Total Knee Replacement Runners


Jul 22, 2012
I found this site today while searching the Internet for articles about runners who run on a total knee replacement. There was some conversation about this subject and when I clicked on the link to the article it brought me to this site.

I am a long distance runner, or was...I had a right total knee replacement which is 16 months old now. Emotionally I cannot give up running even though I am told not to run. At 9 months post op I did run a 1/2 marathon - my goal was to finish under 3 hours and I did. I just had to prove to myself that I could do it. I have run 24 full marathons and want to do my 25th in January 2013. I am hoping that there is someone out there who has had success or knows of someone who has had success running after knee replacement.

Although I don't think that I will be running barefoot, I have been told that Newton would be a good shoe for me, taking some stress off of the knee like running barefoot. If there is anyone out there who can share some advice I would be very grateful.

Thank you!
I haven't had knee problems like yours, but I can tell you that running in Newtons is not the same as running barefoot or in real minimalist shoes. For almost 3 years I have run barefoot and in VFFs, huaraches, and the like. A few weeks ago I went for a 1.5 mile run in a pair of Newton Gravity and was surprised by how hard it was on my legs. They have a significant amount of cushioning which creates a trampoline effect, sending shock waves through my legs and knees and causing my calves to cramp up (not something I normally have a problem with). IMHO something without so much cushioning like VFFs or even Merrell Road Gloves or NB zero roads would be much easier on the knees.
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Thank you bf in az! I just need to start training soon and want to find the right shoe. I actually work at Fleet Feet Sports in Houston so I am familiar with the shoes that you mentioned. I do have two pair of the New Balance Minimus WT10, but never thought that I could actually run in them, thinking that I needed a lot of cushion. We have the Merrell Trail Glove as well. What about the Brooks Pure series? They are supposed to be minimal with cushioning. I own the Cadence and the Pure Flow, also have 3 pair of Newton's (which did make my calves sore) and many traditional running shoes. I am just in uncharted territory and don't know what to do. It's not like I can ask my doctor...he told me no running! Maybe I should try a run tomorrow in the NB Minimus or the Cadence?? Still hoping someone with a knee replacement or knows of a friend or family member to chime in.
Can't speak about total knee replacements, but I have had 7 proceedures on my left knee over the years including 1 major surgery where they reworked and shorted all my ligaments, etc as they were stretched beyond usefullness (that particular proceedure had me off work for 6 months plus and in a full leg cast from my hip to my ankle). I was not able to run at all other than a mile or so before my knee would either give out or I was in so much pain I could barely walk. Since I found barefoot running (with a little bit of minimalist thrown in for good measure), I have been able to increase my running to the point that I am running two legs of the Canadian Death Race this summer and following that up with a 100 miler in September. 5 years ago I would of laughed at anyone who would of predicted this, now I just have to say, it is amazing what you can do you just have to find what works for you...

Good luck
From what I understand, any shoe with a lot of cushioning, and that includes Newton, actually forces us to impact the ground with more force than if we were to run barefoot or in zero drop shoes. (Something you might want to look into is zero drop footwear, and the folks here can give you a lot of recommendations on that, or check out our Gear & Footwear and Product Reviews forums.) The study that makes these claims was done by Dr. Daniel Lieberman (and other doctors) at Harvard.

Here's the actual study, which was published in the Nature Journal:

Lieberman DE, Venkadesan M, Werbel WA, Daoud AI, D'Andrea S, Davis IS, Mang'eni RO, Pitsiladis Y. (2010) Foot strike patterns and collision forces in habitually barefoot versus shod runners. Nature 463: 531-5.

You can also read it here along with other work and studies they have done on barefoot and barefoot vs. shod running:
With a knee replacement, I'm sure you are concerned with impact forces and perhaps the load your knee is taking when running. If you would just give barefoot (or minimal) running (and Newton is not a minimal running shoe, no matter how much they would like us to believe it is) a try, for short distances, I think you may find that (after some practice) the impact forces are quite limited, and you may even find that you enjoy it.

We have had too many to count stories here of people finding their pain and injuries vanish or nearly vanish when they try running barefoot or in zero drop minshoes. And I will add that, no, barefoot running is not the cure all for all, but it is the cure all for many, but only those who actually give it a try. Welcome!
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One more tip--find a different doctor. Some doctors dismiss running out of hand, and some will actually help you. I had runner's knee a while back. The first doctor just told me to stop running. The second doctor told me how to fix it (strengthen the right muscles). Keep looking until you find one who will help.
Completely agree with that. My last 2 surgeons said the same thing, you should not run, you can't run on that, well look at me know, I am running and running happy.
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I have had two knee surgeries this year (MCL and bone shearing in January followed by ACL replacement in March) and have just started running again, barefoot of course, and my knee feels pain at all. I think if I were to try running in shoes, which I have not done for almost three years, my knee would hurt and I would not run at all.

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