Weekly Mileage 12th week of 2012


Dec 9, 2011
yay I get to make one! :D

And big news today, I fully completed Week 3 of my E25K program, whereas last week every day I had to stop short on the 2nd 3-minute run. Today I completed the whole thing with no cutting short, and no stopping whatsoever. Real progress!

As for mileage, it was my usual 2-mile circuit.

I think one thing that helped was increasing the amount of warmup, from starting the actual iPhone app later. This allowed the warmup to extend past a sizable hill on my route. Before, I started the first 3m run before that hill, which wore me down some. I'd like to get farther along with just running before I really tackle hills, although this hill will be more difficult to avoid later on as the running intervals get longer. But hopefully by then it won't wear me down as much.

The problem with this one hill is that it's the side of the road so it's off-camber as I climb it. Plus I stay over at the very edge to avoid cars. There is smoother pavement at the edge, but it's also littered with more pebbles and debris (plus it's under pine trees) so it's rather tricky for me. I think by waiting until after that hill before starting the first run helped me finish strong. I also thought I went a bit slower, but the iPhone app says my running pace is around what it has been, the 13:50 to 14:00 min/mile range.

Also want to mention that as of last Thursday morning I was down another 2 pounds from the week before! Now at 204.6 last measurement, where I hovered between 212-218 for quite a few years. Sub-200 pounds is so close!
- Congrats, Patrick, on the weight loss and getting through week 3. Well done!

- I'm giving a shout out to my sister who ran her first half marathon this weekend (shod). She finished in under 2 hours! I'm a proud big sister. :)

- Today I completed 2.5 mile run/walk intervals and then went back out later for a 2 mile walk with my son.
Another 1.5+ miles walking with my son at the park. And to clarify, I'm not saying I have COMPLETED week 3 of E25K, as I'm still going to stay on week 3 the rest of the week. What I meant to say was that I completed the whole workout without stopping short or anything.
Started the week off with a 6.5 trail run in the rain...it rarely rains here so running in the rain was delightful! And I broke in my new pair of NB minimus...so far I love them! :)
I walked for about 40 minutes yesterday, half barefoot, half in flip-flops. I kept alternating depending on the surface. Nerves and the balls of my feet are still very painful at times. Getting there.
3 miles today, breaking in new VFFs for trails...first time running in shoes in 4 1/2 months. I could definitely go faster and downhills were far easier but it was hard to have good form. It worked out different muscles so I will be incorporating some "minshod" running when I feel like it. Barefoot is definitely better for me for the majority of my mileage.
2 miles again, still on Week 3. It's still tough toward the end, but it's most definitely getting easier. Also went faster, average run pace 12:33, average walk pace 19:04. Definite improvement. And one major plus for me is that I haven't really felt any pain or even any soreness in the last several weeks now.

I know it's usually better to weigh in only once a week (usually on Thursday mornings for me), but Tuesday I couldn't resist after my walk/run victory on Monday. 203.0!!! Down from 204.6 just Thursday! That puts me at least 10 lbs less than where I stayed for so many years, and so very close to the sub-200 mark. Once I hit that, I think I'll try to get down to 185 and probably hold there.... unless the running just keeps on taking the weight off of me. :p
I "ran" .6 miles last night in my huaraches. Still can't run completely barefoot the whole time, as the nerves are still very sensitive after the surgeries. The balls of my feet felt hard and compact, and my toes felt stiff, like I was gripping bad. I had to walk for a minute up this one part of the hill, but I didn't have to, I just didn't want to push myself. Seems my lungs and legs are ready for it, but my feet are far behind. I must have been a sight to see, limping on both feet. But hey! I did it.
Patrick, congrats on the weight loss and the progress with Week 3. My running route is similar, and the first weeks I avoided including that hill in the first run if I could. Eventually I included it in my timed program and I have to say that it made me so much stronger by the time I finished the whole program than I would have been otherwise.

TJ, that's definite progress, I'd say! I don't envy you the pain and sensitivity, though.

My week so far:
Monday: 8 km barefoot in the city on dry concrete at just below freezing. The dryness and lack of gravel were a real treat for the feet, but having other people around noticing my bare feet was a new experience!
Tuesday: 8 km split between huaraches and bare feet on a motel treadmill. Yuck.
Wednesday: Downhill skiing, and 8 hours of driving. No running.
Thursday: 10 km barefoot slowly through very slippery light snow. Lovely, though fairly treacherous. Going to try for some hill repeats later today if they plough the road.

3.4 miles tonight, in VFFs again and it felt a lot better than the last run so I'm either remembering how to run in them or they just needed to be broken in. I will probably end up doing 1/3 of my mileage in the Vibrams so I am used to them if I need them on my half-marathon trail run in May.
Finished Week 3 today (2 miles today, 6 miles total this week). It's my second week on Week 3, but this week I did the whole thing with no cutting short or stopping at all. I may repeat week 3 again next week, though, as Week 4 jumps up to 4 min. and 6 min. runs, and I'm just not sure I'll be ready to DOUBLE the longest running time from where I am now. The last portion of this Week 3 workout is still fairly difficult for me.
Just went for a 2.5km run BF.

First run in 2 weeks and v.hot blacktop = couple of blisters popping up already :rolleyes: Felt good and had no issues with the achilles, possibly because I rolled it before I headed out, maybe just cos I didn't run far enough yet, but it looks positive!

Hope the blisters aren't an issue for my planned hike into the Grand Canyon tomorrow!

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