People's reactions when you run

The key word here Josh is "old" it's an old wifes tale that by being barefoot or not wearing a sweater/coat in cold weather is going to cause peolpe to get colds.
Well, sweater and coat I can sort of understand. I mean if your whole body is freezing, doesn't it make you more susceptible to catching a cold?

In my case, I had cold feet but the rest of my body was warm. So no real issue here unless cold viruses/bacteria infect you through feet which as far as I know, isn't the case! :p
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While running on the weekend - saw lots of folks - again the vast majority no comment at all. One lady said - "I see you've got your Earth Shoes on." (How many of you remember Earth Shoes from 70's - early 80's?) One couple asked me a lot of questions about running barefoot and were receptive to the ideas - and knew of a couple of doctors here who run barefoot and recommend it. As we entered the trail from a slip road - we accidentally gave a couple of tourists a bit of a fright - Nero entered first - ahead of me on a 6foot leash. He's about 85 pounds and all black. So all they saw for a second was him before I appeared. They were taken aback - and said "For a second we thought there was a bear in Bermuda!"
Oh, but it's true. Don't you know that cold viruses have teeny, tiny eyes and they look around to see if somebody has their shoes off and they deliberately then go over to infect them, and them only! :wacky:
:nailbiting: you don't say:woot:
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Not exactly other people's reactions - but, when I drove to the place we were going to park for our run this morning, I pulled up close to the curb. When my barefoot daughters opened their doors, they were greeted with mats of dried weeds covering rough dirt. They teased me, "what kind of a mother would expect her children to walk barefoot through that!"
Little boy maybe three years old today: " Whoa! a Ninja!"
Parent: (chuckling) "No, he's not a Ninja"
Kid: "Yes he is, look, he's got TOES!"
Running to work this morning I decided my backpack was uncomfortably heavy and picked up a Citibike after a couple of miles. Whilst waiting at a light someone looked over at me and said, quizzically, "Not running today? ................. And you're wearing shoes!"

I fear I have become a "character" :)
I was out running yesterday- it was a glorious Fall day with bright sunshine, brilliant foliage, no wind, and temps in the 50's. Anyway, I approach a group of 6 or so middle-age people and they all commented on my barefoot running. One guy cracked me up when he asked "Are you running from the police?". Thought about that one for the rest of my run because I work in a prison, and I could picture an inmate doing that. :)

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