My first sarcastic comment by a shod person.

Had one of the best comments ever in all my time of running, though it wasn't specifically about BF'ing.

I always wear colorful, functional doo-rags on my head these days and last Sunday we (Leni and I) were running past a pony-riding group of little kids, 3-somethings with Moms and Dads walking along with them. A few seconds after passing a family, I heard this tiny little voice, very objectively and neutrally say,

"A pirate"

That was sooooo sweet! She didn't start jumping up and down and screeching that there was a pirate running past. It was just an observation, like she could have been pointing out a cat crossing the path, or an apple on the ground. Like seeing (barefoot) pirates running down the pathway is an everyday event.

I had to turn around and give her a big thumbs up, and the parents laughed their heads off :D
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Got my first one this afternoon. I was running down the street and this lady yells out and says " where the hell are your shoes, are you nuts".

I have a shirt I run in that says "Certified Running Nut" It's a sorta running club I'm in. So for me, the answer would have been "Why yes, yes I am nuts. See, it says it right on my damn shirt."
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That is SO sweet, Willie. Probably the most precious comment I have ever heard (read). You do seem like a pirate though. ;)

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