Weekly mileage, w/e 6/21-6/27

Another week down!

By the way, nothing wrong with having several threads that overlap, so post your mileage on which ever thread ends on the day your tally up your weekly mileage and post there, or start a new thread to match your week!

I finally made it out the door before the road got hot a few times so about 16 miles barefoot, 4 in Huarches, and 6 in Vffs, 26+ total miles! I'm trying to maintain minimum of 25 miles a week so I'll be more prepared for marathon training next time. I'm also loosely following the same HM plan I used last summer. By loosely I mean I'm running a few more miles than the plan calls for because a 3 mile run isn't worth the time it takes to get ready and I want to keep my miles up :-D I also want to get ahead of my pace for my goal of 1,000 miles for the year in case I loose a lot of training time during the move. I may be stuck on treadmills a lot and people get testy if you tie them up for too long (makes it hard to get a long run finished :p )

With the 258 BF miles I had last year, I'm closing in on Silver Toes :party: (More on that in the newsletter that will be out very soon!)
I had a total of 17.34

I had a total of 17.34 miles. This is the way it breaks down though:
8.84 Barefoot
4.5 Socks (yes, regular old socks)
4.0 VFFs
I just spoke to the podiatrist that did the cryosurgery on the nerves in my feet. I told him I wasn't seeing improvement, if anything, I'm getting worse. He advised traditional surgery to cut the nerves out. He said my nerves have become resilient due to all the many OTHER procedures I have had, 1 cortisone shot (that the well-intentioned doc stuck ALL THE WAY THROUGH MY FOOT!), 16 alcohol sclerosing shots, and shockwave therapy with 8 more numbing shots, now the 12 numbing injections from the cryo itself (37 needles all told). Kinda makes running barefoot sound painless, right?
I am able to run more comfortably minimal at this point (socks and VFFs), so I think I will go that route for the next couple of months but DEFINITELY incorporate some barefoot running each week, and if I don't see any improvement with the nerves, I will schedule to have traditional surgery.
As always, thanks for all your support, you guys.
Hang in there.  It is hard

Hang in there. It is hard enough some days without additional obstacles to overcome much less your current circumtances. Good luck.
Thanks, guys.  The nerves in

Thanks, guys. The nerves in the balls of my feet are so sensitive just running a fingernail over them is painful and sends a shock through my foot like an electrical socket. Apparently, the doc said since I had so many injections, the nerves have become resilient, and the cryo just pissed the nerves off instead of killing them, so now I'm paying for it big time.
Hey guys,still alive and

Hey guys,

still alive and running, just not online much the past weeks...

32.5 miles last week, about 70/30 BF to MF :)

Should finish June with about 105 miles and would expect July to eek into the 130s. Joined up with a running club, met this evening and last Tuesday for about 6 easy fun miles. They want to do a 2h run htis Saturday, meeting up at 6.30 in the am, ugh. But I'll be there.

Oh, also got 'hired' by an acquaintance of my wife as a kind of personal trainer. meeitng up Thursdays in the am. I've got him running healthier from doing some drills and turnover rate work, but I'm not pushing the BF/MF idea on him, lol. Not yet anyway :evil:

@TJ - hang in there, you!
I got 36.5 miles in last

I got 36.5 miles in last week. 26.2 in my vff's for the marathon on Saturday, but I also did 6.3 BF on the trails and a 4 mile vff run early in the week. The miles will be off this week as well. Taking a well earned 3 days rest before ramping up for a 100k and a still as yet to be determined fall race.

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