Raptor Ridge trail 1/2 marathon (San Diego)


Jun 2, 2010
Sunday (10-10-10) I ran the Raptor Ridge half and thought it was quite excellent. Got there pretty early to pick up my bib and hand over some smoked pork and chicken I had been working on all weekend and then just mingled and talked to some friends before the race. It was a little cold which always seems to give me problems. Got some comments about the footwear and the fact that I was clean-shaven and wasn't wearing my kilt. Also got in a few photo ops including one guy wanting to take a pic of my footwear. Whatever.
I had left the Garmin at home since batteries were pretty low and I didn't really want to pay attention to pace or mileage on this one, preferring to run by feel instead. So after the gun went off, I hung back with a few buddies but the start of the race was flat and I felt it was much too slow. And so I sped up. And then some more. My friend Maggie had challenged me for this race so I figured I'd see if I can catch up to her and then just run at her pace. Mistake since I had to run pretty darn fast to catch up to her, but I did. According to her we were running at a 7:40. And then 7:30. And then 7:20. I mentioned that I have issues running in the cold and the problems started. I felt my heartrate skyrocket and the body got heavy. I know I have a few seconds to shake the feeling (deep breaths) or I'd have to walk. I ended up slowing down to shake it and it wasn't working and so I walked. Taking deep breaths and doing some windmills with my arms to stretch a bit. Pretty soon my body started behaving itself and I was off again. I didn't like walking this early in the race and being passed but luckily my sprinting to catch up to Maggie had put me ahead of the pack and I was only passed by about 10 people or so. And so I started picking them off little by little.
Next came the hill. Since the run was only 13.1 miles, I wasn't sure if I should just run the hill or walk the inclines and run the flats and declines. Rather then risk another heart issue I decided to walk the inclines which seemed to work out ok. During the uphill I caught up to a cyclist who commented on my choice of footwear (Luna sandals) and I slowed down a bit to chat with him for a while. I was passed by 2 people and decided that was enough and pushed the pace a bit more.
During the run down the leaders were returning. Crap, I'd estimate I was about 5 miles in and these guys were already on the return trip...and running up this incline like it was nothing. I need some better cardio! But I was going downhill and feeling good and was able to continue to speed up a bit, every once in a while seeing someone I know on the return side and either high-fiving them or yelling out some kudos. I also encountered Maggie and was disappointed that she was about 5 minutes ahead of me and not slowing down in the slightest. No chance of catching her. Screw it, I was having fun.
At the turnaround point I slowed down just enough to say high to the volunteers and then started off again. I got a few yards and then remembered I haven't had water in quite a while and so I stopped to walk just long enough to take in a few large gulps. And then I was running once again until I got back to the hill. This side of the mountain is a bit steeper and hence not as long and so I power walked it. Got passed by a few people but I was liking my strategy and figured I'd do some more passing on the other side. One of the passers was this young girl I had run with a while back and she was looking good. I was thinking that I'd catch her near the top and do the downhill with her to chat a bit but she smoked the downhill section and soon was out of my sight. Oh well. I passed a few people myself on the downhill but nothing noteworthy.
And then I reached the bottom. Other then the quads having taken a beating, I was feeling great and was able to pick up the pace. I was probably close to a 7:30 which wasn't bad considering we were on dirt and I had run a barefoot 20 miler the day before. Passed quite a few people on the flat section and then I encountered the area where I had problems earlier and again, my chest seized up on me and I had to walk it off. Damn it! Deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths and then I was off again. I soon caught up to blondie and she appeared to be struggling. I slowed down and ran with her a short while and she mentioned the hill had wiped her out. I tried to perk her up by saying she was running strong and the finish line was just a few miles away, wished her good luck and I was on my way once again.
Its amazing how you can get a burst of energy when you spot the finish line regardless as to how far away it is. I was a little less then a mile away and got a rush and started pushing myself hard. I turned a corner and saw a couple volunteers who immediately started ringing the cow bells and snapping photos. I told them to quiet down or they'd wake the wildlife and rushed past them towards the finish line, sprinting as fast as I could, which probably wasn't all that fast but it was all that I had. Upon crossing the line I got a medal tossed around my neck and was told to squeeze the paws of some stuffed toy that immediately started dancing around and making noise. Neat. Where's the friggin water?
I met up with Maggie and found out she took 4th women's and hugged and congratulated her. She did awesome. I also wasn't surprised by the 1st and 2nd place women since I've run with them a few times and know what they can do. I know some amazing runners I think.
A short while later my friend Trasie crossed and we decided to break out the BBQ and start making some tacos to hand out. I'd slap a batch together and she'd walk around handing them out to those interested. I even had a line at the car and was taking requests. I hope the people enjoyed them.
But it was NFL kickoff time and so I had to scram. I told Trasie all the bbq was hers and to do what she wanted with it, said goodbye to a few friends and was off. Short stop by the store to pick up a 12-pack of Sam Adams and I was home for the rest of the day.
All in all, it was a great race and it was awesome running with so many people that I knew and/or recognized. Can't wait until next year.
dang, even with all my issues

dang, even with all my issues I still ended up with 1:57:26 which makes this my 3rd fastest 1/2

Great photo, Shacky!  I'll

Great photo, Shacky! I'll get to reading your rr very soon. Thanks for sharing it.

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