 @ 150
PD: 3 x 5 @ 160

---------------Week 5: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 20.01.26

Monday, 20.01.27
Lifting: Push

BP: 3 x 5 @ 163
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 229
OP: 3 x 5 @ 108

Tuesday, 20.01.28
Lifting: Pull

DL: 3 x 3 @ 265
RW: 3 x 5 @ 151
PD: 3 x 5 @ 160

Wednesday, 20.01.29

Thursday, 20.01.30

Friday, 20.01.31

Saturday, 20.02.01

---------------Week 6: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 20.02.02

30 minutes, Rowing

Monday, 20.02.03
Lifting: Push

BP: 3 x 5 @ 165
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 230
OP: 3 x 5 @ 95

Tuesday, 20.02.04
Rearranged a good deal of the house and garage. Felt surprisingly sore the next day.

Went skating with my kids in the evening. It has been decades since I last skated. I remember being better . . . my almost nine-year-old son has already surpassed me.

Wednesday, 20.02.05
Lifting: Push

BP: 3/5 @ 166

25 minutes Rowing, last few minutes moderate intensity.

Feel like I'm getting sick . . . too tired for Squats in any case.

Thursday, 20.02.06

Walked my daughter to school: 1.6 miles.

Friday, 20.02.07

Saturday, 20.02.08
Lifting: Push

SQ: 3 @ 225/230/233
OP: 5 @ 45/65/85, 3 @ 105/110

This was kind of a getting back on the bandwagon session. I still have two weeks to reach my goals, as dictated by my laminated sheet of Iron Ratio Percentages, which microloads the 1RM Squat by one pound per session:

2020.Cycle 1.jpg

Each pairing represents the 1RM and then either the 3RM, for lower body lifts, or the 5RM, for upper body lifts. The pairs alternate in clear and shaded pairs of columns. Three paired columns represents one week (3 sessions per week). So there are four weeks across, or eight weeks total, a cycle. I'm at the end of the sixth week, so the Squat 1RM is 259 and the 3RM is 233, which I worked up to today. Tomorrow I'll do the Push lifts, or a Deadlift 3RM of 270.

Should be in a good state for Cycle II in a few weeks.

---------------Week 7: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 20.02.09
Lifting: Pull

DL: 1/2/2 @ 275
PD: 5 @ 120/130/140

Wow, kind of out of shape on the pulls.

30 minutes, Rowing

Sorry Abide, listened to jams instead of the podcast, but I'll get to it for sure.

Snow shoveling . . .

Monday, 20.02.10

Tuesday, 20.02.11
Lifting: Push

BP: 3 x 5 @ 167
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 235
OP: 3/4/5 @ 111

Wednesday, 20.02.12
Lifting: Pull

DL: 3 x 3 @ 275
RW: 3 x 5 @ 155
PD: 5 @ 140/150/160

20 minutes, Rowing

Everything's about where it should be/caught up. Hopefully now I can really test the high frequency, Push-Pull approach.

Thursday, 20.02.13
Moving some furniture up and down and around the house.

Friday, 20.02.14
Lifting: Push

BP: 3 x 5 @ 168
SQ: 3 @ 185, 1 @ 225
OP: 5 @ 45

Hmmn, tweaked my right knee a bit on my last squat warmup set, so moved on to the Overhead Press. Hmnn, knee didn't like that either, so I shut it down. This weekend I have to move a bunch of books down and up stairs, so I can't risk having sore knees.

33 minutes, Rowing

Rowing is so much less painful mentally than the Airdyne.

Saturday, 20.02.15

---------------Week 8: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 20.02.16

Monday, 20.02.17

Tuesday, 20.02.18

Wednesday, 20.02.19
Lifting: Push

BP: 3 x 5 @ 165
SQ: 3 @ 225/235/235
OP: 3 x 5 @ 95

10 minutes, Airdyne

Thursday, 20.02.20
AM: Aerobic

30 minutes, Rowing, last two minutes moderate intensity.

Listened to much of Abide's podcast. It was perfect programming as I attempt to habitualize early morning aerobic exercise in between dropping off my son at elementary school (7:30am start) and my daughter at middle school (8:30am start). It's been a hard time slot to use productively, but a half hour of light aerobic work fits in perfectly, with minimal recovery time needed afterwards.

PM: Lifting: Pull
DL: 2/3/2/2 @ 275
PD: 5 @ 150/160/170

Friday, 20.02.21
AM: Aerobic

15 minutes, Airdyne

Saturday, 20.02.22
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Back in the saddle for this cycle.
Some goals
Drop 5 lbs. I have put back on 10 or so pounds in 2019. Would like to get back down to 185.
Run a bit more consistently, shooting for 3 runs a week.
Lift 3 times a week
Keep up the morning warm-up stretch daily routine - 100 squats, 75 push ups and 5 sun salutations
Cut the dairy, and focus on whole foods for the most part.
Ahh and most importantly keep the log up!

@'s in kgs

---------------Week 1: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 19.12.29

Monday, 19.12.30

Tuesday, 20.01.31

Wednesday, 20.01.01

Thursday, 20.01.02

Friday, 20.01.03

Saturday, 20.01.04

---------------Week 2: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 20.01.05

Monday, 20.01.06

Tuesday, 20.01.07

Wednesday, 20.01.08
Morning routine

Press - 10@40, 7@50
Low pulls - 10@60, 10@70
Squats - 3@80, 3@90
Bench - 5@90, 3@100
Pull downs - 10@60, 10@60
Farmers - 80m@90, 80m @90

Bike commute - 22k

Thursday, 20.01.09
Morning routine
Bike commute - 22k
Run - 5k

Friday, 20.01.10
Morning routine
Bike commute - 11k
Run - 5k

Saturday, 20.01.11
Took the weekend off, did a little easy mountain biking Saturday.

---------------Week 3: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 20.01.12
Beer making day

Monday, 20.01.13
Morning routine

Press - 10@40, 6@50
Low pulls - 15@60, 20@60
Squats - 3@80, 3@90
Bench - 5@90, 3@100
Pull ups - 4 x 4
Farmers - 80m@90, 80m @90

Bike commute - 22k
Run 5k

Weight 204 lbs

Tuesday, 20.01.14
Morning routine
Bike Commute - 22k

Wednesday, 20.01.15
Morning routine

Bench - 15@60, 6@90
Pull downs - 10@60, 10@60
TBDL - 5@90, 5@90
Ab rollouts - 9, 10, 10

Bike commute - 22k
Run 5k

Thursday, 20.01.16
Morning routine
Bike commute - 22k

Friday, 20.01.17
Morning routine

Press - 8@40, 5@50
Squats - 5@70, 3@80
Bench - 7@90, 3@100
Pull ups - 5, 5
Farmers - 80m@90, 80m @90
Ab rollouts - 8,7

Bike commute - 22k
Run 5k

Good consistent week this week. Also have been sticking to the whole food plant based diet.

Saturday, 20.01.18
Morning routine

---------------Week 4: Cycle I---------------
Sunday, 20.01.19

Morning routine
Long walk
Some rugby conditioning with the kids

Monday, 20.01.20
Morning routine

Press - 12@40, 5@50
Squats - 3@70, 3@80
Bench - 8@60, 8@80
Pull ups - 5, 5
Farmers - 80m@90, 80m @90

Bike commute - 22k
Run 5k

Weight 200 lbs

Tuesday, 20.01.21
Bike commute -22k
Conditioning with the boys.

Wednesday, 20.01.22
Bike Commute - 22k
Run - 5k

Trying to stagger run/left days.

Thursday, 20.01.23
Bench - 5@80, 5@90, 5@100
Pull downs - 3x10@60

Bike commute - 22k

Friday, 20.01.24
Run - 5k
Bike commute - 22k

Saturday, 20.01.25
Took the day off.

---------------Week 5: Cycle I---------------
Sunday, 20.01.26


Bench - 10@80, 5@100
Pulldowns - 2x8@60
Farmers - 2x80m@90
Pull ups - 3,5
Press - 8@40, 6@50
Squats - 3@70, 3@80
Low pulls - 2x10@70

Conditioning with boys

Weight 199

Monday, 20.01.27
Run - 5k
Bike commute - 22k

Tuesday, 20.01.28

Squats - 3@50, 3@80, 3@85
Press - 8@40, 6@50,
Ab rollouts - 8,10

Bike commute - 22k

Wednesday, 20.01.29
Run - 5k
Bike Commute -22k

Thursday, 20.01.30

Press - 5@50, 6@50
Low pulls - 2x10@70
Squats - 2x3@80
Bench - 10@60, 5@90
Pull ups - 5,5
Farmers - 80m@90

Bike commute - 22k

A little conditioning

Friday, 20.01.31
Run - 5k
Bike - 22k

Not too bad of a week, I am losing focus in the gym these days and it results in a lackluster lifting sessions. I need to figure out a way to keep my mind in the session better. Any ideas?

Saturday, 20.02.01
Easy conditioning with boys

---------------Week 6: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 20.02.02

Bench - 15@60, 5@80, 5@100, 2@105
DL - 5@60, 5@80, 5@100, 5@100
Pull downs - 3 x 10@60

Listened to this podcast over the weekend. I have read his book which is surprisingly useful when it comes to habit building. The part that stuck out to me was the downside of habits and deliberate practice, mainly how the routine can get you stuck and prevent potential growth. Figured it was time to change the lifting from the general 6 lift routine to a more dedicated and specific lifting sessions with goals like we talked about earlier. Anyway give it a listen.

Since I am still having issues with my back and squats when I go with heavier weights, I figure I should focus back on the deadlift for a while. Even though this was what hurt my back originally, it seems to not be an issue anymore. Whereas squatting above 80kg seems to always cause back soreness.

Monday, 20.02.03
Bike commute
Run - 5k

weight - 197

Tuesday, 20.02.04
Press - 10@40, 6@50, 5@55
Low pulls - 12@60, 2x10@70
Farmers 2x80m@100

Bike commute - 22k

Wednesday, 20.02.05
Bike commute

Thursday, 20.02.06
Squats - 3@40, 3@60, 3@80, 3@90, 3@100
Pull downs - 4x10@60
Ab rollouts - 2x10

Bike commute - 22k
Run - 5k

Friday, 20.02.07
Bike commute
Run - 5k

Good finish to the week. Increased pushups to 100 a day. I wore my belt for the squats. Think I will start wearing it for deadlifts and squats again. Funny how I switched gears talking about heavy weights.

Saturday, 20.02.08

---------------Week 7: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 20.02.09

Bench - 10@60, 7@80, 5@90, 4@100
DL - 3@60, 3@90, 3@110, 3@130
Pullups - 3x6,5

Monday, 20.02.10
Bike commute - 22k
Run - 5k

Tuesday, 20.02.11
Press - 10@40, 6@50, 5@55
Low pulls - 15@60, 12@70, 8@85
Farmers - 1x80m@70, 2x80m@90
Abrolls - 3x10

Bike commute - 22k
Run - 5k

Wednesday, 20.02.12
Bike commute - 22k
Run - 5k

Thursday, 20.02.13
Squats - 10@40, 3@80, 3@90, 3@100
Pull downs - 3x10@60
Ab rollouts - 3x10

Bike commute - 22k

Friday, 20.02.14
Bike commute - 22k
Run - 5k

Saturday, 20.02.15
Rest day

And my back is sore and hurting again after the squats. I think I'm ready to move on from weighted squatting for now and just keep body weight squats in my morning warmup routine.

No sweat about the podcast I've been digging music more this week too.

4 runs this week and the ankle pain is negligible.

---------------Week 8: Cycle I---------------

Sunday, 20.02.16

Press - 10@40, 5@50, 3@60
DL - 5@60, 3@90, 3@120, 3@130
Low pulls - 15@60, 15@60, 10@60

Monday, 20.02.17
Bike commute - 22k
Run - 5k

Weight 196

Tuesday, 20.02.18
Bench - 10@60, 8@80, 5@90, 3@100
Pull ups - 4X6
Farmers 80m@70, 2x80m@90

Bike commute - 22k
Run - 5k

Worked my way through this book
Well now roughly 5+ weeks into the plant based diet. So far I have seen some good benefits. My resting heart rate from the higher 40s to the mid 40s now. It's still trending downward. Weights going down without any work on calorie restriction. I've alos been pseudo intermittent fasting and don't eat my first meal until noon. Once I get my bloodwork back it'll be interesting to see if there is any improvements there.

Wednesday, 20.02.19
Bike commute - 22k

Thursday, 20.02.20
Squats - 3@60, 3@80
Pull downs - 3x10@65
Ab rollouts - 3x10
Bike commute - 22k
Run - 5k

Gave low bar squats a shot and it was actually more painful, The compression on the spine in hole was the most painful part.

I think next week or the week after I will give front squats a shot. If those don't go well I might just throw in the towel with squats and focus soley on heavy deadlifts and Farmers for my lower work. I am still doing 100 body weight squats in the morning so the motion is fine its just the combination of the back tension and heavier weights.

Also I need to do more gut work and maybe this will eventually support squatting.

Friday, 20.02.21
Mroutine - 4 sets 8kg goblet squats
Bike commute - 22k
Run - 5k

Pretty good week, was able to run 4 times with minimal foot pain and lose a little weight over the course of the cycle.

Saturday, 20.02.22
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Hey Lee do you take vit D supplements in the winter? I have a theory that we run low progressively through the fall, winter and come christmas time the affects become more acute. My wife had some of the same symptoms, light headedness, general malasie etc.. shes taking 1000 to 2000 iu's a day now and it seems to have fixed both as she has been at the gym every day this week and doesn't have any bouts of dizziness. Anyway it could be a cheap and no risk support idea. If you aren't taking them I would recommend it.
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Hey Lee do you take vit D supplements in the winter? I have a theory that we run low progressively through the fall, winter and come christmas time the affects become more acute. My wife had some of the same symptoms, light headedness, general malasie etc.. shes taking 1000 to 2000 iu's a day now and it seems to have fixed both as she has been at the gym every day this week and doesn't have any bouts of dizziness. Anyway it could be a cheap and no risk support idea. If you aren't taking them I would recommend it.
Thanks! I'll give that a try. And welcome back!
Finished the podcast up. Good tip with drinking water before I consume any food or beer to keep salt and sugar diluted. I have mostly limited other refined sugar intake so no problems there.
Finished the podcast up. Good tip with drinking water before I consume any food or beer to keep salt and sugar diluted. I have mostly limited other refined sugar intake so no problems there.
Yah, I used to be really good about staying hydrated, but the last few years I've kinda lost a taste for it. Now, feeling better already with more deliberate waterings.
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Not too bad of a week, I am losing focus in the gym these days and it results in a lackluster lifting sessions. I need to figure out a way to keep my mind in the session better. Any ideas?

Listened to this podcast over the weekend. I have read his book which is surprisingly useful when it comes to habit building. The part that stuck out to me was the downside of habits and deliberate practice, mainly how the routine can get you stuck and prevent potential growth. Figured it was time to change the lifting from the general 6 lift routine to a more dedicated and specific lifting sessions with goals like we talked about earlier. Anyway give it a listen.

Since I am still having issues with my back and squats when I go with heavier weights, I figure I should focus back on the deadlift for a while. Even though this was what hurt my back originally, it seems to not be an issue anymore. Whereas squatting above 80kg seems to always cause back soreness.
Hey, you're definitely asking the wrong person with me. Anyone else? I've been having a devilish time staying motivated. Now with the health scare, I know it's non-negotiable, but I still find stuff coming up. I think I've resigned myself to having workouts feel like work rather than adventure, but in order to be consistent, I think I have to try a late morning schedule. That's about the only time when nothing can happen unexpectedly, and then even if it does, I'll still have a good chunk of the day left to try to fit a workout in.

Of course, whenever I do get a decent workout in, the quality of the other 23 hours of the day are greatly enhanced. Especially sleep, but also mood, concentration, vitality, and so on.

Thanks for the podcast, I've downloaded it. I'll listen to it during my next indoor aerobic torture session.

Funny, for me, squats kind of bulletproof me against injury on deadlifts. Since developing and following my Iron Ratio, I've had zero injuries working out. Everything follows the Squat load. I think maybe it's because Squats are the most technical lift, and Deadlifts perhaps the least technical. So if you have the strength to perform a squat, despite the technical difficulty, then you definitely have the strength to do the other lifts without risk even if your technique is a bit off, as long as the loading ratios are correct.
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Yeah I am struggling with the squats right now. I do agree with you about them. They also have eccentric and concentric pieces so are probably more effective than deadlifts.
Yeah I am struggling with the squats right now. I do agree with you about them. They also have eccentric and concentric pieces so are probably more effective than deadlifts.
Are you doing low-bar squats? Seems like high-bar squats, if you're doing them, would put more stress on your lower back, with a greater moment arm. Also, is your spine completely neutral?

I normally assume your technique is better than mine, but I thought I'd raise these questions just in case they help.
Are you doing low-bar squats? Seems like high-bar squats, if you're doing them, would put more stress on your lower back, with a greater moment arm. Also, is your spine completely neutral?

I normally assume your technique is better than mine, but I thought I'd raise these questions just in case they help.
I know kind of do an in the middle style. I will give true low bar a try though and with a wider stance to see how it feels. Good idea.

I'm also wondering if the back aches are more arthritic in nature. Another storm just rolled through and it's already feeling better?
I know kind of do an in the middle style. I will give true low bar a try though and with a wider stance to see how it feels. Good idea.

I'm also wondering if the back aches are more arthritic in nature. Another storm just rolled through and it's already feeling better?
Yeah, well, Rippetoe's analysis of the low bar squat seems right to me. Although I haven't taken the 'where you look' part that seriously. Maybe because I've been stuck in middling loads at best for years? I still don't get why he thinks upper body pulls are accessory lifts though. Seems to me that some kind of row and some kind of chinup/pullup/pulldown are just as necessary as the upper body presses.
If you're prone to ionic modulations, maybe try grounding? Just kidding . . .
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Yeah I actually gave his podcast a listen for fun. I kinda forgot about the bitterness and hate in the health world. Anyway I'll pass next time and cherry pick his lifting stuff, don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Gave low bar squats a shot and it was actually more painful, The compression on the spine in hole was the most painful part.

I think next week or the week after I will give front squats a shot. If those don't go well I might just throw in the towel with squats and focus soley on heavy deadlifts and Farmers for my lower work. I am still doing 100 body weight squats in the morning so the motion is fine its just the combination of the back tension and heavier weights.

Also I need to do more gut work and maybe this will eventually support squatting.

Yah, with the deadlifts, farmers, and bodyweight squats, I wouldn't sweat the loaded squats--or maybe add some goblet squats at the end of your bodyweight squats?

I count squats and deadlifts as my ab work, especially when I get over 225 on the squat and start using my lever belt. My abs feel sore the next day. But I should get better about some isolation stuff, like rollouts.
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Yeah I actually gave his podcast a listen for fun. I kinda forgot about the bitterness and hate in the health world. Anyway I'll pass next time and cherry pick his lifting stuff, don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Yah, I have a limited capacity for podcasts in the first place, but Rippetoe is definitely best appreciated in a textual medium for me. It's truly frightening how many stupid and angry people there are out there. It's obvious he's discovered his gruff and ornery old man brand has an audience. Still, I think Rip's analysis of the physics and anatomy of lifting is the gold standard, so yeah, worth cherry picking.

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