Weekly mileage Turkey Week (Nov. 28)

ugh, it's just getting to be

ugh, it's just getting to be impossible to run this week. literally no time, and can't make time since I've got my kids with me 24/7 and can't exactly bring them out on their bikes in 15 degree weather. Will try again tomorrow, though may just count this week as a low mileage (in regards to running) week. Did LOTS of zumba however.

Sunday:1hr belly dance, 25min core

Monday: 1hr zumba

Tuesday: 2hrs Zumba, 15min core

Wednesday: 1hr zumba, 45min/~5.5mi run on indoor track (.

Thursday: 1hr Zumba, 15min core

Friday: 90min Zumba

Saturday: 1hr belly dance, possible track run if I can't swing an outdoor run at Dad's before turdunken
4.5 miles this week (bf only,

4.5 miles this week (bf only, 3 1-mile runs and a 1.5 miler). Ohio here too, wow, I stop posting for a couple months and come back and Ohio is representing! I can only run at 7:30 am or earlier, so even on the warm days it was only 35 instead of 28 when I went out in the morning. I hate the cold!

Mike, I got frostbite on a 3 mile run in 22 degree weather last year and had to go to the hospital. I'm aiming for 1 or 2 mile runs with zero numbness. I've been thinking about doing mile runs, then warming in the car or house for 15 mins. and doing another mile, 7 days a week. Be careful out there guys!
Welcome back fred, and thanks

Welcome back fred, and thanks for the heads up. I will definitely be more careful in the future with runs under 30, especially when wind is involved.
Good for you for all keeping

Good for you for all keeping going BF in cold weather. I'm bumming and taking care of house renovations I'd put on hold (kids rooms so massive amount of guilt built up). I'll run with my running partners this week (Sunday and Monday) this week and some gym work, but most of my heavy lifting will be spackling and painting.
Ran 12 miles this morning.  

Ran 12 miles this morning. It was 25 degrees at 7:00am, I started the run in my Vibrams after two miles I had take them off. It was terrible having something on my feet, it was the first time in 9 months and totally felt odd. Anyways ran the next 10 miles barefoot, no numbness in toes or bottoms. I did notice a strange sensation in my heels around mile 9, they were just thawing out because it was warming up. Feet are fantastic right now, really stoked to know i can run 10x miles in 25 degrees barefoot.

I think I am going to buy some Vibrams sprints. My KSO's seemed a bit stretched, and it's just to much material for me now.

Total miles for the week: 31

29 miles barefoot

2 miles Vibrams, bummer!
6.78 @ 11:47 pace. Just found

6.78 @ 11:47 pace. Just found out my running partner was on the Canadian junior national rowing team that went to the world championships! Fun!
This was a tough week to run,

This was a tough week to run, with all the chaotic prep for the holiday and a case of wine I was required to consume. Also, the turkey, for once in my life, was delicious, and I've been eating turkey sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, without getting sick of them yet!

10 miles total for the week. A bit of shod running around with my kid, then 4 miles BF Tuesday and then a 4-mile BF Turkey Trot race on Thursday. My pace per mile in the very hilly, freezing, chip-sealy, and extremely crowded Turkey Trot (read the report and see the picture of Gumby HERE) was exactly the same as my pace on a pleasant, flat, and uncrowded 10K on July 4 (the last time my pace was measured in a road race). So I'm feeling a bit confused. Have I gotten faster or no? I really do feel faster, but the pure time data don't report it.
 Only 14 for me this

Only 14 for me this week...2, 7-mile runs....being lazy :)....resting and kicking it back up for the upcoming month!
11.1 total for the week- all

11.1 total for the week- all BF

5.5 Tuesday

5.6 Saturday - 33 ish degrees- first run on partially snowy/wet roads. Mile 1 was super rough because of cold & roads had been sanded, then feet got hot as usual and stayed that way all day.
I had a total of 17.38 (13.2

I had a total of 17.38 (13.2 barefoot; 4.18 socks/VFFs)
Thank you. Now what is this

Thank you.

Now what is this supposed to be?


( )

) (

Well, if the spacing in this

Well, if the spacing in this text editor could be set to single space, you would, of course, see that it is a foot. ;-)

Any way to do that? Otherwise I'll end up taking it down, 'cause it looks odd with the spacing set at space & a half per line.


OH!  Is that what that's

OH! Is that what that's supposed to be? Ha!
Sorry.  It sucks, I know.

Sorry. It sucks, I know.
Barefoot TJ wrote:I had a

Barefoot TJ said:
I had a total of 17.38 (13.2 barefoot; 4.18 socks/VFFs)

TJ! You're back running? Sweet!

Only 10.4 for me this week. My little footie hurts. I was really worried it was a stress fracture, because that spot has been bothering me for a while. Like, a 1 on the pain scale for over a month. Then, a week after my marathon, it went up to a "2". After last weekend's turkey trot, a "3". So I decided on Friday that it was high time I took more than 1 consecutive day off, and "relative rest" wasn't gonna cut it.

I haven't run since Friday. I'm going crazy, but it has helped my foot a LOT. Happily, it seems like there are some knotted muscles between my first and second metatarsal - and the knots seem to be going away! Yay! Yay!

I hit the pool today, and likely will tomorrow. We'll see if I make it for the whole WEEK of rest as I had planned.

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