Mortons Neuroma Surgery DONE!


Jul 29, 2011
Hello all! I just had my Mortons Neuroma removed from my left foot yesterday. I'm hoping to be able to return to running within the next month or so. Has anyone had experience with this surgery and then returning to running? I'm wondering how I should go about resuming my running program. I am also going to purchase my first pair of minimalistic shoes. I'm tired of foot injuries and dealing with the healing processes over and over. After doing research I've decided that the minimalistic shoes are the best way to go. I hope!!! :eek:) Any advise from anyone??? I would REALLY appreciate it. I'm sitting home with my foot elevated for the next 2 weeks while I recuperate from surgery. According to the doctor, my neuroma was large. I just hope to be back to running soon. I haven't ran in 3 months or better because of my foot pain from it and know I need to start out slow. Thanks in advance for any suggestions/advise!

Glad you got that part out of

Glad you got that part out of the way. You wrote to me and I responded with my story and gave you all the details of my history and background, but I never heard back from you. Did you get it? Was it helpful, insightful? As I said in my email, I'm thinking about having this done to the four neuromas in my feet (2 in each) this winter when running slows down anyway. Speedy healing.
Yes! I got your message, and

Yes! I got your message, and Thank You!!! It helped me a lot with the everything you told me you had been through. I decided to proceed with removing the neuroma and getting it out of the way. I did have 1 steroid injection to my foot that felt like liquid fire about a month before I ad=greed to the surgery. I had the surgery and am now sitting with my foot elevated for a few days. After I read about everything you went through, I decided to avoid all that pain. I had the surgery and actually woke up during it and watched them as they removed the neuroma and closed me up. The neuroma was much larger than I anticipated. The doctor even told me that it was large. SO, I'm hoping to heal up and get back to running soon!!! :eek:)
That's why I always add the

That's why I always add the 'ole "If I knew then what I know now, I would have opted for the traditional surgery" to each of my emails. I'm so glad you followed that advice, but I hope I was clear in noting that all the other procedures have been successful for many other people, just not me.

I've had about 10 - 15 people contact me personally, aside from the BRS, asking about my story with MN. They find me through Google searches and that "other" forum where I posted about this condition. I know what it's like first hand, or first-foot, or first-and-second foot, ha! what it's like to experience the entire gamut of possible procedures out there for MN, and I find it important to share that knowledge with others, so they don't go through the foot hell I've been through.

I've often thought about creating a support group for MN, but with the BRS and other responsibilities, I just don't know how I could manage it. It's very important that we keep in touch though, all of us, and you and I. I understand you just had this done, but when you have all of the answers or can feed them to me as you get them, I would like to know exactly everything you experienced from this surgery:

How much of the nerve did the doctor remove?;

Did he take more than just the neuroma?;

Did he move the nerve, so if it should grow back, it doesn't become compressed once again creating the same problem all over again?;

How large is your scar?;

Is the scar horizontal or vertical? (BTW, use Mederma after it's completely closed--it really does work);

How long until the swelling went down?;

How long until you were able to put weight on it?;

Are you in a boot (to avoid getting Plantar Fasciitis)?;

Are you wearing crutches?; (I have to contemplate having both feet at the same time, so that's why I ask about the boot and the crutches.)

How many off days did you have before you were able to walk again?;

How many off days did you have before you were able to run again?;

What does it feel like post-op 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, etc.?;

Weeks or months or years later, do you feel it growing back (Stump Neuroma)?;

Were you able to get back into shoes?;

If so, were there any types of shoes that bothered you? (not that I plan to every put my feet back in traditional foot coffins again);

Once you have a good feel for the success level of this surgery would you do it again?

Appreciate it!
Oh, and we'll want to move

Oh, and we'll want to move this thread to the ...Medical Conditions... forum after you respond, so you'll know where it's at.
I went for my Post Op

I went for my Post Op appointment Friday and all is doing well. It's Saturday evening and my surgery was this past Tuesday and I'm still staying off of my foot except to go to the bathroom and get a bite to eat from the kitchen. My family is helping a lot by bringing me food/snacks/drinks. I just hate having anyone wait on me, but, I get yelled at if they catch me up walking around! LOL!! My foot is not painful at all when I'm sitting and have it elevated, when I walk I wear a boot and can only put weight on my heel and move VERY slowly. NO CRUTCHES...per MD orders. After ambulating a little bit my foot gets a heart beat in it and starts feeling really tight, but is better as soon as I sit back down and elevate it.

My surgery- IV sedation, IV antibiotics immediately prior to surgery and went home with 7 days supply of Keflex 500mg, 4x daily. The doctor went in through the top of my foot and removed the Neuroma and the entire nerve up my foot. He states this lessens the likelihood of a stump neuroma coming in. The doctor sutured the inside of the incision inside my foot, but the skin is not sutured, he used butterfly sutures, placed 4x4s on top and between the 3rd/4th toe, then wrapped my foot with a compression bandage to assist with reducing swelling. Sent home with a Ice Boot to use once every 2 hours for 20 minutes. I stayed off my foot for 3 days except bathroom. I woke up during surgery and watched them as they finished up. I saw the neuroma after they removed it! It looked to be about 3 inches long and as big around as my finger, with a larger swelling at one end of it. Now, mind you my mind was a bit fuzzy but that's what I recall. The doctor commented on my post op visit that he was surprised I woke up and actually watched the surgery. He also advised that my neuroma was quite large.

Below I answered your questions the best as I could for now. I will update more as time goes by. I'm off work for 2 weeks, then back on light duty for 2 more weeks.

How much of the nerve did the doctor remove?; The entire nerve for that area with the neuroma.

Did he take more than just the neuroma?; Yes, the entire nerve as far up as he could go in that metatarsal space.

Did he move the nerve, so if it should grow back, it doesn't become compressed once again creating the same problem all over again?; No need to move it, it's GONE!

How large is your scar?; About 2 inch incision, looks good already!

Is the scar horizontal or vertical? (BTW, use Mederma after it's completely closed--it really does work); Incision on top of foot straight up from between the 3rd/4th toes. From toes towards ankle. About 2 inches if that.

How long until the swelling went down?; Swellings not bad as long as I keep it elevated. It's only been 4 days so far.

How long until you were able to put weight on it?; Weigth only on the heel so far. The ball of my foot is a BIG NO-NO! Painful there!

Are you in a boot (to avoid getting Plantar Fasciitis)?; Yep, fancy black velcro boot....

Are you wearing crutches?; (I have to contemplate having both feet at the same time, so that's why I ask about the boot and the crutches.) No crutches, as a matter of fact a nurse I work with had this same surgery done on both of her feet at the same time and also had no crutches. Just wear the boots and stay off the ball of the foot.

How many off days did you have before you were able to walk again?; Walked same day, immediately after surgery.

How many off days did you have before you were able to run again?; Probably I'm guessing about a month at least and then start back gradually.

What does it feel like post-op 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, etc.?;

5 days post op - still sore but doing better. Minimal swelling, wearing boot and keeping it elevated. Walking as little as possible to give it the chance to heal properly.

Weeks or months or years later, do you feel it growing back (Stump Neuroma)?; Don't know yet. Doubtful though!

Were you able to get back into shoes?; In 2 weeks from surgery.

If so, were there any types of shoes that bothered you? (not that I plan to every put my feet back in traditional foot coffins again);

Once you have a good feel for the success level of this surgery would you do it again? Most likely would, but will let you know at a later update. Today is only day 5 so far post op.
This is VALUABLE information

This is VALUABLE information to me. I will print your post out and take it with me. My problem is finding a good podiatrist around here, since I've already exhaused all of them through the many procedures I have been through. They apparently have a "group," and they pretty much monopolize this area.

The thing about walking on the heels is I've already done that after the cryosurgery on both feet, and that's what caused this horrible case of PF in both feet. I can't imagine trying to walk around at all, since I can't put pressure on my heels and surely won't be able to put pressure on the balls of my feet. I guess I will be throwing myself to the floor and crawling.

Keep me posted as you progress.
Awe! I feel for you! The

Awe! I feel for you! The walking on heels isn't fun for me either because I have heel spurs in BOTH heels. But, I tolerate them. LOL!! I live in NE Texas and the podiatrist I used is in Tyler. If you're near this area and wish to use him, let me know. I'll pass on his contact info for you. He is through the Trinity Mother Frances Hospitals & Clinics system. I'll keep you posted and good luck to you! God Bless you and you are in my prayers.

Thanks for your concern. 

Thanks for your concern. Prayers help. I'm in Georgia, so Texas is far off for me, although I did travel all the way to Tampa, Florida, for the cryosurgery. ;-) Good news is I think there's a new podiatrist in the area I plan to check out tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.
Good luck with the new

Good luck with the new podiatrist!! BTW> I moved here to Texas 4 years ago from Georgia. I lived in the Valdosta area for about 20 years before moving here. Small world! Oh, I also see you have the Deutchland/Germany chapter listed under your name. I was born and raised in Germany before I moved to Georgia back in 1983. :)
I'm originally from

I'm originally from California, Los Angeles (6 months), San Diego (17 years), then San Francisco Bay Area (4 years). Lived in western Kentucky for about four years. I've been in Georgia since the late October 1991. Now you can figure out my age. :-( I've never been to Germany though. I've added Florida-Siesta Key and Germany to my group, since I'm trying totroubleshoot/manage some issues we're having on the site with the initial membership registration process affecting just some of the chapter membership registration process. Yes, I know, boring.
LOL! Actually no, not boring

LOL! Actually no, not boring at all! :eek:) We're actually about the same age. :eek:) BTW> I'm able to start placing some weight on the ball of my foot today with very little pain!
OK, so now we know how TJ

OK, so now we know how TJ gets to claim Deutchland/Germany as one of her chapters, but what's your claim to Michigan?

Good to hear that your getting around fine and recovering nicely from the surgery.
No claim to Michigan! LOL!!

No claim to Michigan! LOL!! When I signed up I was trying to figure out the site and added some chapters. I figured maybe I could find a run in one of the other areas one day and go. Hopefully!

I live in Texas and finally found the Texas chapter. :eek:)
UPDATE! Today is  10/23/2011,

UPDATE! Today is 10/23/2011, surgery was 10/04/2011 and I am walking NORMALLY! NO limp, walking barefoot no less! YEA!! I still have a very slight swelling at the incision site, which appears as if it will heal with minimal scarring if any. Using Mederma on it 3 to 4 times daily now. I will begin some low impact aerobics tomorrow morning and I will be able to start back to running December 4th per the doctor. Doc wants me to wait until Dec to resume running to give me a full 8 weeks to heal. I can hardly wiat!! :)
Good news!  I'm excited!

Good news! I'm excited!
Hi there Sandra, I'm wondering if this post is still active here?
I have a Morton's Neuroma and am looking at my options and wondering how your foot almost 5 years after the removal of the nerve. Be great to hear how you are :)

Thanks! Nouschka - Cape Town, South Africa
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Hi there Sandra, I'm wondering if this post is still active here?
I have a Morton's Neuroma and am looking at my options and wondering how your foot almost 5 years after the removal of the nerve. Be great to hear how you are :)

Thanks! Nouschka - Cape Town, South Africa
How are you doing, diagnosis, treatments, details, etc.? Please join us at MN Talk at, the only forum dedicated to this condition and only this condition. Check out my signature. Hope to see you there soon!
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