Video Analysis: A Fun Little Game

I tend to agree with Jimmy here. I think slower paces can actually increase injury risk, at least for me, because my form is much smoother at (relatively) faster paces, and it becomes easier to adopt good posture too. Seems like everything kind of falls into place for me between 8 and 9 mm pace. I wonder if it might not sometimes be good advice to have beginners just run short distances at somewhat faster paces, say 9mm pace, and then, once they feel good at that pace, begin to add distance. It's also a good way to increase cadence without consciously manipulating it, which seems like a dubious practice to me.

Just my two cents, although I don't have either of you guys' experience, so I'm basically just talking sh!t.
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Just my two cents, although I don't have either of you guys' experience, so I'm basically just talking sh!t.

nah, that would be me, Lee! lol

I know what you mean about running too slow giving you problems, happens to me, too. And pretty much everyone.
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Just an opinion, but I think it would be more accurate if videos were from a race, or a few miles into a training run. If you set up a camera, you are paying close attention to form so it probably isn't a true picture of form.
Just my opinion.
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Ram makes a good point but I don't think that was too much the case in this video because of the break in motion near the end. The reach for the buttons and wipe of the nose would have given away any purposeful motions in the stride and the pattern doesn't break during that time so I feel like it's an ok video. Based on what I can see you should bring your hands up some. They hang lower than your elbows which will typically cause shoulder, bicep, and trap fatigue on longer runs. That can create a lot of inefficiency. Having them hang low also puts you at a greater risk of cross body arm swing which you have a little of. As far as everything else goes you are reaching a little with your feet. They are landing fairly flat which is good but you're reaching out with the lower leg instead of lifting up at the knee. The best way to be smooth, generate speed, and run efficiently is to gain your distance through lifting the knee. If your goal is to just run calm, slow, and easy then your current motion will suit you well but as you tire you may find yourself susceptible to blisters. There's a lot mechanically that I can't comment on because this is a side view. A video from the rear comes in very handy when it comes to diagnosing muscular imbalances in the gait.

Please could you have a look at my running form and let me know what you think? I am running in VFFs. I took this video after/near the end of a 3k interval run this morning (still taking it slow, have had bad shin splints several years ago (still mildly there) but am getting a bit of PF and want to make sure my technique is ok before I progress to longer distances) There is another video from last week on the same youtube channel which includes a bit of actual barefoot at the end, but I re-did the video as I wore long jogging bottoms not tights for most of it and it wasn't easy to see my feet!

This new video there is a bit of me running a couple of laps of the car park at the end...
Any advice much appreciated :)

other video -

Thank you in advance

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