America Revealed - Food Machine

I always have to give a cynical laugh when I hear a farmer saying that they have to cull certain animals because they are destroying the environment. Here the favorite is the Kangaroo, terrible destroyer of the environment, it chopped down 90% of the trees in Australia, I bet you didn't know that. It drank all the water in the River Murray as well so the poor Australians had no water to drink. The fur seals on Kangaroo Island (off the SA coast) are eating all the worlds supply of fish so they have to go before they decimate the few remaining fish we have left. It goes on and on. All these animals are destroying the planet, we must stop them before it is too late!

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Another great metric for healthy and responsible vs corn syrupy and hideous is how close to the kids' faces the product appears on the shelve.
Way down at the bottom where they are face to face with it is the worst collection of nonsense :mad:
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I love NM, truly. If you want a good time reading: I should change my signature, this is my "yup, not running but still trying and no, I'm not crazy" blog.

I've been looking in on the binary thing too...don't get it either:)
A blog seems to be a good insanity program too...;)
There's bit of misconceptions about tortured animals.. It's not efficient farming if animals suffer. Level of stress and unhealthiness cause additional expenses and poor productivity. Efficient farming comes from healthy and "happy" animals. Of course selective breeding and nutrition is important and it's not very close to natural thing. Organic farming does not automatically mean that animals would be any happier and organic products are just so inefficiently produced that they are more of a luxury food. And (AFAIK) atleast in Europe it is so much hanging on agricultural supports that without them it wouldn't be profitable.

Though, if every farmer would change into organinc farming, it would solve over population problem pretty fast, no food help for any third world countries at all and there probably wouldn't be many self-supportive countries.. It would probably halve world population.
Respectfully beg to differ. Tortured animals are the norm at mass production scales in this country. Don't take it mean that anyone takes organic at face value. There are efficient ways to raise livestock that produce high yields, great food, and happy animals. Ad just arranger doing it.
Respectfully beg to differ. Tortured animals are the norm at mass production scales in this country. Don't take it mean that anyone takes organic at face value. There are efficient ways to raise livestock that produce high yields, great food, and happy animals. Ad just arranger doing it.
Actually, my brother in law is an inspector and they are not "tortured" at most places (yes he is an avid animal lover too). He actually told me some of the "organic" meat plants are much scarier and have a higher chance of problems than the normal meats. Just fyi.

Also, "pink slime" has been around for a long long time (50-60 years). It's actually healthier for you (in the sense of causing illnesses) than regular ground beef and according to my brother in-law, he thinks we will see a higher incidence of beef problems causing people to be sick because of this so called "pink slime" scare and it being taken out of hamburger.
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I really don't know whether MOST farm animals are tortured or not. I do know that the farm animals I eat at home (and a significant portion of what I eat out) are not. I know this because I've been to the farms and seen for myself. I know my farmers and they know me. I shake their hands at the farmers' markets each week. I get regular updates from them by e-mail or facebook telling me what's happening on the farm. And when I eat out I primarily frequent restaurants that are supplied from these local farms. I'm lucky to live in an area of the country where eating this way is possible. I know it is not true in many other areas.

It wasn't always like this here. Market pressures have made these options more and more available over the last few years. More small, sustainable farms. More "slow food" and "local food" restaurants. If demand for such options continues to grow throughout the country we will all see improvements in our food supply.

If we choose to eat meat, we don't have to settle for choosing between "pink slime" treated with ammonia or untreated, factory-produced ground beef contaminated with e-coli. There is a better choice.

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While pink slime is certainly not something I desire to eat, safe or not, due to the fact that it's treated with ammonia, I'm not trying to make a case for organic. The meat we eat comes from farmers in meat shares or food coops which source very carefully.

The point I'm getting at is that confined animal feeding operations serving up cocktails of corn, antibiotics, extremely confined and over packed living conditions, practices like tail removal for pigs, beak removal for chickens, and others designed to streamline production and speed up weight gain look a lot like torture to me.

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