New Runner

Just reporting on the newest runner in the Wilkinson household, my 6 year old daughter Zoe! We went for a 1.5mi run/walk (her first run ever!) today in her new Easter vffs. She did great and had a blast, she even did part of her run barefoot. :) She is super excited for her first fun run in the Michigan IBFRD event in Ann Arbor.
Congrats! What a great adventure you've begun! :D
If you let her go bf as much as she likes, she won't want to put shoes on come summer. And best of all, since she's still small and cute and a child, she can go bf in public, in businesses, nearly anywhere she likes without much of a glance. My son would 'forget' his shoes for entire days of running errands. Never got a look, not in any store. More than I could say if I tried it.
It's hard with my daughter as she is easily distracted, so it's hard to keep her paying attention to what she is stepping on, hence the VFFs. She did exclaim "I love running!" in the middle of our run though, so I am sure I will have plenty of opportunities to teach her the balance of paying attention to her surroundings and taking time to enjoy them as well.
look forward to seeing you two in Ann Arbor :)
Congrats! It's nice to have a little running buddy to go with you on some of your runs.

What size is she wearing? I'm thinking about getting my 6-year old some. He's a boy though, so the sizes may be a little different. I bought my 10-year-old son some about a year and ago or so, and he's already outgrown them. Now he's off the kid's VFF measuring chart but still too small for the men's, so he has to go to with women's but they don't have a lot of good "male" colors at our only local store that sells them.
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