Blog entries by mokaman

Drove back from Charleston SC yesterday morning, spent most of last week there. It was a busy time with relatives seeing the sites etc. Squeezed in 2 runs... one nice 6 miler at Folly beach plus a 7 miler out and back across the Cooper river bridge at sunrise. Yesterday afternoon ran 7 miles...
Sunny on the warm humid side...I'm not used to this... had to run a bit slower than normal to keep the heart rate in check around my Maff pacing. I'm going to start keeping track of my distance and time on this blog and just see how it changes. Still building back my fitness, I didn't run much...
Nice bright sunny morning, ran warmup and cool down 1.25 miles thru the woods with minshoes plus 4.5 miles barefoot on rough local roads in the middle of the run. Nice easy pace... as always this year at my Maff pace.
Just felt good so went for a run at Tribble Mill park, no planned distance...went till I felt stopping about 7 miles. In the middle went for a couple trail miles around the small lake... felt great!!
Dam I havent put anything in here in for-ever. Well today i rode my bike for an hour and a half. I just put aerobars on my road bike and tried them out today...pretty nice and comfortable on the arms. Right after that I ran a mile to cool off and the friggin pavement was burning my feet so I...
I've started to get my triathlon training going for the summer, been swimming and biking a little this last week...todays fun consisted of 13 miles easy bike ride around local roads then a speedy 1 mile hilly barefoot run right afterwards, small brick workout. My next for sure race is Muddy...
Today I meet a runner that is a leg amputee, he was running with one of those springy carbon fiber artificial legs. I talked with him for a few minutes then ran about half a mile with him on part of my long run. He was hurt in a motorcycle accident and basically was given little chance to ever...
Did a nice 4 mile trail run Thursday with my son at Rhetts Run mountain bike trails in Cosmo park Columbia Missouri. Ran in Kso's as it was rocky and muddy not real barefoot friendly. Saw lots small animals and a snake... was able to get a picture of this guy before he took off. This is a nice...
Its great to get a chance to run some new area's, since I'm visiting family I couldn't resist checking some of the local running places around Columbia Missouri. Yesterday I drove to Rock Bridge State park around sunrise, the actual rock bridge is a large creek that runs though a hill kinda...
9:00 am - I usually log / blog on a triathlon site so I will try this out here. My son is out of school on Spring break and I'm on vacation so we are headed out of town to grandma's house for most of the week. Gotta get a trail run in a few minutes.