Started out as one of the best run of my life, then.....


Chapter Presidents
Jun 4, 2010
it hit the fan.

Here is the short version... long to follow.

The barefoot part of the run went off without a hitch, I was having the greatest run, at 1 mile we were just over an 8 minute pace, mile 2 was the same story, my running partners were amazed how strong I was and so was I. it was like I was turbo charged.

Someplace around mile 4 I came into a water station and turned to avoid someone that stopped and slipped on a cup. as I slipped I remember thinking, "that don't feel right" but there was no pain and on I went. around mile 6 I started feeling some ankle pain and was still cruising to completely blow away my PR but the pain was starting to nag and I slowed down a bit, dropped a little lower in my knees to take a load off the ankles and pressed on.

By the time I hit 7 miles I was walking and in serious pain. this is an out and back so back was the only way out. I considered a DNF and getting a ride but I couldn't do it, I started running and really working on whatever form took away the pain. I remember thinking at one point there was only 2 miles left, anyone can run/walk 2 miles. Then came the Severn River bridge. I stopped running and walked about 3/4 mile over the bridge. On the other side of the bridge I hit the 9 mile mark and started running again, at first it was excruciating, I really wondered why I was doing this but then it started to feel better, probably dopamine’s kicking in. I ran walk that last mile and was able to pull out a semi sprint to the line with throngs of people cheering about me being Barefoot.

That was the race, there were lots of great moments, funny comments and good people that I talked with while running and walking. As far as I know, and from what several spectators told me, I was the only barefoot runner so I figure I finished first in my class ;)

As for the foot, it isn't in good shape, something is drastically wrong. Sitting here is OK but walking is out. The pain is inside and outside right behind the ankle bones. It doesn't feel like the Achilles and there is no palpable pain in the Achilles however pressing either side behind the ankle will bring me to tears. Probably going to need an x-ray and an MRI to figure out this mess
 Noooooooo!!!!! Did I curse

Noooooooo!!!!! Did I curse you? Holy faen, I have that kind of power? I must only use this for good! Keep us posted. :(
Ouch. Seriously. I hope it's

Ouch. Seriously. I hope it's not too severe and that you'll bounce back quickly.
Oh no!   Congrats, though,

Oh no!

Congrats, though, on the race.

Definitely get it checked by a doc. But it sounds like a sprained ankle. There's good news and bad news about that. The good news is once you can run on it, you can run on it! The bad news is that they continue to hurt a bit for up to six months.
Ah that sucks Lava, hopefully

Ah that sucks Lava, hopefully if it is a's very minor.

Otherwise, glad the run was a good one despite your setback ;)
That bites, Lava.  I'm

That bites, Lava. I'm sorry. Wishing you speedy healing.
That stinks big time. Reminds

That stinks big time. Reminds me of my ten miler in May where I got bad blisters in between my toes and almost DNF'ed at 9.5 miles, seriously. Somehow I dragged my butt across the line - I know that feeling well. I am concerned about the fact that you cannot walk on your foot and hoping you can figure it out soon. I have recently had post tibial tendonitis that sounds like your inside ankle pain (maybe you have post tib and anterior tib). The chiro analyzed my gait and said "that's how people end up tearing their Achilles tendon". I hope it's nothing like that.
 I had an inflamed PTT once

I had an inflamed PTT once last year upon and it felt nothing like this but anything is possible. I am not feeling any better today, no weight on the foot is possible with any foot flex. I can stand completely flat footed although it really hurts and I can walk on the foot fully flexed but nothing in between.

The pain is crazy bad if I try walking but almost nothing just sitting so I am guessing soft tissue. There is very little, if any swelling, even this morning after a night without ice.
Off to the Ortho, hope I can

Off to the Ortho, hope I can get this resolved, I have a 50K run goal to make by end of year
Well, Bones are OK, comes

Well, Bones are OK, comes down to one or more of three tendons and without and MRI it's hard to say which one. Doc says the treatment is the same regardless if which tendon so he didn't want to do an MRI yet, immobilize, reduce stress, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate (RICE). For the next 10 days I cannot put any weight on the leg, Got to wear this awesome air cast, take a ton of Advil then we will see where I am at and start rehabbing it. If I still have the same level of pain in 10 days then it's RI time and possibly more work. I also have a gnarly bone spur under the Achilles but it has never bothered me but it does explain why I can not stand shoes that rub the back of the foot. I joked about how it was good I didn’t sign up for a 10 miler in October and he said no problem, I’ll be back running by then. Man I hope so, I have a 50K goal this year.

But did you tell him, "Yes,

But did you tell him, "Yes, barefoot!"?
Just got back from the doc.

Just got back from the doc. Not great news but better than it could have been.

Where the Achilles inserts to the heel bone or Calcaneus there are microtears. More than likely, or so he says, I might have had some irritation prior to the race and the slip pushed the tendon too far and caused the microtears. I had no previous pain so this is dubious in my mind. There is also a large bone spur at the site sot that could have come into play.

The short of it, I am off the running track for probably a month and maybe two, the good news, he feels I can start riding my bike in two weeks. Have to start out light but at least I can start getting some cardio. so it's Ice, Rehab and hopefully soon I'll be back out there.

The feet are peeling, all my callouses are going away. tis a sad day for a barefooter.
Tis it is, Lava.  Don't use

Tis it is, Lava. Don't use this as an excuse to stay away from us though. ;-) Although you probably deserve a break too.

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