Mileage Reporting 6th Week of 2013

The Swimming Tip of the Day: Make sure that you are breathing out in a controlled, relaxed way the whole time your face (aka breathing apparatus) is under water. If you cannot breath out the whole time, you are not taking a breath often enough OR you are expelling your air too quickly. More next time!

Thanks for the tip! I'm in the same boat as Sid and Scedastic here, so I'm going to give this a go next time. I'm kinda getting the hang of 'rolling' my head to the side to breathe, but I can't find a rhythm that works and after reading that I suspect that I'm just not relaxed enough. That said, I can't seem to find the right point where I've exhaled enough - if I exhale all the way I always feel like I'm gasping, and if I come up early I end up trying to exhale and inhale at the same time and I don't have time.
Thanks for the tip! I'm in the same boat as Sid and Scedastic here, so I'm going to give this a go next time. I'm kinda getting the hang of 'rolling' my head to the side to breathe, but I can't find a rhythm that works and after reading that I suspect that I'm just not relaxed enough. That said, I can't seem to find the right point where I've exhaled enough - if I exhale all the way I always feel like I'm gasping, and if I come up early I end up trying to exhale and inhale at the same time and I don't have time.
That's why the original information I gave Scedastic can be so helpful. The balance and the breathing should be fairly comfortable before too much time is spent on consecutive strokes. But... how do you go body surfing if you can't swim comfortably?
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It's the pretty ones that sting you the worst? :)

Actually, as far as I know we rarely get stinging ones down my way (bottom right hand corner), but in the north it is a different story - some really nasty ones. The ones we get are either small, clear bean shaped ones, little blue ones, or big ugly blobby things that might occasionally have a little bit of brown or pink in them. I like the clear ones best, because my wife always squeals like a five year old whenever she steps on one without seeing it. :)
I will stick my tongue out at you for her :p
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That's why the original information I gave Scedastic can be so helpful. The balance and the breathing should be fairly comfortable before too much time is spent on consecutive strokes. But... how do you go body surfing if you can't swim comfortably?

I find that once you've swallowed the first litre of so of seawater you stop worrying. :D
That's why the original information I gave Scedastic can be so helpful. The balance and the breathing should be fairly comfortable before too much time is spent on consecutive strokes. But... how do you go body surfing if you can't swim comfortably?

Oh, and since I've got no running mileage and you're recovering from illness, may I request a swimming tip for tomorrow?
Oh no worries, here. It's only Day 3 after all. I've been at the pool 4 days so far this week, and did kettlebells 5 days in a row. I called it quits after 20min as I figured, just as one can't expect to go out and run a 5K on day 3, I'm guessing it's the same thing here. Plus, I did find the trough to breathe in on my right side. Left side was just a mouthful of water. Gotta work on that.

I also don't know when you're doing your st, but for me, going swimming right after st or another workout makes sense time wise(well, b/c i'm already goign to need a shower anyways), and I like to get my regular workout in since I can't quite count the swimming as a workout yet, but I've found the best luck swimming as my first exercise of the day. And last week I was doing a bunch of upper body stuff, so then follow up w/ swimming made me feel worn out, which I think tensed my breathign and made it harder. Maybe this is another good reason triathalons start w/ a swim?
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Back up over 40f today so had to get some barefoot miles in. Unfortunately didn't have enough time to do two loops before dark so ended up a little over 5 miles. Probably a good thing I didn't overdo it since I don't have a lot of bare miles in recently. Sunday it's suppose to be 50! So I plan on getting a bare long run in then. Can't wait! Though I hate talking about our good fortune when Nemo is suppose to be brewing up the storm of the century over New England. Stay safe up there.

So, finally got to the gym this evening, and had to hit the eject button after about 15 minutes. Did my normal warmup and whatnot. Went to do deadlifts and squats and....remember how I said I smacked my butt on hardpack snow? I reckon the glutes are still traumatized because I got all sorts of signals to the effect of "Oh, why don't you just put that down before you embarrass yourself." Then I realized that every other exercise I do somehow engages these muscles, it seems.

So, like I was griping about last Weds, might be needing to lay off until things get's always something - why couldn't it have been Cool Whip spiked with LSD? At least I'd be having a weird time of it.

But I can still run! Did 5.18 in 1:04 (slower due to a combination of cold and dark)
Thursday afternoon
4.40 mi / 7.1 km total
3.73 mi / 6 km running
shod in my Aqua Lites, without the insole

I ran really slow--11:18 mm pace--in order to put minimal strain on my right calf, which is still sore. It worked, I got through the run fine. I was very deliberate about landing flat-footed, to keep my calves neutral, which was pretty easy to do at that pace. I wanted to do another 1.7-mile fairgrounds loop, but thought it best to hold it to a single loop, to make sure the calf wouldn't seize up on me again. I only stopped to stretch once at my stretching pillar. I ran the last two and half miles continuously, and had no issues. If felt kinda good to just plod along. I really miss my long, steady runs, albeit closer to 10mm pace. If my ITB continues to behave itself, I may start to push the distance again in a week or two. Leaving the Fairgrounds, I ran to my daughter's school and we played in the snow a bit walking back. So nice now with the temps reasonable again.

I've also been fantasizing about getting good enough to open water swim when summer comes.
Man, hats off to all of you guys swimming in indoor pools. I think if I were ever to improve my swimming, it'd have to be in open water.
Yep. Gonna need all the luck I can get tonight. Macroeconomics is no fun. In fact all these business classes are just making me want to go work at Lowes or Home Depot or something as a stock clerk so I don't have to think about business stuff anymore! Lol! :D
Having taken a lot of classes in a lot of different fields (including business), I'd say when working on a day to day basis, you only use a fraction of what you've learned in class. The classes are there so that one has a general understanding of and appreciation for the big picture. Any idea what type of work you'll want to do after finishing school? That will give you an idea of what skill sets and knowledge base you'll be using on a day to day basis.
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7mile trail run, barefoot, 9.23 pace. Mainly slippy wet mud with a few gravel stretches thrown in for variety.
I named my Garmin 'Lucy' after a temperamental friend of mine that only makes a connection when she wants something, and if she beeps at me once more with a lost signal message she will be relegated to the sock draw that never gets opened, the Garmin that is;)
Hubby disagreed with which models were being taught. He agrees with the Austrian Model.
I study economics a fair amount on my own, partly for investment reasons, partly for teaching my kids. I was happy to find that the basic principles are pretty straightforward. It's mostly the crazy, non-functional ideas that people of various "philosophies" come up with that make it seem more complicated than it needs to be!

PS - I like Ludwig:)
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Having taken a lot of classes in a lot of different fields (including business), I'd say when working on a day to day basis, you only use a fraction of what you've learned in class. The classes are there so that one has a general understanding of and appreciation for the big picture. Any idea what type of work you'll want to do after finishing school? That will give you an idea of what skill sets and knowledge base you'll be using on a day to day basis.
I really feel I'm not learning anything as it seems at the end of term my brain seems to do what I call a memory dump. It really sucks because I learned some of this economics stuff last term but I'll be damned if I can remember it now. I actually really don't think business suits me at all (at least in the true corporate world). Since I live in a mecca of breweries and wineries I really kind of want to work at one of them. I have a dream someday of creating my own brewery but that is a long ways away (if it ever happens). I am actually one of those types of people who don't mind a good, hard, physical day of work. I grew up on a farm and I like the sense of completion and satisfaction that labor jobs bring. The part I dislike is that a lot of them don't exactly pay all that well, and with having a family to support I feel as if I'm am forced to go look for work somewhere that I am not really suited and won't be happy at just to support them. Basically, I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up, I mean other than my dream of starting a brewery that is.
chilling on the couch after 17k out in the cold and wet with Leni. Little toe is doing alright but I did put a fresh Band-Aid on it and wore socks ... Puts me at a little short 0f 50k for the week if my week starts on Sunday, which is how I always figure it.

Going to a Big Band concert at my daughter's school tonight, will have to get in the shower before then.
I really feel I'm not learning anything as it seems at the end of term my brain seems to do what I call a memory dump. It really sucks because I learned some of this economics stuff last term but I'll be damned if I can remember it now. I actually really don't think business suits me at all (at least in the true corporate world). Since I live in a mecca of breweries and wineries I really kind of want to work at one of them. I have a dream someday of creating my own brewery but that is a long ways away (if it ever happens). I am actually one of those types of people who don't mind a good, hard, physical day of work. I grew up on a farm and I like the sense of completion and satisfaction that labor jobs bring. The part I dislike is that a lot of them don't exactly pay all that well, and with having a family to support I feel as if I'm am forced to go look for work somewhere that I am not really suited and won't be happy at just to support them. Basically, I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up, I mean other than my dream of starting a brewery that is.
Have you read Thomas Sowell's Basic Economic?
You might find it refreshing after all the academic posturing.
This is another good website and book:

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