Very Sweet Victory for BFLifestyler Outdoorsters

Weight has no correlation to barefoot acceptance, even though some overweight folks like the support shoes offer, just as many enjoy the freedom fat feet feel when bare.
Try explaining to the owner just how wrong the insurance excuse is. Remind them that their insurance carrier would rather see barefoot customers in the store than ones in flips, sandals, or heels.
Tell them that if they put up a sign recommending customers remove footwear before entering they may be entitled to a reduction in their premium.
If they are truly anti barefoot, be prepared to challange their next lie: "a customer complained".
Recommending removal of footwear could entitle the store to lower insurance premium? Has that actually ever happened?
Insurance companies like math, not emotions. Numerous settlements related to heels, sandals, and flips are handed down DAILY, while only a handful of judgements involving bare feet have ever been favorable to the "wearer" in the entire history of the U.S.
Actuaries may LOOK and SOUND boring, but there is something to be said for rational decision making.
No insurance company in the U.S. ever forbid an establishment from allowing bare feet despite what some managers may like barefooters to believe. And for good reason.....there is no documentation of increased exposure.
Since an establishment would reduce their slip and fall liabilty exposure by simply requesting that PROVEN "unsafe" footwear be removed before entering, a premium reduction would make perfect sense.
Not that they will necessarily be granted one, but still a good presentation to make to the owner.
It's worked well for me!
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Thanks for the info Longboard, I'll definitely use it. And thanks for the correction, I was thinking in terms of a health/fitness barefooter perspective, but you're right that's not universal among the barefoot community, nor necessary for one to accept someone else's preferences.

Yesterday one of the owners was up front helping bag as I was picking up t-bones and corn for today. Lately he seems to be going out of his way to acknowledge me in the store and be nice to me. Maybe they're nervous about their newly official policy. I didn't talk to him because they were pretty busy with everyone coming in to pick up their Fourth of July supplies, but I'll go back mid-morning Thurs or Friday and try to have a chat. It's a bit tricky with a neighborhood place, because I don't want to alienate my (mostly liberal and smugly so) neighbors, and I realize how the barefoot perspective is perceived by those who haven't taken time to think it through and examine their preconceptions, but it would be nice to fight for a minor cause amidst the collapse of our global financial system. And thanks Dutchie, I'll call you in if I need reinforcements.
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