Please don't wait until the last minute...IBRD is right around the corner!

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
2017 International Barefoot Running Day™ Events

Start Planning Now!

The 7th Annual International Barefoot Running Day™ will be held on Sunday, May 7, 2017!

International Barefoot Running Day (IBRD) is a grassroots, inclusive effort to promote barefoot running as a healthy and viable way to run. It’s also about having fun and delighting in the idea of running barefoot with thousands of people worldwide on the same day.

Please take part in IBRD this year by hosting an event. We want to spread the word about our sport everywhere we can. You can make it fun by having a picnic or going to a restaurant. The distance doesn't have to be long, just whatever the group decides, so be sure to invite your friends and family as well as your chapter members.

More IBRD info and how to plan an event in your area:

So far, we have these great events planned for you. Be sure to check back often to see new ones!

Events Listing:
