Mileage Reporting 14th Week of 2013

I suggest that taking it as slow as you want to is fine. I think you will reach a point where you know you can increase more without much risk.

As for the race, I have had to make the decision a few times to wear my running mocs due to rough roads. I was always glad I did, even though I much prefer bare feet and been doing most of my training without footwear. The main trick is to make sure you wear footwear just enough so that when you do wear it, there are not blisters from not being used to it.

Congrats on your 3.2 mile time!

Thanks for the good advice. Yeah I'm with you on that. I think its better to be safe than sorry and plan to wear the VFF's. Might put them on this afternoon and walk the schnauzers after their morning haircuts. Havent worn them since the weather was quite cold. Temps Saturday morning are to be around 50 which would have been good to run it BF. Darn glass!

While hardly an expert, I do think it's always better to go a bit slower than you feel you're capable of. I suffered from over-exuberance last year, and am just now getting back to where I was nine months ago. If I had gone slower, I'd probably be a lot further along now.

I do feel that I could probably increase my mileage more but dont want to spend most of my weeks recouping like last summer. Think I'll stick with the slow mileage increase and continue to take it slow for a month or two yet just to play it safe. Would hate to ruin a good thing!
I do feel that I could probably increase my mileage more but dont want to spend most of my weeks recouping like last summer. Think I'll stick with the slow mileage increase and continue to take it slow for a month or two yet just to play it safe. Would hate to ruin a good thing!

If doing a quater of mile increments feels good to you then by all means.
FWIW when I went BF I would run the same distance 3/4 consecutive times, not in a row but at least every other day and then increase my distance and again run 3/4 times-rinse and repeat(this sound confusing but whatever) I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Congrats on your run!
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Well I overdid it lately, a little to enthusiastic and enjoying the mileage. Despite the small blister I got last weekend, which was on my toe, I went out for an easy pace 8mi on monday. Well my soles were burning half way though and later I noticed the blister quadroupled in size. Its now covering the whole bottom part of the toe and and around the sides a little. I've taken the rest of the week off but want to do something today since I'm not going to be able to run over the weekend. I think my soles have recovered I'm just worried about the blister. I signed up for a 10k next weekend on the 14th. I dont want it to rupture and have really sensative skin for the race. Curse my wimpy feet! :mad:

Maybe your feet aren't wimpy I think is more of a form releated issue you'll be fine for the race, maybe you could wrap your toe with something.
Maybe the two lifts are brothers, and the squat is the trap lift's son, making the dead lift the squat's uncle. Or perhaps the squat is married to the trap lift and the dead lift is her husband's brother, that is, her brother-in-law. In other worlds, the trap lift felt like a variation on the dead lift, kind of like bench flies are a variation on the bench press. You're working the same area but with a different grip so somewhat different muscles come into play. I think I felt it more in my upper back, around my shoulder blades, on the initial lift-off, and yesterday that area was a little sore. I'll use the trap bar again today for its originally intended use--shoulder shrugs, on today's TOP ST workout. I'm also starting to get into the leg extensions. I stopped doing those years ago, but I think it's good to work the quads more to make sure my knees are properly supported when I run.

Thursday, early afternoon
6 mi / 9.7 km
40s I think

Oh my God, you went trully bonkers maybe is all the gear you have purchase or all the squats you're doing or a combination of everything.
Nice jof on the workout though.
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Oh my God, you went truly bonkers maybe is all the gear you have purchase or all the squats you're doing or a combination of everything. Nice job on the workout though.
Ha, yah, and interacting with people like you just makes it worse. I reviewed and updated my kinship stuff a few weeks ago, as a way to gain insight into the nature/culture distinction that permeates Western thought, which in turn will help me critique certain understandings of place/space/landscape, so I got kin-reckoning on my brain, trying to figure out what things are related by blood, what things are related by marriage, and what's just friendship. Now I'm thinking trap lifts and deadlifts are brothers and the squat is a female cross-cousin, which explains why the latter makes a good marriage partner for either one of the lifts, although she's probably in the same age-set as the trap lift (which explains their greater affinity), and so will end up with the older deadlift and forever harbor unrequited love for her closer quad-mate the trap lift.
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Nick, for me it's like this: the first thing to go is speed/quickness. Then stamina, then strength. I didn't notice any drop off in strength until recently. And, as you know, I never had any problems with niggles until recently either, and that was mostly because I had allowed myself to get out of shape for five years. So, I conclude, that if you take care of yourself, for the most part, the onset of age-related decomposition can be put off a lot later than average. I'm starting to feel as good as I did ten years ago, it's just that now I'm a bit more cautious and attentive to any signs of trouble. I think once you get through this phase of niggledom, you have every right to expect many injury-free decades of exercise and fitness.

As for pregnancy, I've heard it makes a big difference if a woman is having her first or nth child in her mid-thirties, as far as risk goes, but I'm sure HBS and others have a lot more to say about that.
You know Lee, I think once I am able to run again I am not going to worry about speed or distance. Just going to enjoy being able to run again. I can supplement with biking to make sure I get enough cardio if I need to. I do tend to agree with your experience of how one loses things, speed first, stamina next, and strength last. In fact I think there's a reason there's the saying "old man strength". I think we can continue building strength much longer after we start slowing down and losing stamina. As far as pregnancy, I don't recall the doc saying anything about it being her first or nth child, but maybe I had tuned out and missed that part... I got the impression it didn't matter, just that once you hit 35 the risk of downs and other problems goes way way up, but like I said maybe I had tuned out and only heard part of it.
You know Lee, I think once I am able to run again I am not going to worry about speed or distance. Just going to enjoy being able to run again. I can supplement with biking to make sure I get enough cardio if I need to. I do tend to agree with your experience of how one loses things, speed first, stamina next, and strength last. In fact I think there's a reason there's the saying "old man strength". I think we can continue building strength much longer after we start slowing down and losing stamina. As far as pregnancy, I don't recall the doc saying anything about it being her first or nth child, but maybe I had tuned out and missed that part... I got the impression it didn't matter, just that once you hit 35 the risk of downs and other problems goes way way up, but like I said maybe I had tuned out and only heard part of it.
Yah, the way I look at speed and distance now, is not so much that I've stopped 'worrying' about them, but rather that I'm letting them come to me now, no longer chasing after them as it were. Just to be able to run again is a blessing, after being laid up multiple times like we have. Then to be able to run an hour continuously at a somewhat decent pace is even better, which is where I'm at now, apparently, after yesterday's run. If I can run farther or faster than that, great, but I'm not going to put the first part, just running, at risk again. Yesterday I had time to do another lap at an easy aerobic pace, and probably would've been fine and would've added a bit to my overall conditioning, but I had already marked an minor accomplishment on the day, without really trying, and so I let that be enough. And like you say, there's lots of other cardio stuff you can do, and you could also do your HIIT weight stuff if you want to push your cardiovascular system more.
You know Lee, I think once I am able to run again I am not going to worry about speed or distance. Just going to enjoy being able to run again. I can supplement with biking to make sure I get enough cardio if I need to. I do tend to agree with your experience of how one loses things, speed first, stamina next, and strength last. In fact I think there's a reason there's the saying "old man strength". I think we can continue building strength much longer after we start slowing down and losing stamina. As far as pregnancy, I don't recall the doc saying anything about it being her first or nth child, but maybe I had tuned out and missed that part... I got the impression it didn't matter, just that once you hit 35 the risk of downs and other problems goes way way up, but like I said maybe I had tuned out and only heard part of it.

From my understanding, yes, the absolute risks of pregnancy complications, etc., do increase after certain ages, and it's easy to get the impression you are taking big risks because of this doubling. However, for many of these complications, the risk is extremely low, then it doubles to very very very low. Medical professionals in this country take an abundance of caution, and that's good, because in this country the healthy birth rate is extremely high. Also, any pregnancy can be risky, at any age, depending on the circumstances of the mother. Such factors are strongly influential compared to age alone.
Thursday: Ended up with a ~40 min swim last night.

Friday morning: 3.5 mi starting at around 5am. This morning it was about 30 degrees, though, and the birds and frogs were already singing.

~25 min swim. body wasn't liking it so I got out. Had a yogurt and power bar type thing from the store, and was much improved. For whatever reason, I seem to need to eat on mornings when I do the swim/run thing. It's odd because if I just double the run time, or the swim time, I seem to be able to do it on an empty stomach.

since I felt better, did a decent hourlong workout at the gym.
another mile on the rectangular track, in my socks
10 min on the elliptical,

decent workout day after all.
From my understanding, yes, the absolute risks of pregnancy complications, etc., do increase after certain ages, and it's easy to get the impression you are taking big risks because of this doubling. However, for many of these complications, the risk is extremely low, then it doubles to very very very low. Medical professionals in this country take an abundance of caution, and that's good, because in this country the healthy birth rate is extremely high. Also, any pregnancy can be risky, at any age, depending on the circumstances of the mother. Such factors are strongly influential compared to age alone.
Sounds about right Sced. I can't remember the exact statistics, but I remember being shocked at how high of a chance we had of having a baby with downs at our "advanced age". It was much higher and more common in my age group than I had thought. I'll have to ask my wife what the stats were again, she really digs that stuff and would remember.
We're taking it one step at a time right now Sid. Rest for two weeks then go back in and reevaluate and see if this gets any better. If not, then may need an mri to see if it's worse than thought or if something else is the matter that they are just not seeing.
Didn't realize it was that bad. Best wishes for a full recovery!
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Maybe your feet aren't wimpy I think is more of a form releated issue you'll be fine for the race, maybe you could wrap your toe with something.
I was thinking I could wrap it if I need too but I'm not sure what. And I hate to represent barefooters with a bandaged up foot at a race infront of everyone.

This all comes at a bad time as this is my big 'racing season' I guess... have 3 races in 4 weeks... a 10k, a half marathon, a weekend off, then another half marathon. Even with me at 100% I'm a bit nervous since I've never done som much racing, and only 1 half marathon so far (last year). They are all on the road, and I am pretty much up to the distance, I guess it just comes down to what happens with this blister.

Yeah the blister is from my form, but my soles have always been wimpy. They have toughened up over the last year and a half but I envy those that can run on trails and chipseal well. I have trouble just walking across my driveway being ouchie still. :( I havent even tried chipseal yet this year, everything for me has been smooth asphalt! Last year I was up to a few miles of chipseal, but my soles would be hurting.
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Medical professionals in this country take an abundance of caution, and that's good, because in this country the healthy birth rate is extremely high.
The OBs are really well trained. However, for some reason the US infant mortality is far higher than most other modern countries. Though, odds are that your kid will be fine.

Americans do recieve some of the best heathcare in the world, though on average it's pretty crappy, especially for the amount that we spend.
Sounds about right Sced. I can't remember the exact statistics, but I remember being shocked at how high of a chance we had of having a baby with downs at our "advanced age". It was much higher and more common in my age group than I had thought. I'll have to ask my wife what the stats were again, she really digs that stuff and would remember.
Well, right, and the big point is that you want everything to go right and no matter what the risk, you'd rather not have it happen.
Your wife and I would get along well about the numbers thing, except at a certain point, I abandon all numbers and just cross my fingers. Yes, as a statistician, I just said that and meant it. In one's personal life, though, individual values are nearly impossible to predict, even given great stats, so that's my excuse.
I ran for 4 weeks every thursday on that grassy track without any problems, but the day it rained/poured down I managed to stick little spines in my feet, so bad that I could not run yesterday !! It almost got to the point of not being able to walk...I took the steps of trying to get them out with tweezers, and I think it worked...So I will be able to do my long run tomorrow (Sunday)...

In summer these spines are all over grassed areas here, but I never thought that it would cause me problems on a rainy day...
I ran for 4 weeks every thursday on that grassy track without any problems, but the day it rained/poured down I managed to stick little spines in my feet, so bad that I could not run yesterday !! It almost got to the point of not being able to walk...I took the steps of trying to get them out with tweezers, and I think it worked...So I will be able to do my long run tomorrow (Sunday)...

In summer these spines are all over grassed areas here, but I never thought that it would cause me problems on a rainy day...
Yick! Ouchie stickies!!
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Man, that was the hardest 13 miles I've ever run! Well, it IS the only time I have run that far! But, seriously, if I could do it today with very trying hormonal conditions, I can probably do it any day. I was very tired. Tested the upcoming 13.1 race course and founf most of it to be extemely rough. Was feeling it a lot through my moc3s.