NRR, Funny things kids say

Holy crap!  My wife just

Holy crap! My wife just walked in to see what I was laughing at. This is funny stuff.

She just reminded me of one:

We were trying to potty train my son Alex, but we just couldn't find the right incentive to make him want to give up the diapers. Finally, he decided he really wanted a Razor scooter. Perfect -- every time he would ask about the Razor, we'd say, "After you pee, Alex." A few weeks later, my wife and I are walking down the street behind Alex in his big boy underwear, riding on his shiny new scooter. My wife turns to me and says, "Those scooters are kinda cool. I think I want one." Without slowing down, Alex raises one finger on his right hand and says,"After you pee, mommy, after you pee."
How sweet!  All of them are

How sweet! All of them are so sweet.
lol Jake, love itDama, that

lol Jake, love it

Dama, that is so sweet. Did he ever figure out the universe?
Now that is FUNNY!

Now that is FUNNY!
Everytime my 3 year old sees

Everytime my 3 year old sees a cat, he yells out look at the 'titty tat', cracks me up everytime.

Also everytime he sees a yellow car or truck, he screams out look at the 'Bumblebee car' or truck, etc. Would hate to take him to New York, he wouldn't be able to keep up with all the yellow taxi's.
LOL Bumblebee car:pAnd

LOL Bumblebee car:p

And Karen, can't blame the sort of is a boobie wrapper:p lmao

just dug these up

---"Mom, the people in my brain live in my thinking parts. They're sleeping, be quiet" -Max (4yrs)

---"Hey! I see Tutti butt hold!" -Nyla 2yrs

---"once upon a time there was a king named Max. The end. Was that a great story Max (her big brother) (Nyla 2.5yrs)

---With Olivia when she was 6yrs "Mom, we got to write about our pets today in class. "

"Oh really? What did you write about?"

"well, I sort of played a trick (her version of saying she fibbed)

"-how did you play a trick?"

-I said that Tutti (our cat) can do all kinds of fun tricks and that she liked to go in the bathtub"

"Wow, that's pretty creative. Though honey, if you're supposed to tell something real, you shouldn't make that kind of stuff up"

"but Mom! All Tutti does is lay around and get hair all over the place, I didn't want to write about that"

---"Mom, my brain is too heavy to carry" Olivia (going on 6)

---"when I'm bigger, I'm going to pick up the house and I'm going to marry you Mom" Max (going on 4)
PRECIOUS, you guys!

PRECIOUS, you guys!
Kids are the coolest and

Kids are the coolest :cool: and they don't even have to try
and damn TJ, how the hell do

and damn TJ, how the hell do you have 2800+ posts?!!! Just saw that, I thought I was chatty!
Haha, Zum, that first one is

Haha, Zum, that first one is great. I think this might be my favorite thread, haha. We don't need comedians, just stories about the crazy things little kids say.
no joke Danjo, lots of

no joke Danjo, lots of giggles throughout my day amidst the chaos...I think that's what keeps me afloat as a parent :)
You should see how many posts

You should see how many posts I have at "that other forum," and I haven't even hardly posted there in months! Hee.
Neither have I, maybe one

Neither have I, maybe one post every month or so :blush: Aw well, this is my home..I prefer to spend more time here;)
Good.  I'm glad to hear it.

Good. I'm glad to hear it.
While walking to preschool

While walking to preschool class last year, Max (4yrs at the time) was running through the halls so I reminded him "Max, please use your walking feet"

he very frankly replied "I am, I'm using them to run" :p
HAAAAAAAAAAA!  Smart kids.

HAAAAAAAAAAA! Smart kids. Gotta love 'em.
just prefacing this by saying

just prefacing this by saying that my 7yr old Olivia calls adults 'humans' and she's been wanting to try fencing for the last month.

"Mom, I really want to do fencing. I am kind of half human. I'm kind of big now, my legs are longer"
I just remembered another

I just remembered another one, without getting my journal out. When my oldest was about 3 or 4, we were at the store and he saw this old man with a cane, and he says, "Mommy, look at that old grandpa with a kickstand."
We had an influx of stick

We had an influx of stick bugs a few weeks ago. I encountered like three of them within 2 days. It was weird because around here you may see just one, once a year. My kids were out back in the yard playing (barefoot, of course), but I keep hearing the door opening and closing and opening closing. My youngest comes running in, "Mommy, mommy, a creature just ran into the house! A creature just ran into the house!" I went to check on what he was talking about, and sure enough, one of those stick bugs had ran into the house and was under a chair. I told him to keep an eye on it and went to get some tissue to pick it up and put it outside, when I got back, it had somehow already made it back to the back door and was crossing the threshold! It was booking! I have never seen anything like that before. I always thought those kinds of bugs were really slow, because you never really see them moving. They're always still. Just sharing.

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