New to Barefoot, New to Running, New to the Forum!


Oct 8, 2011
Hey Everyone!

I've been weightlifting for several years now but I never thought I was a runner. I had running shoes, but the first time I went for a run I got some nasty shin splints (I was never one to ease into things), so that put me off the idea for years. Well my brother-in-law was in a 5k and his friend was wearing these shoes with toes on them and I was intrigued. I googled toe-shoes and found the Vibrams.

I ended up getting some Vibram KSOs for my lifting originally. One day I decided to run to the car from the gym (a longer trip than you might think) and it was a BLAST. I felt like a kid, it was just fun to run! So the next day I did 2 miles of walking, jogging, and running (more of the former than the latter, obviously). Ever since I've been running every two days. Of course, I started about 8 days ago, but that's still ever since.

So now I'm able to run 2.5 miles, and I'm adding to it every other day until I can do 5 miles, then I'll shoot for 5 miles every day. I love it! I found this forum trying to get some help on which way to go - Softstar Moc3's or Runamocs. I'm looking forward to getting involved with local 5k's and 10ks. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and I see there are plenty of runs going on around here. I also have a few pounds to shed (cardio machines and I never quite meshed), so I'm looking forward to a leaner me as well!

So thanks for reading! See you around the forums :)
Welcome angelbird!  Glad

Welcome angelbird! Glad you're having fun but try not to do too much too soon - that way can lie significant discomfort.

As long as you are smiling you are probably doing just fine.
I worry about the 2.5 miles

I worry about the 2.5 miles in 8 days too, Chris. Angel, back off the mileage, and start over. Run no more than 1/2 mile at a time and rest every other day. I think the 10% increase per week is a good rule to follow.

Running in minshoes tends to give one a false sense of secuirty. You will feel that you can do more than you are ready for, more than your musculoskeletal system is ready for, and you may end up getting injured. It's better to be safe than sorry at this point, especially since you were turned off of running once before. Instead, try running barefoot first, so you can acclimate your musculoskeletal system slowly. We find that our plantar skin allows us to only go as far as we are truly ready, since both the musculoskeletal system and plantar skin seem to progress at about the same rate, meaning your feet will limit your ability to do too much too soon. Of course, winter is coming, so this will be more difficult for you to do. Since this is the case, I would suggest you be extra mindful of your progress in the VFFs.

Welcome! We're glad you found us!
I'll echo TJ's message.  As

I'll echo TJ's message.

As one who started in VFFs (aka: Crazy Toe Shoes), I can say it hindered my progress and I had to learn how to run twice. First in the VFFs, which was close, but not right and again barefoot. Even if you choose to only run or compete in minimals, barefoot is the way to start. Not even a 24hr a day running coach can compete with the instant feed back you'll get from your soles on pavement! You will learn 1000% faster! Also pick up "Barefoot Running Step by Step" by Ken Bob Saxton. Chapter 4 covering form is invaluable! Also check out the library section on this site for proper technique and form. There is nothing worse than finding out you LOVE to run, only to hurt yourself doing too much too soon or incorrectly and have to wait to feel the freedom again!

If you're not normally a person who goes around barefoot, the smart thing to do is to start. Take walks, get the mail, etc...any situation where you don't have to have shoes on. I'm constantly asked if I own any shoes by friends and family! Let the muscles in the feet, ankles, calves, etc get use to carrying the weight and get stronger. There are also exercises you can do to strengthen the arch, ankles, calves, etc. Just do a search on Youtube.

When you are ready to run, at a minimum, I'd say run the first half mile or so barefoot and then put the shoes on, if you must. I personally got hooked the first time I ran barefoot and only wore my VFFs when I had to heal "wrong way blisters".

Hope this helps. I know it sucks to go backwards, but it's better than stopping all together from an injury!

Good for you, ANgel! Listen

Good for you, ANgel! Listen to the good advice here. Take it easy and listen to your body no matter how much fun you are having. Its more fun to hold back a bit than be injured and not be able to run at all. That's awesome that you are enjoying it so much!!

Chris!! Man!! So nice to meet you at the NYC BFR! Was trying to track you down on FB, but Sweeney said he doesn't think you use it much if at all. Wanted to tell you what a pleasure it was to meet you and wish I had more time to talk with you. Next year for sure, if I'm able to get my ass over there again. :)
I actually run on an indoor

I actually run on an indoor track. I'd REALLY like to run completely barefoot, but my wife would be really upset. I don't know how to convince her that barefoot is no less safe than running in VFFs, but I don't want her to think that running in VFFs is unsafe either! Any tips on convincing a non-believer that barefoot is the way to go?

I have been avoiding doing way too much too soon. I stop myself well before anything starts to hurt, and I always take a day off between runs (and I don't feel sore anywhere on my days off). But if I can get the wife on board, I'll go 100% barefoot for sure!

I'll check out the resources on this site for running form now!
zapmamak wrote:Chris!! Man!!

zapmamak said:
Chris!! Man!! So nice to meet you at the NYC BFR! Was trying to track you down on FB, but Sweeney said he doesn't think you use it much if at all. Wanted to tell you what a pleasure it was to meet you and wish I had more time to talk with you. Next year for sure, if I'm able to get my ass over there again. :)

Great to meet you too. It sounds like you and Kate were trying hard to outlast the "city that never sleeps" - sorry you didn't succeed :tongue:

Pat's right - I don't get on FB at all. Unlike some I've only got 24 hours in my day and I need at least 18 hours sleep!

Fancy a run soon? I'm going to be in Incline Village at the end of October for 3 days - not a million miles from you :wink:
Chris - You'll be at Incline

Chris - You'll be at Incline VIllage??? What are you doing in Tahoe? That's so cool! Actually, I'm signed up for the Merrell Mud Run on Oct 30 in Folsom (about 1hr 45min?? away). When are you there?
Oh and we did try SO hard to

Oh and we did try SO hard to outlast the city that never sleeps. I think we did pretty good with a cumulative of maybe 6 hours of sleep for the entire 3 days. We were a wreck as you saw, but we tried! It was so much fun!
It's a work trip so I fear

It's a work trip so I fear I'm not going to have much in the way of free time - maybe on the afternoon of the 27th - but even that is doubtful.

Enjoy the mud-run, and your imminent marathon!
Welcome to the family,

Welcome to the family, Angel.

Great advice from Chris et al, don't get in too much of a hurry; injury awaits you if you do. Continue to take it slow and steady, moreso if you're running in minimalist shoes that dampen your feel for what your feet would be trying to tell you. I failed to follow this advice and bought myself a stress fractured left foot (10 weeks on the sidelines and very painful to add insult to injury).

You can certainly lose weight with the calories you'll burn off exercising aerobically, but it still always comes back to basic math: daily calorie burn minus daily calorie intake = weight loss (weight gain if a negative number).

Be careful out there, and enjoy!
I've scaled it back. I did

I've scaled it back. I did just over a mile today. My left calf is consistently more sore than my right, while my right inner thighs tend to be more sore than the left. I'm taking a break for a couple days and then I'll go back at it!
Good deal, Angel.  Playing it

Good deal, Angel. Playing it smart.
Angel, the way to convince

Angel, the way to convince any SO that running BF is not so bad is to start talking about needing a skirt / kilt to run in more comfortably. When you show them how running kilts look on some web sites, your SO will express extreme unhappiness and worry. You can then take up running BF as a backup, and comparatively very reasonable compromise position. They will heave a sigh of relief and thank you. Voila!
Makes sense to me!

Makes sense to me!
I've actually already

I've actually already bookmarked the "make your own running kilt" page and fully intend to tackle that as a weekend project soon :D I'm thinking I'm going to keep the SO in the dark on that one as long as possible. I'll probably be using the kilt in the dark, too :)

BTW - Got some soft star Moc3's and LOVE them!

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