Random Babbling

Missed this one until now. thats a nice story Jen, thanks for sharing. Being happy is the biggest thing. Of course though for copious amounts of money I'll do just about anything :D
I've more or less stayed on the same track from elementary. Electronics became my hobby early on, back in early elementary when I got one of those radio shack kits where you build your own circuits. I wanted to be an astronaut like most kids, but I'd be happy as the 'engineer' or the one who designed or built the spacecraft. Through HS and college I stayed on the electronics route, but after the first big telecom crash and getting laid off from my engineering position at Lucent Tech I went off on a few tangents. Settled in with a much more secure position working for the power company. A far cry from my original goals but its good enough and I dont hate it at least. No hands on electronics whatsoever, but I do get to control powerplants on a much larger scale.
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