timing chips


Apr 4, 2010
The road race season is warming up here in the great white north, and I've got a new problem...well, new to me as this is my first time racing BF. What do I do with those damn timing chips now that I don't have shoe laces to strap them too? I always hated doing that anyway. Thought about duct taping it to my ankle, but then I'd have to shave my legs first. Any suggestions?
I use a small dog collar. 

I use a small dog collar. It's perfect and can accomodate many different types of timing devices. The latch is pefect for putting on and taking off too.
There is one type of chip

There is one type of chip that supposedly needs to be horizontal in order to work. Someone fashioned a sole-less sandal with a shoe string so that the chip laid on the top of the the foot. I wish I could remember who did that-- they took a picture and everything.
It was Barefoot Angie,

It was Barefoot Angie, a.k.a., Hoop, Hoopatka. She will be heading up the Iowa Chapter when we go live. Very smart what she did with those laces. Others reported their time not showing up because they had attached the timing chip the wrong way.
I pin it to the bottom of my

I pin it to the bottom of my long tights, but I have missed out on some times because of it. Missed the final time at the OBX half (fortunately the finish photo showed I did finish) and missed the 13.1 mile split at the Shamrock Marathon. Did fine at the Wicked 10K though. I keep meaning to get an ankle strap, but haven't gotten around to it. Maybe now that they are going to bib tags the whole issue will blow over soon :party:
Did the race officials let

Did the race officials let you enter that time, Wendy, the one with the photo finish?
I contacted them when I

I contacted them when I didn't see a finish time, they were surprised and asked me to send in my chip. I did, and I told them I'd really like to see my name on the board so they added it with an estimated time of 1:49:50 because I finished before the 2 hour pacer, but looking at the finish photos and the times of people in them with me, my time was more like 1:49:25, but not enough of a difference to matter so I let it go :)
I use a watch band strap I

I use a watch band strap I used many used ago, which is basically a wrap-around piece of cloth with velcro fastening.

Barefoot Larry wrote:I use a

Barefoot Larry said:
I use a rubber home theater wire organizer low on my ankle

Nice, I have one and just tried it needing one for an upcoming race, works perfect!
I got lucky at the race last

I got lucky at the race last weekend. They had the rfid tags glued right into the numbers. It was pretty simple and easy, except I can't wrinkle my number all up before I pin it on. I am carrying a watch band in case I need it though.
I have a Road ID, and I put

I have a Road ID, and I put my chip on that. www.roadid.com

I got the ankle bracelet. I've had these since before I started BFR - they are a pretty good idea anyway. They engrave your name and any other info on it that you would like. Your address is a good thing to put on there, and your ICE number. I started getting these when I was pregnant, and I'd put my due date on them. And I get a new one every time I move.
I just bought a neoprene

I just bought a neoprene triathlon strap from REI last weekend for my race this past Sunday. Worked great. The guy at the finish taking chips didn't know what to make of me walking up without shoes on. Jaw was on the ground til after I handed him my chip.
 If I ever build up enough

If I ever build up enough mileage I can race barefoot its good to hear these tips about timing chips, thanks guys. Think I could maybe do a 5k decently.
Larry, what is that

Larry, what is that exactly?

I have an upcoming race and need to figure out how I'll do this.

TJ, does the collar bounce up and down when you run? That'd drive me crazy.
I use a really cute

I use a really cute little-dog collar (small dog size) for a D-Tag (orange strip). It doesn't bounce around at all. I even forget I have it on.

For a Champion Chip like this...

I would tie the zip-ties around the strap and then clip the excess off with wire cutters. When you use the wire cutters, make sure that you press the flat edge of the cutter to the plastic zip tie knot to cut, or it will leave a sharp edge. Just something I learned in my techy days."
Hi,The best solution I came


The best solution I came up with is to use velcro bands. I have looked at the neoprene bands you can buy and I found them all to have possible irritating buckles ect.

I picked my velcro band up in a sewing store. They come in two sides one with hooks and one with felt. The bands come in different widths. I got one approximately 2 cm wide. It fits perfectly for the timing chips I have encountred. I could only buy a minimum of half a meter of each side at the enormous price of almost $1. But then I have enough for two ankle bands.

I have cut them to fit around my ankle. I put the felt band on the inside as it is a bit softer than the hook band and have the openings opposit each other. That makes a very good bind when the two side are put together. I put the chip only on the outer band so I do not have it next to my skin.

When put on a very tiny bit loose so I do not constrain any movement I hardly feel it is there. It does not bounce and I have run through water without any problems. When I ran my marathon I only remembered I had it on when the nice lady asked me for the chip.

Hi, That's an interesting


That's an interesting solution. And totally in my budget. I just registered for my first race and I have no idea what a timing chip looks like (other than what I found on Google images) and how it attaches to the shoe ou band. Do you need to bring additional ties to attach you chip to the band on is it just clipped between the 2 velcro layers?

Hi Stephanie,I have tried to

Hi Stephanie,

I have tried to make some pictures to show how I use the velcro bands. The pictures are not very good (I do not have a real digital camera) and I made them too bright in order for you to almost see the details in the black band. The first image is of the open bands with the mounted chip (I made a dummy chip) seen from the inside. The other is of the bands around my ankle. The I's mark the ends of the inner band (felt) and the Y's the ends of the outher (hooks). I hope it is usefull.



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