"So, why barefoot" and related questions....what's your answer?

"Then, I don't know, I'll

"Then, I don't know, I'll probably just give the "yup" answer again and try to run in a way that'll shut up the critics, and maybe win a few converts"

Love it Willie!
   Well a few weeks

Well a few weeks ago someone asked me, as I ran past them, "Why the F*** dont ya wear shoes" with a real nasty tone in there voice. I was feeling rather sassy and faced him while running in place and said "Running barefoot for Jesus" with a big old smile on my face. I think he did a #2 in his pants from the look on his face. I gues he expected me to keep going and ignore him. Its funny how people react just by using the name Jesus.

I know from past experince how His name effects people, good or bad. It was probably disrespectful what I did for the reason I did it, but he pissed me off and I wanted to confront him and that poped into my head as a non aggressive way to deal with it
WienerDawg wrote:I was

WienerDawg said:
I was feeling rather sassy and faced him while running in place and said "Running barefoot for Jesus" with a big old smile on my face.

Hah! "I'm on a mission from God" lol
I'm closer to God when I

I'm closer to God when I run.

Good for you, Dawg. Don't take guff from anyone.

I'm on a mission from God. I'll have to use that one next time.
I'm sure glad you added...of

I'm sure glad you added...of my feet! Whew!
 LOL Dirt,

LOL Dirt,
As I've gotten older and

As I've gotten older and slowly more jaded to the concept of intense sustained cardio activity providing relative immunity from heart attacks, I've definitly lowered my internsity and duration of excercise.

Biking and boarding let you cheat a lot, and I stopped wearing my H.R. monitor years ago.

Using the flawed 220 minus your age rule, and working at 80% of that, 130BPM is all that supposedly is necessary for me. I used to bike at 160 bpm for two hours, but lately I had always hovered around 140 or less, and not really payed close enough attention.

I was never an efficient runner, not the ideal build for it and not very trained, so it's no surprise that even at my current 10-10 1/2 minute pace I feel a much more intense cardio workout than I'm used to.

I've wondered if I'm getting closer to G-D while running, especially in very cold or very hot weather, and I certainly hope that I am not!
I've wondered if I'm getting

I've wondered if I'm getting closer to G-D while running, especially in very cold or very hot weather, and I certainly hope that I am not! I can't stand it, Board. You honestly crack me up!

Very funny, Tyler. That'll get 'em to leave us alone.
barefoottyler wrote:Just

barefoottyler said:
Just look over at your invisible friend next to you and ask, "Is he talking to me or you?" then stop. Tell your friend to hold on and pretend to tie your invisible shoe.

Ahahaha, I like your response, Tyler. "Hey, Harvey, did you hear something??"

I had a comment on my last blog asking "Why barefoot?" Of course, there is no way to contact the question asker, but I'll maybe revisit my reasons in the next blog since I'm coming up on my 1 year of BFR anniversary.
Wow Wendy a year! Nice work

Wow Wendy a year! Nice work :)

Tyler, love it! LOL

LB, I say the least amount of crap you bring out on a run the better. Yesterday I went out with the clothes on my back and that was it, passed a guy running with ipod/garmin, heart rate monitor, water belt, watch, etc etc....it felt so good to be running with a light load as I zipped right past him. Then again, he may have been running double or triple the distance I went LOL. I always think about, not necessarily the heart rate I'm at (I never even have a clue) but how quickly I recover when I stop my workout. Which has improved exponentially over the years. Maybe that's a better way to guage physical fitness, since we all tick a little differently.
I hope when you zip by me as

I hope when you zip by me as I have my fuel belt and Garmin on that you wave!!! I guess I'm OCD about having my water with me. During a race I like to sip when I want. I like to bypass water stations. Since I train with the water bottle belt, I'm used to the extra weight.
Zumba, I hear ya!    I just

Zumba, I hear ya! I just started wearing a watch last year, it was a gift, an Timex Ironman watch. I like it. Before that I ran without a watch, I used to just leave the house and that was it. Never had a clue about distance or pace. I almost can curse the watch, because now I do have an interest in pace. Yes it's my OCD as well!

But other than that I am about as minimal as you can get running. I have no desire for a garmin, heart rate monitor, etc. The only way I would get a garmin if I did trail running, which I don't do. I don't have any trails to run on.

I would bring my handheld for anything over 12 miles.
Pretty soon, Zum will be

Pretty soon, Zum will be running out the door with no clothes on her back! Yikes! I too have shed my trinkets and gadgets little-by-little as I have run farther and farther barefoot. I don't even carry water. I know where all the water fountains are in town. I hate holding onto anything in my hands, and I can't stand anything around my waist. In winter, I wear tank tops 'cuz I get so hot in a hurry. I might as well go naked too. NOT!
haha, the new "bare running"

haha, the new "bare running" TJ...you and I'll be the founding mothers. Ugh, the thought though of running without a bra (that's my only necessity I guess) I too run on routes where I know I can hit up a water fountain, if not, I'd probably have to do some sort of water belt (no offense Larry, I think it's a great thing to have..it was just the image of a runner all decked out with just about every gadget out there on).

Adam, ditch the watch! Free yourself:p

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