When can I run everyday??

The time management nutcase

The time management nutcase inside of me is wondering why you'd want to do this. If you are running 3.5 miles each time and you add another day you are supposed to cut back on distance. So lets say that now means you have to cut back to 2.5 miles per run to add in an extra day or two. Now you are only spending about 30 minutes running. It takes me at around 20-30 minutes when you add up how much time it takes me to get in work out clothes, throw up my hair, put on shoes....oh wait I don't do that anymore :)... and then afterwards change out of the clothes, possibly add in an extra shower for the day or at least rinse off the feet ect...... From that standpoint it might make more sense to keep adding distance until you can add another day and still keep the runs around 4 miles. Otherwise I don't see why you couldn't add an extra day if you cut back the distance, but as a total matter of personal opinion I'm just not sure I see that its overly worth it.


SARALORD - Gee gosh golly!
Although, "when I grow up" - Gee I keep getting shorter. I used to be 5'3

now I am 5'2 1/2
Well, I don't think one's

Well, I don't think one's elevation above the ground matters much Peanut, you you're still my running hero. I have a few photos (I cut out of RW) of women runners in their 60's. That's me in time. . .
 Sara - thanks - I did a

Sara - thanks - I did a bunch of 5ks last season and it was really cool to find so many other ladies who are my age and a lot older.

One of them is 73 yr old Angie who is about 4 foot nothing!! She's so daggone cute and has the strangest running style but the little stinker always is about a minute faster than I am!!!! She is just the best ever! Angie has been running for about 25 yrs and is totally consistent.

Now Angie is totally !! inspriring.

There is also, Linda E. who is 70. Now, get this, she consistently runs a 5k in 26 to 27 minutes .......

How about THAT!!!!!!? Now she is one fast senior chic!

I ran in the Empire senior Games last year. My second race ever. the woman who won overall is 66 and she took it in 24:30!

I felt like a snail!!! hahahahhhaha
In an ideal world, I would

In an ideal world, I would run at least 15 times per week. But I have a family and a job, so I run when I can. Plus, I sometimes don't like the cold, so I use that an excuse to stay inside during Jan and Feb.

But the key is to be able to monitor your intensity level. If you are going to run frequently, I think you need to dial down intensity. I see a lot of people who run and look like they are ready to keel over and die in the middle of their run. I like to keep my intensity at a level where I'm actually enjoying the run and feel strong throughout and could carry on a decent conversation without any extra effort.

It's good to have an intense effort once or twice a week, but for me at least, most running should be at a relaxed effort.
Peanut, I'm 5'2". That's your

Peanut, I'm 5'2". That's your husband in your avatar, right? How tall is he? My handsome hubby is 6'. :)
 Beth, Carlisle is 6'1. He


Carlisle is 6'1. He used to be 6'3" when he was a lot younger. He is so talented and the Bestest ever!


YES ! I agree that running is a fun sport. As long as I am feeling good because of it and enjoying doing it I will continue.

Some days I think maybe I won't run today. Something inside says to go. Once I get rockin' I am glad. There are some days I don't go and have other things to do. I am glad I did the other things on that day.

Be mindful - be in the present - love who you are!
